The Earth Book is a superb innate spiritual treasure. It is extraordinary. It is made of the fetal membrane of heaven and earth. It can control the power of the primitive earth and is mainly used for defense. It is extremely terrifying.

Zhen Yuan Daxian is one of the three thousand guests in the mortal world. He once listened to the teachings of Hongjun Daozu in Zixiao Palace. He has long been a quasi-saint at the peak of his realm. His cultivation is no less than that of Zhulong.

And with the Earth Book of the fetal membrane of heaven and earth, he can be invincible, and it is difficult for Zhulong to gain the upper hand.

Obviously, the earth-yellow barrier that protected Jiang Feng just now was caused by Zhen Yuanzi's full efforts to activate the Earth Book. Its power is evident.

Although it was shattered on the spot, Zhulong was also knocked away and fell to the ground.

After a long while, Zhulong stabilized his body. He couldn't help but roared in anger and attacked again. A dragon swung its tail and rushed straight away.

Zhen Yuanzi was not to be outdone, his whole body was filled with magical power, and he immediately activated the Earth Book to attack.

In an instant, the two of them fought fiercely, energy surged, space collapsed, and the ten directions were shaken. It was hard to tell who was better. They were like the Jade Emperor fighting against the ancient Buddha Dipankara, and like the Queen Mother fighting against the Maitreya Buddha. They were in a stalemate for a while, with no winner.


Suddenly, Jiang Feng turned his attention back to the Happy Buddha Dingguang, and a loud noise suddenly came out, shaking the sky.

"Hmm?" Jiang Feng couldn't help but frown. This sound was not from the battlefield of the thirty-three heavens, but seemed to come from the direction of the prison.

Immediately afterwards, beast roars were heard. There were some voices that sounded like babies crying, and some were low and rough roars. The breath was also disordered, with demonic energy, demonic energy, and immortal energy. Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh...

Jiang Feng clearly saw that in the direction of the prison, several streams of light shot out and went away like lightning.

And, accompanied by a crazy laugh, the laughter was full of yearning for light and freedom, a burst of pleasure, and a hearty and refreshing feeling.

"Oh no, someone has robbed the prison and released all the various demons and monsters imprisoned in it." Jiang Feng made a quick judgment and guessed the prison robber at the first time,"It must be the work of the ancient demon prince Lu Ya Taoist."

Before, in the lower world, Lu Ya Taoist took the key to the prison in order to rescue the Nine Infants Demon Commander imprisoned on the seventh floor of the prison. The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother were always on guard, but Lu Ya Taoist had not taken any action, but he did it at this time.

"Hahaha……"Dingguang Happy Buddha couldn't help but laugh out loud,"You little bastard, do you think you are the only one who has support? I'm not afraid to tell you that in order to kill you this time, my Western Buddhist sect has prepared sufficient forces. No matter how powerful you are or how many reinforcements you have, you can't escape this disaster!"

Apparently, the Western Buddhist sect has even joined forces with Lu Ya Taoist

""Chang'er Dingguang Immortal, you are the one who is doomed, you traitor who betrayed your master and destroyed your ancestors. Today, I will clean up the sect and use your blood to sacrifice the souls of countless Jiejiao disciples." Jiang Feng was thinking when a low, cold and murderous voice suddenly sounded.

Then, an old woman suddenly appeared in the sky. She was wearing a gray Taoist robe, her hair was gray, her face was as cold as frost, and she was full of anger.

""The Holy Mother Wu Dang!" Jiang Feng couldn't help but look happy, his eyes full of relief.

He hadn't used his trump card yet, but the strong reinforcements came one after another. It was really God's help!

The Holy Mother Wu Dang was one of the four direct disciples of the Jiejiao Tongtian Sect Master. Jiang Feng had met her before in the Nurse Kingdom in the lower world, and she taught Jiang Feng a great killing technique. She supported Jiang Feng as the new generation of Jiejiao's supreme leader.

"Wu Dang Holy Mother, you old thing is still alive!"

Dingguang Happy Buddha frowned, and for a moment, his heart was in his throat.

When he was in Jiejiao, he didn't even have the qualifications to carry shoes for Wu Dang Holy Mother, and now, feeling the terrifying aura of Wu Dang Holy Mother, Dingguang Happy Buddha also knew that he was no match for her.

The most important thing is that Wu Dang Holy Mother is loyal to Jiejiao. For a villain like him who defected and led to the destruction of Jiejiao, it would not be excessive even if she killed him a hundred times.

Before, he hid in the Western Buddhist sect, and Wu Dang Holy Mother was helpless, but now, even if they died together, Wu Dang Holy Mother would never let him go.

Without saying a word, Dingguang Happy Buddha did not stay any longer, turned around and ran away.

In Wu Dang Holy Mother, he sensed a strong sense of crisis of death. To be on the safe side, the only option is to run away.

"Want to leave? Can you leave?"

The Holy Mother Wu Dang smiled coldly, then snapped her fingers, and a green leaf suddenly floated out.

This leaf was crystal clear, fresh and tender, and looked no different from an ordinary leaf, but it was filled with an endless breath of killing, chilling and piercing, making people shudder.

Moreover, its speed was extremely fast, arriving in an instant, as if it had broken through the limitations of space and time, full of mystery.

Dingguang Happy Buddha was filled with ghosts, and felt the death aura approaching behind him. He had to pause, and then sacrificed the Happy Rosary to fight against it..

Puff puff puff...

Then, an extremely horrifying scene appeared.

The light leaf shuttled by, and it actually showed the power of killing gods and Buddhas, as if it had the power to kill immortals and kill gods. In a glance, the eighteen suns transformed from the eighteen prayer beads of Dingguang Happy Buddha were chopped and exploded one after another, unable to withstand a single blow.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Feng was frightened at first, and then he couldn't help but exclaimed in ecstasy,"Wow, the Holy Mother Wu Dang has actually practiced the Great Killing Technique to the great success, reaching the advanced realm where every leaf, flower, and grass can be used as a weapon.……"

Although Jiang Feng had not practiced the Great Killing Technique, he had learned it from him, so he had a certain understanding of it.

To reach the level of the Holy Mother Wu Dang, one must have an extremely profound understanding of the Law of Killing, and it is estimated that her attainments have been fully comprehended and reached the pinnacle.

Among the three thousand great laws, the Law of Killing ranks among the best, in the top fifty, and is particularly terrifying.

At this time, the Holy Mother Wu Dang was full of murderous aura, her eyes were cold, ruthless, and sharp, and she was completely a killing machine that killed people without blinking an eye.

It was as if she was born to kill, and the meaning of life was to kill.

"Come and die!"

The Holy Mother Wu Dang roared again, and then she shot away, madly urging the Great Killing Technique, vowing to clear the door.

At this time, Jiang Feng was watching with great interest, and suddenly he felt an unprecedented sense of crisis in his heart. For a moment, the hairs all over his body stood up.

From the corner of his eyes, a cold light flashed, like a flash of lightning, and it came in an instant.

Jiang Feng vaguely saw that it was a flying knife, and the target was obviously him, going straight for his head.

The most terrifying thing was that its speed was extremely fast, but it was silent and hard to defend against.

If it weren't for Jiang Feng's sharp perception, I'm afraid he would become a dead soul under this knife in the next moment.

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