Not guilty!

Hearing Jiang Feng's sudden words, everyone was stunned, including the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

Not to mention the people in the Heavenly Court, even some scattered immortals and even monsters knew that this was a serious crime, a serious violation of the Heavenly Law, enough to be taken to the beheading platform.

In the past, Yao Ji, the sister of the Queen Mother Yao Chi, secretly married someone in the mortal world and even gave birth to three children including Yang Jian, which angered the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother. They personally suppressed her in Taoshan in the lower world to rectify the power of heaven.

Now, a little fairy is in love with the Monkey King Sun Wukong, how can she be innocent?

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on Jiang Feng, with different expressions.

The eyes of the Western Buddhists were full of anger. Jiang Feng was a thorn in their eyes and a thorn in their flesh. It was really hateful!

"As the manager of the Peach Garden, you secretly fell in love with a fairy and had feelings for her. Everyone knows that this is against the rules of heaven. How do you defend yourself?" Guanyin Bodhisattva looked at Jiang Feng coldly and asked.

"Oh," Jiang Feng responded indifferently:"Guanyin Bodhisattva���, you said this heavenly law, it has been abolished by this God of Justice, so they are not guilty!"

Fuck, abolished!

Is it possible to be like this?

Jiang Feng's voice fell, and the immortals, gods and Buddhas in the hall were confused again.

Even the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother were stunned, and then they couldn't help laughing secretly.

High, Jiang Feng's move is really too high, it is simply the pinnacle!

The reason he gave is completely reasonable. The heavenly law has been abolished and there is no law to rely on. Isn't that not guilty?

""Jiang Tianshen, are you kidding me? This Heavenly Rule has been in use for tens of thousands of years, how could it be abolished so easily? Who abolished it? When was it abolished? How could we not know about it!" Guanyin Bodhisattva asked another series of questions.

Jiang Feng replied in a very serious and solemn tone:"The Heavenly Rule is the legal system of our Heavenly Court, which is extremely important. How could a God of Justice joke about such a thing?"

"Originally, this is a private matter of my heaven, purely an internal affair, and I have nothing to say. But since you, Guanyin Bodhisattva, asked, then it’s okay to tell you directly."

"Just now, after this God of Justice and Princess Longji completed their wedding ceremony and truly became the son-in-law of Heaven, he suddenly had the idea to abolish this Heavenly Rule."

"What! Just abolished? Did I hear that correctly?"

"Abolished on a whim? This is too absurd, too hasty, too sloppy, too irresponsible."

"What kind of judicial god is this? Is he playing with the law of heaven? He is just a three-year-old child. How can he abolish it just like that?"

"Why do I want to laugh so much? It was just abolished? You abolished it specifically for Western Buddhism, right?"

"As expected, he is Jiang Tianshen, he has personality, I like him!"

"No wonder he was able to marry Princess Longji. Just for his courage, we can't keep up with his flattery!"


The entire Yaochi was in an uproar, with people whispering to each other, discussing and making a lot of noise.

Some people who were not involved were just watching from the sidelines, with a mentality of watching the fun.

It was obvious that the Heavenly Court and the Western Buddhist Sect had just started a fight, and the contest between the two behemoths was full of highlights.

On the chairs, the Western Emperor Gou Chen and the Northern Emperor Ziwei stared at Jiang Feng with burning eyes, full of surprise.

They had heard of Jiang Feng's name and some of his deeds before, but hearing about him was not as good as meeting him. At this moment, they realized that this young man was really different, at least he was very bold! When the

Western disciples heard this, they were so angry that they almost vomited blood. This was almost a clear sign of going against them, and in full view of the public.

""Jiang Tianshen," Guanyin Bodhisattva spoke again,"As far as I know, this heavenly rule was established by the Queen Mother in the past, and it is intended to restrain and discipline the immortals and gods in heaven. You, a small judicial god, abolished the heavenly rule without permission. Where do you put the Queen Mother?"

Then, Guanyin Bodhisattva turned his gaze to the Queen Mother,"Queen Mother, what do you think?"

It must be said that Guanyin Bodhisattva is very smart. She instantly pointed the finger at the Queen Mother, and wanted to use the Queen Mother's power to suppress Jiang Feng.

The Queen Mother was stunned. This change was too sudden. She had no preparation in advance and didn't know how to explain it.

However, as the mistress of the Three Realms, she had experienced countless storms, and she, the Queen Mother, was not just a bunch of idlers.

"This heavenly law was indeed established by me, but now, my son-in-law Jiang Feng is the God of Justice and the Lord of the Law Enforcement Hall, in charge of punishment, so the right to interpret all the heavenly laws belongs to him, and even I have no right to ask."

With just a few words, the Queen Mother resolved the situation easily and comfortably, and handed everything over to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng was carefully planning behind the scenes, and he must have been fully prepared.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile. The Queen Mother was not an easy person to deal with, and she instantly broke the fantasy of Guanyin Bodhisattva to use her power to suppress

"Mother," Jiang Feng clasped his hands and said respectfully,"Although I am in charge of punishment and have the right to amend the Heavenly Law, you are the Lord of Heaven, so I still have to explain this matter."

"Although I just had a sudden thought, I have also considered it carefully. I think that all the gods in heaven have seven emotions and six desires. Even saints have desires, let alone ordinary creatures."

"Therefore, this heavenly rule is very unreasonable, but at that time, the Heavenly Court was just established and was very unstable, and it was necessary to restrain the immortals and gods. And due to limitations, there was nothing wrong with the Queen Mother setting this heavenly rule."

"However, the present is different from the past. If we suppress desire blindly, it may backfire. Moreover, I am married to Princess Longji. If we do not allow other immortals to fall in love and marry, how can we convince the public? Wouldn't this lead to discord between the ruler and his subjects in heaven?"

"Therefore, it must be abolished. In addition, I would like to ask the gods in heaven, from today on, this rule will be permanently abolished, what do you think?"

Jiang Feng suddenly turned to the gods in heaven and asked loudly

"Well done, great!"

"The God of Justice is wise!"

"I fully agree!"

"God Jiang Tian, you are truly a good god who pleads for the people!"

"Agree, Agree, Agree……"


All the immortals in the heavenly court were excited and applauded. Most of them had desires and even secretly missed each other, but they were bound by the heavenly rules and could only hide their emotions in their hearts.

Now that the heavenly rules were abolished, they had the opportunity to confess their love to the goddess in their hearts, and they might even be together and live a fairy-like life. How could they not agree?

Even some immortals who were inclined to the Western Buddhist sects raised their hands in approval, which was completely from the heart. However, the one who shouted the most vigorously was the Great Marshal Tianpeng.

At the same time, Jiang Feng's voice also spread outside the Yaochi. Millions of heavenly soldiers and generals shouted in approval in unison, and the sound shook the nine heavens and spread to the thirty-three layers of the heavenly court.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng smiled even more,"The people's will is unstoppable!"

The faces of the Western Buddhist sects were extremely ugly, as if they had eaten a pile of shit.

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