"What happened just now?"

The Jade Emperor asked impatiently as he descended.

"Father, the Peacock King of Buddhism wants to kill Jiang Feng!" Princess Longji replied immediately.

"What!"The Queen Mother was shocked, her eyes widened,"The Peacock King, Kong Xuan, the number one person under the Saint?"

"How is Jiang Feng?" The Jade Emperor asked impatiently, his expression more solemn than ever before.

Jiang Feng's importance to the Heavenly Court is self-evident. He is even the chess player on their side. If something goes wrong with him, the consequences will be disastrous.

Princess Longji raised a white jade finger, pointed to the direction of the pavilion in the center of the lake, and said lightly:"He is fine, there is no danger, the Peacock King has been suppressed by Jiang Feng."

"The Peacock King was suppressed by Jiang Feng? Daughter, are you kidding me?"

"How is this possible? Kong Xuan is the number one person under the saints. His innate magical power, the five-color divine light, is so strong that it is against the sky and can wipe out anything. Even your father and I combined may not be his opponents. How can Jiang Feng defeat him?"

Hearing this, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were stunned, suspecting that they had heard it wrong and couldn't believe it.

As the supreme and mistress of the three realms, they have seen so much of the world and experienced so many storms so far, but they couldn't help being shocked at this moment.

In fact, in just a few breaths, the information they absorbed was too abrupt and explosive.

"Father, mother, empress, what your daughter said is true. If you don't believe it, go and see it."

"Let me out, Jiang Feng, if you have the guts, give me another chance. I understand everything. What you just used was just the Wu Clan's Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Formation, and it was not a complete version. It could only condense a Pangu phantom and could only strike once."

"And this Heavenly Dao's fierce and strange treasure, the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin, was just used when I was not prepared. You just relied on the magic weapon. These are external objects after all. If we really rely on strength, ten of you combined cannot match one of my fingers."

Inside the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin, the Peacock King was still roaring madly. He was extremely unwilling.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother came forward and were petrified on the spot, dumbfounded.

After a long time, the Jade Emperor came back to his senses. He clenched his fist, and a crisp sound of bones cracking could be heard. The veins on his fist bulged, and he was obviously full of anger.

"The Western Buddhist sect is so despicable and shameless! I think it’s better not to cooperate with the Journey to the West!"

The Jade Emperor was furious, unprecedented.

He has always been tolerant, but this time, these old bald donkeys touched his bottom line.

Jiang Feng frowned, then urged his magic power to control the Heaven-Suppressing Coffin and completely seal it to prevent the Peacock King from hearing their conversation.

"Your Majesty, there is no need to be so angry. Western Buddhists have always been insidious and cunning, and they will do anything to achieve their goals. They are fully capable of doing such things."

"However," Jiang Feng's tone suddenly changed, he had already prepared a countermeasure,"The Western Buddhist sect is powerful, and with our current strength, it is not appropriate for us to tear our faces off with them and confront them head-on."

"What we need most is time to grow and develop. In my opinion, it is better to keep this matter as it is and pretend that nothing has happened."

"When the enemy comes, we will stop him; when the water comes, we will flood him. Let's see what the Western Buddhist sect will do next, and then we can think of a countermeasure. As for the Journey to the West, we should proceed according to our original plan. Your Majesty, just cooperate, and I will take care of the rest."The

Jade Emperor frowned, his face was a little gloomy. Although he was full of anger, when he thought about it carefully, what Jiang Feng said was completely reasonable.

Besides, since he took the throne of the Jade Emperor, he has been forbearing. I don't know how long he has been forbearing. Does he still care about this moment?

"My dear minister, what you said makes sense. I will listen to you." The Jade Emperor nodded.

Then, the Queen Mother asked again:"My dear minister, how should we deal with the Peacock King?"

"Of course I can't let him go. This person has a profound Taoism and boundless magic power. He still has a lot of value. Let's suppress him first. I will use him in the future." Jiang Feng raised an unfathomable smile at the corner of his mouth. It was obvious that he had a plan for this Peacock King.

"By the way, Your Majesty," Jiang Feng seemed to suddenly think of something and asked,"How is the Monkey King Sun Wukong? Has he been assigned a job now?"

"Not yet, but considering the time, it is time for him to guard the Peach Garden."The Jade Emperor replied

"That's perfect." Jiang Feng smiled mysteriously.

Since the Western Buddhist sect is so despicable, don't blame him for planning the next step in advance, which completely deviated the trajectory of the Journey to the West.

"Father, mother, I have good news for you. Jiang Feng and I have decided on a wedding date. It will be held at the Peach Festival on your mother's birthday." Princess Longji hugged Jiang Feng's arm with a happy smile on her face.

"Good, great, double happiness!"The Jade Emperor was delighted, and his previous depression was swept away.

The Queen Mother was also a little excited, and there was even a sparkle in her beautiful eyes.

She was naturally delighted that her daughter could have such a good home.

After staying for a while, the Jade Emperor left and explained to the immortals and gods about the abnormality of the Miluo Palace just now, concealing the fact that the Peacock King attacked and killed Jiang Feng.

Princess Longji also left with the Queen Mother to make some preparations for the day of double happiness.

Jiang Feng sat under the pavilion in the middle of the lake, looking at the Zhentian Coffin in front of him, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Peacock King, do you want to come out?" Jiang Feng asked with a faint smile.

"Nonsense, do you dare to let me out?" The voice of the Peacock King was extremely cold.

Jiang Feng was not angry, and continued:"Why not? This Miro Palace is my world. Since I can suppress you once, I can suppress you twice. However, you have to agree to one condition of mine before I can let you out."

"What conditions? As long as you dare to let me out, I will agree to any one of them, not just one."The Peacock King said impatiently.

"Very good," Jiang Feng stood up, put his hands behind his back, paced back and forth in the pavilion in the middle of the lake, and then said jokingly:"It's actually very simple. I, Jiang Feng, have nothing else to ask for in my life, but I love food. I can be said to be a big foodie, especially for the primitive alien species like you."

"Frankly speaking, I want to taste what it feels like to be the world's number one peacock. As long as you are willing to peel off your five tail feathers in this heaven-suppressing coffin, I will let you out."

"You bastard, you actually want to eat me, you damned beast, you will not have a good death in the future. If I wait for you to get out, I will cut you into pieces and grind your bones to dust.……"

The Peacock King cursed angrily, his tone was fierce, without any Buddha nature, as if he wanted to eat Jiang Feng alive.

The five tail feathers were his innate magical power, and they were also the basis for him to become the first person under the saint. How could he agree to peel them off? This was equivalent to asking for his life.

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