"Of course not. What I want to eat most now is you, my noble princess!"

Jiang Feng smiled sinisterly, and then fell asleep in his arms with Princess Longji.

After enjoying most of the night, Jiang Feng sneaked out to do something big. He placed the only remaining yellow plum in the Peach Garden.


The next day.

The Monkey King Sun Wukong wandered in the Peach Garden. He had been here for some time.

The peaches here had filled his stomach several times. However, he had now become a Taiyi Golden Immortal, so even the most precious 9,000-year-old peaches were not very useful to him.

But the wonderful taste still made him linger and couldn't help himself.

So now, he came to pick peaches to fill his stomach, not only for himself, but also for his beloved Fairy Zixia.

""Eh!" As he walked, the Great Sage Equaling Heaven, Sun Wukong, seemed to have sensed something and could not help but let out a surprised cry.

He was currently in the deepest part of the 9,000-year-old Peach Garden. At this moment, an unusual fruit suddenly appeared on a peach tree in front of him.

This fruit was orange-yellow, emitting a bright and precious light, and a refreshing fragrance. Its appearance was very unique and it was out of place in this Peach Garden.

It was not as big as the 9,000-year-old peaches, but the aura it exuded was surging and extremely pure.

"How strange! What kind of fruit is this, and how can it grow on the peach tree?"Sun Wukong walked forward, looking confused.

After a pause, Sun Wukong couldn't help but chuckled twice,"Never mind, let's try it first!"

The next moment, Sun Wukong picked the yellow fruit and put it into his mouth.

While chewing, Sun Wukong tasted the flavor carefully, but suddenly, both of his eyeballs stood up.

A fierce and pure energy emerged from his lower abdomen out of thin air, and then condensed together, as if forming a giant dragon, calling the wind and rain, and rushing through the meridians in his body.

"No, such overbearing energy.……"

Sun Wukong panicked, his face flushed red, and he looked like a volcano about to erupt.

He hurriedly sat cross-legged, madly practicing the Fighting Saint Technique, and tried his best to refine and devour it.

After enduring endless pain, everything gradually stabilized and slowly got on the right track. After all, the Monkey King was the Lingming Stone Monkey, one of the four monkeys in the world, and he had eaten so many elixirs from Jiang Feng, with a body of steel and iron, plus the strong foundation of Taiyi Jinxian, so refining this Huangzhongli was a piece of cake.

Through the diary, Jiang Feng understood Sun Wukong's current situation, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

It won't take long for this monkey to achieve Daluo Jinxian. By then, the entire Journey to the West will be seriously deviated and will undergo earth-shaking changes.

In the following days, Jiang Feng refined elixirs day and night to accumulate foundation.

Now, his cultivation has greatly improved, reaching the peak of Daluo Jinxian, his magic power is more powerful than ever before, and he can control the innate treasure Qiankun Ding more easily.

In addition, he has refined the Jiumei Divine Fire. Under the blessing of this innate fire, Jiang Feng can refine pills more freely, and his alchemy skills have also been improved. It can be said that he has reached the pinnacle and is perfect.

At the same time, Jiang Feng also reported to the Jade Emperor, asking him to mobilize his power to collect some materials to refine the Zhoutian Xingchen Banner and set up the Zhoutian Xingdou formation one step ahead of time.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng came out of the alchemy room. Although he looked a little tired, his eyes were shining with joy.

Obviously, he had gained a lot this time.

"After working so hard for so many days, it's time to take a break."

Jiang Feng comforted himself. In fact, he was still greedy for Princess Longji's body.

After all, they had just broken through that layer of relationship. Even Jiang Feng often lingered on that wonderful feeling and couldn't extricate himself.

The sky was dark and the night was quiet.

Jiang Feng and Princess Longji had just finished their conversation and were resting when suddenly, two figures entered his room like ghosts.

These two figures were like ghosts, without a body, and they passed through the walls and windows as if there was nothing.

""Who are you? How dare you break into my Miro Palace!"

Jiang Feng stood up suddenly, his voice was cold and fierce, his eyes were filled with fire.

His Miro Palace has been very lively recently, the Monkey King Sun Wukong came to steal the elixir, the Peacock King of Western Buddhism came to attack and kill him, and now two more people have come. Do these people really regard his Miro Palace as their own home, coming and going as they please?

However, the two people in front of him are a little weird, one black and one white, wearing tall hats on their heads, with a gloomy and cold aura, and holding handcuffs and leg cuffs.

They were obviously not sent by Western Buddhism, and Jiang Feng was a little confused about their origins for a while.

But at this moment, Princess Longji screamed:"Black and White Impermanence! Why do you come to Heaven instead of staying in the underworld?"

""Princess, we are here for him."

Black and White Impermanence stretched out their handcuffs and leg irons, pointed at Jiang Feng and said in a trembling voice

"What! You came for me, do you want to take my soul?" Jiang Feng was surprised and suspected that he had heard wrongly.

Even if they were very brave, they would not be so desperate to take his soul!

Princess Longji's eyes were wide open, full of shock, but then she shouted angrily:"Black and White Impermanence, are you crazy?"

"Do you know who Jiang Feng is? He is the God of Justice in Heaven, the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall, and my fiancé. How dare you come to seduce his soul? Do you want to die?"

"Not to mention you, the Black and White Impermanence, even the Ten Kings of Hell don't have this right!"

Princess Longji stood in front of Jiang Feng, her voice was stern, and she looked like she was eager to protect her husband.

"No, no, no, Your Highness, no, it's not like that. Even if we were given a hundred guts, we wouldn't dare to seduce the soul of your Majesty's son-in-law!"

Hei Wuchang waved his hands repeatedly, almost crying in anxiety, and hurriedly explained

"Yes, yes," Bai Wuchang also echoed,"How dare we seduce the soul of Lord Jiang? Yes, we invite Lord Jiang to visit our underworld."

"Yes, yes, yes, come and be my guest." Hei Wuchang nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

But Princess Longji didn't believe it at all, it was too weird.


Immediately, Princess Longji drew out the Qingluan Sword and put it directly on Hei Wuchang's neck,"Tell me, what are your intentions? Who assigned you to come here? Tell me the truth!"

This posture scared Hei Wuchang so much that his face turned pale. He knelt down on the spot and said tremblingly,"Your Highness, Princess, yes, it is a task assigned by the superiors, just to invite Palace Master Jiang to be a guest. We don't know the details."

Bai Wuchang also knelt down, cupped his hands and begged repeatedly,"Your Highness, Palace Master Jiang, Jiang, I am just following orders. The superiors said that if we can't invite Palace Master Jiang, let my brother and I be destroyed in body and soul."

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