"You actually recognized me?" The Peacock King raised his eyebrows, extremely surprised. This young man could actually surprise him twice, which was really extraordinary. The

Peacock King was originally named Kong Xuan. He was the first peacock in the world and was born to Yuan Feng, the patriarch of the Xiantian Phoenix clan.

In the distant early days of the prehistoric times, at the last moment of the Longhan Calamity, the three clans of dragon, phoenix and unicorn were all defeated, and Yuan Feng also suffered a great loss of vitality, but at this time, Kong Xuan was born.

Therefore, Kong Xuan was born with deficiencies and should not have achieved much, but he was determined and went through many hardships, and finally achieved something.

During this period, he always endured in the world, practiced silently, and never showed up. He only took action a few times in the Conferred God Calamity. He could be said to have suddenly appeared in the world and was invincible in the world.

But in the end, he was forcibly converted by the Western Zhunti Taoist, worshipped Buddhism, and was named the Peacock King.

This part is quite secretive, and only a few people in the Three Realms knew about it, so even Princess Longji did not recognize him.

"If I am not mistaken, it was Tathagata Buddha who ordered you to kill me!" Jiang Feng said calmly.

In fact, he was shocked at first. Because of the last incident that disrupted the Journey to the West, he guessed that the Western Buddhist sect would take action, but he did not expect that it would be so ruthless and decisive. They actually sent people to assassinate him, and it was the Peacock King.

Kong Xuan became famous in the Conferred God Tribulation. He had never been defeated under the saints. Even the Burning Lamp Taoist, who was the deputy leader of the Chan Sect at the time, was not his opponent.

Now he has a very important position in the Buddhist sect, and even Tathagata Buddha has to respect him.

His strength is definitely at the quasi-leader level. His innate magical power, the five-color divine light, shocked the world, was so strong that it was against the sky, and he could not defeat anything. He once had the title of the first person under the saint.

Although this title has not been truly verified, his strength is enough to be seen.

Tathagata Buddha sent him out directly, which also shows how much the Western Buddhist sect attaches importance to the Journey to the West Tribulation, and will never tolerate anyone to disrupt it.

"That's right," the Peacock King nodded, not hiding anything, and then said lightly:"So, are you ready to be killed?"

Jiang Feng chuckled and shook his head,"What a pity, what a pity, Kong Xuan, you are the first peacock in the world, the son of Yuan Feng, the patriarch of the Xiantian Phoenix Clan, but you were extradited into the Western Buddhist sect. It's really sad.……"

Before Jiang Feng could finish his words, he was interrupted by Peacock King,"Do you want to disturb my mind and incite me to rebel so that you can save your life?"

"Stop talking nonsense. If you have any last words, tell them as soon as possible. This is your last bit of time. I hope you will cherish it."

The Peacock King put his hands behind his back, not in a hurry.

He was calm and confident, as if he had everything under control and no one could escape.

"Kong Xuan! You are the first person under the saint, Kong Xuan, what do you want to do? Don't mess around!"

Princess Longji finally reacted. Although she didn't know the Peacock King, she was familiar with the name of Kong Xuan. She was panicked.

This person is a terrifying existence. He is arrogant and can ignore everything. He once said that although the world is big, I can go there alone.

""Kong Xuan, do you know who Jiang Feng is? He is the son-in-law of my father, the Jade Emperor, and a disciple of Nuwa. If you dare to touch him, neither my father nor Nuwa will let you go."

Princess Longji stepped forward, protected Jiang Feng behind her, and threatened Kong Xuan with the Jade Emperor and Nuwa.

In response, Kong Xuan chuckled,"So what? Since I dare to come, there is nothing to fear."

Jiang Feng had expected this scene. Now that the saint's true body cannot descend in the Three Realms and Six Paths, the Peacock King is naturally fearless.

"you……"Princess Longji's pretty face froze, and she was at a loss.

"Father, Mother, help me!……"

In a desperate situation, Princess Longji could not help but shout for help.

The Peacock King looked calm,"The person I want to kill will die, no one can save him!"

"Since you don't cherish the chance I gave you, then get going!"

The voice of the Peacock King suddenly turned cold, and a murderous look flashed across his eyes.

He was about to take action, but Jiang Feng suddenly laughed,"Kong Xuan, Kong Xuan, you are really conceited. Perhaps somewhere else, I, Jiang Feng, can only sit and wait for death."

"But in this Miro Palace, I have the final say on your life and death!"

On the side, Princess Longji opened her beautiful eyes wide, full of disbelief.

She was quite puzzled, and didn't understand where Jiang Feng's confidence came from.

You know, Kong Xuan in front of him is a peak quasi-saint, and he is also the number one person under the saint. I am afraid that even if her father and mother join forces, they may not be able to beat Kong Xuan.

"Hmm?" The Great Peacock King froze with a look of doubt, then smiled coldly,"You are just bluffing, let's see what's real with our hands!"


At this moment, there was a sudden explosion above his head, shaking the earth and mountains, and shocking the world.

At the same time, the sky suddenly darkened, and the wind and clouds changed suddenly. In a blink of an eye, the entire Miro Palace fell into darkness.

Looking up, Kong Xuan saw that in the sky, there was suddenly an endless amount of evil energy from heaven and earth gathering together. It was dark and deep, like a leaden cloud, covering the sky and the sun, and you couldn't see your hand in front of you.

"This is……"The Peacock King frowned. For some reason, he suddenly felt palpitations and an inexplicable sense of crisis.

""It's just a trifle, not worth mentioning, break it!"

The Peacock King roared, then raised his monk robe, and a five-color divine light shot out.

The five-color divine light was green, yellow, red, black, and white, shining brightly, illuminating the entire Miro Palace.

Its aura was mysterious, ethereal, thick and dignified, mysterious and unpredictable, and difficult to understand.

This five-color divine light was a point of innate chaotic energy, which was divided into the five elements of energy, nurtured in Kong Xuan's body, and finally grew into five feathers on his tail.

It looks elegant, but in fact it is as heavy as an ancient mountain, and as sharp as a sword, indestructible, and can wipe out everything.

At this time, in the sky, with the condensation of infinite evil spirits, vaguely, a A figure seemed to appear out of thin air.

As the five-colored divine light approached, its outline gradually emerged.

It was a giant, seemingly infinitely tall, with his head touching the sky and his feet on the ground. He was very strong and had muscles all over his body, giving people an extremely strong visual impact. The veins on his arms were bulging, like mountains, undulating and winding.

Although his figure was blurry, just a phantom, his aura was boundless and supreme.

It seemed that he was the master of this world, the ruler of the entire world, omnipotent, and could kill millions of people and bleed in anger, which was extremely terrifying.

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