
In Miro Palace, Jiang Feng opened his eyes, exhaled slowly, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

After his hard practice, he finally made some progress in the witch clan's great magical power of Fa Tian Xiang Di.

However, he was still a little dissatisfied, not with the progress of his practice, but with the utilization of the ancient tea leaves for enlightenment.

He found that after brewing a piece of ancient tea leaves for enlightenment, drinking the tea in one gulp can indeed greatly improve one's understanding, make the mind clear and intelligent, and be of great benefit to cultivation.

However, this method only has a utilization rate of 70% for the ancient tea leaves for enlightenment, and the rest are all scattered into the air and no longer exist.

Even Jiang Feng only achieved a utilization rate of 70%, so you can imagine that for others, it is only 50% at most.

This is simply too wasteful.

The ancient tea leaves for enlightenment are extremely precious and rare in the world. Even if Jiang Feng picked all the leaves from the entire tree, there is a limit to how many there are. If one leaf is used, there will be one less leaf, and there will always be a day when they are all used up.

"No, such a rare ancient tea for enlightenment cannot be wasted like this, it is simply a waste of heaven's gift, we must find a way to make full use of it."

After thinking for a while, Jiang Feng decided to use the ancient tea for enlightenment as the main material to refine a pill.

The pill is swallowed into the body as a whole, and there is no volatilization. Although it is very difficult to use it 100%, it can definitely greatly increase the utilization rate, which is beyond doubt.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feng immediately selected the materials, and then sacrificed the Qiankun Ding and carefully refined it.

Anyway, there will be no big things next, and it will enter a relatively peaceful period, so there is no need to plan too much.

Jiang Feng can concentrate on refining the pill.

During this period, Taibai Jinxing accepted the imperial edict of the Jade Emperor and went down to the world again to recruit Sun Wukong.

This time, Sun Wukong was legitimately named the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, and was given a Great Sage Equaling Heaven Palace. He also had a place to settle down in the heavenly court, and was even rewarded with golden flowers. Imperial wine, it can be said that the glory has reached its limit.

However, Sun Wukong, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, is in name only, with an official position but no salary, it is just an empty position.

According to the plan of Western Buddhism, this move is aimed at restraining Sun Wukong and preventing him from making trouble again and disturbing the peace of the three realms.

At the beginning, Sun Wukong had been hiding in his own mansion, practicing without stopping for a moment.

But after a long time, he felt a little boring. After all, he was a monkey, how could he stand loneliness all the time?

So, he walked out of the mansion, wandered around the heaven, made friends, and called brothers.

Maybe because he stole Jiang Feng's elixir, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven Sun Wukong felt a little guilty, and never visited the Miluo Palace.

And Jiang Feng didn't have the free time. During this period of time, he was obsessed with refining the elixir and didn't meet anyone.


After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng finally stopped.

In the Qiankun Cauldron, there were three pills shining brightly, with seven pill patterns engraved on them, as if there was an interweaving of Tao and reason, mysterious and unpredictable.

Just these three pills took Jiang Feng 49 days, as well as a huge amount of mana, making him drenched in sweat all over his body. At this time, his face was pale, as if he was exhausted.

But the result was good. Looking at the color of the pills, they were round, smooth, and bright, and it was obviously successful.

"Let's call it Wudao Tiandan!" Jiang Feng gave it a resounding name.

Then, he lay on the bed to recuperate and recover his vitality.

Not long after, night fell.

Jiang Feng was lying on the bed, and suddenly he seemed to realize something, and his mind moved.

Now, he has set up the Twelve Gods and Demons of the Capital in the mansion, holding the Gods and Demons of the Capital in his hand. Every move, every flower, every tree, every blade of grass, and every grain of sand in the entire Miro Palace cannot escape his eyes.

At this moment, in his perception, the Monkey King came again, still transformed into a moth, shuttling in the Miro Palace, silently, not noticed at all, and flew straight to Jiang Feng's room.

Obviously, this monkey came again.

He tasted the benefits last time and was promoted to Taiyi Jinxian in one fell swoop. Now that the gourd of pills is almost empty, he thought of taking this shortcut again. Jiang

Feng couldn't help but smile. This monkey simply treated him as an ATM.

However, this is exactly what Jiang Feng wanted to see. Let this monkey destroy the Journey to the West by himself, and save him the effort of planning.

It happened that Jiang Feng refined the Enlightenment Pill, so he immediately prepared another gourd of pills for the monkey.

Soon, the moth transformed by the monkey entered the room, and as usual, it circled above Jiang Feng's head for a circle to find out the situation, and then began to turn around.

But after turning around three times, it found nothing.

"Could it be that Jiang Feng hasn't been refining the elixir during this period?" Sun Wukong was suspicious.

After a brief pause, Sun Wukong turned around twice, but still found nothing. He had to give up and said,"Forget it, I'll come back later!"

Just as Sun Wukong turned around and was about to leave, he suddenly seemed to catch a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye, and his heart was moved.

"Hey! That is……"

The monkey cried out in surprise and immediately turned around, and saw a jade gourd in Jiang Feng's arms.

"Hehe, haha, so it's here. This Lord Jiang is really cautious enough, but do you think I can't find it if you hide it in your arms?"

""Take it!"

Then, Sun Wukong stretched out a furry finger and blew a breath. In an instant, a mysterious and ethereal fairy power was formed, and the jade gourd was swept up in an instant.

The jade gourd seemed to have a spirit, and it floated into Sun Wukong's hand in a blink of an eye, without anyone noticing.

After getting the treasure, Sun Wukong immediately put it in his arms, and then looked at Jiang Feng vigilantly.

Jiang Feng was sleeping soundly, snoring in his nose, drooling at the corners of his mouth, and I don't know what sweet dream he was having.

"This guy sleeps like a dead pig! I wonder how he will feel when he wakes up the next day and sees another gourd of elixirs thrown away?"

Sun Wukong imagined for a while, then smiled secretly and left.


The next day, at dusk, Jiang Feng woke up leisurely.

After sleeping for almost a day and a night, he had recovered a lot of energy, and his spirits were full, his eyes were bright.

"By the way, how about trying this Enlightenment Heavenly Pill?"

Jiang Feng suddenly remembered this and immediately swallowed a Enlightenment Heavenly Pill.

Just as he was about to continue to comprehend the great magical power of the Law of Heaven and Earth, Princess Longji suddenly pushed the door open and came in.

"Jiang Feng, Jiang Feng, I have good news for you. I have been promoted to Taiyi Golden Immortal. Hehehe……"

Princess Longji was overjoyed and laughed a series of bell-like laughter.

Jiang Feng was not surprised. He had refined so many pills and even gave them to Sun Wukong and Nezha. It was impossible for him not to give them to Longji. With the princess's talent, it was completely reasonable for her to break through.

"That's great. Jiang Feng was naturally happy.

Then, Princess Longji came forward, and a fresh fragrance drifted into Jiang Feng's nose.

For some reason, Jiang Feng suddenly felt a little hot in his head. Looking at the young and beautiful Princess Longji, he was a little distracted.

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