"You bastards, so many of you are bullying me, Brother Jiang, you have no moral principles."

"Old bald donkey, take my punch!"

Just after the death of Juliusun Buddha, the elder brother of the Wu clan, Dijiang, suddenly came from the sky. He seemed to have dealt with Lu Ya Taoist and Bai Ze Demon Saint. Seeing Jiang Feng being besieged, he was furious. Seeing this

, the immortals and gods in the heavenly court changed their expressions and couldn't help but sweat for the Buddhist and Chan sects.

Although the six quasi-saints attacked Jiang Feng together, they did not gain any advantage. On the contrary, Jiang Feng controlled the terrible Zhoutian Xingdou formation, with infinite star power added to his body, and his strength was almost close to that of a saint, and he successfully killed Juliusun Buddha.

Now, the elder brother of the Wu clan, Dijiang, has joined again. After entering the battlefield, Jiang Feng was even more powerful, and their outcome was predictable.

As soon as the voice fell, the Wu clan's eldest brother Dijiang punched the closest Tathagata.

Tathagata and Dijiang were not at the same level, and the difference was more than a little bit. At this time, he was busy dealing with the stars in the sky and had no time to take care of other things. How could he be Dijiang's opponent?

Boom boom boom!

Only three deafening loud noises were heard. Dijiang controlled the laws of space and approached Tathagata in an instant, and then he punched three times in succession.

These three punches were the result of Dijiang's full strength, using his physical strength to He used his strength to the fullest, and each punch was like a chaotic thunder, shocking the world, weeping ghosts and gods, and hitting the body of the Great Sun Tathagata firmly.

After three punches, the speed of the Great Sun Tathagata reached an extreme, almost swooping down at the speed of light, and was beaten directly from the thirty-three heavens to the human world by Emperor Jiang, and even directly sent to the underworld.

This is his best destination. His body was shattered into a pool of blood and mud, and his soul was scattered. It was obvious that he would not survive, and he could only enter the underworld to reincarnate.

All the sentient beings in the three realms were stunned. Three punches killed a Buddha. Tuo was beaten to death alive. How terrifying must this physical strength be? Some of them could not imagine it.

At the same time, Jiang Feng's eyes were fixed on Jade Ding Zhenren again.

He once again used the technique of Qiankun in his sleeves and took back the Juexian Sword from Jade Ding Zhenren.

There was no suspense about this.

However, what surprised him was that after losing the Juexian Sword, Jade Ding Zhenren was like a broken arm. He should have been injured by the stars in the sky, but at the critical moment, Jiang Ziya reacted quickly and stepped forward in time to open the celebration clouds of the heavens, protecting Jade Ding Zhenren as well, and luckily escaped with his life.

"Brother, the situation is not good, let's retreat first!"

Jiang Ziya frowned and made a prompt decision.

"No, my sword, I want to take back my Juexian Sword……"

Jade Ding Zhenren seemed to be crazy, obsessed with swords, and refused to retreat.

At this time, Guangchengzi came running and shouted anxiously:"As long as the green mountains remain, there is no fear of running out of firewood. Retreat quickly!……"

Then, the three of them faced the clouds of celebration in the heavens, and Guang Chengzi used the Heaven-Flipping Seal to blast out two more attacks to cut off their retreat, intending to leave.

"Where are you going?"Jiang Ziya, you old man, leave the Whip behind!" Jiang Feng shouted wildly and chased after him.

Although the defense of the Zhutian Qingyun was comparable to that of an innate treasure, Jiang Feng's side had completely gained the upper hand at this time. If he could keep them and gather the power of Emperor Jiang, Wu Dang Shengmu and Zhen Yuan Daxian, he might be able to take back the Whip.

""Jiang Tianshen, please forgive them when you can, and let them go." Suddenly, an old but full-of-energy voice sounded.

In the next moment, three figures suddenly fell from the sky, blocking Jiang Feng's pursuit and stopping him.

Jiang Feng frowned and looked up. The man in the middle was wearing a gray Taoist robe with a mysterious Yin-Yang Bagua diagram engraved on it. He was holding a dust in his hand. His hair and beard were all white, but he was energetic and his face was rosy. It was the Taishang Laojun.

Beside him, the two people were both wearing emperor crowns and gorgeous emperor robes. They had an extremely terrifying aura. They were actually the Eastern Qinghua Emperor Yun Zhongzi and the Southern Changsheng Emperor Nan Jixianweng.

""Should you spare someone when you can? Damn it, when I was under siege just now, you didn't come out to help me, but now you want me to be merciful."

Jiang Feng clenched his fists, full of anger. Although these three people all belonged to the Heavenly Court, they were all traitors.

However, Jiang Feng did not act rashly at the moment. The Taishang Laojun was the good corpse clone of the Taoist Lord of Morality. Although he had a faint aura and looked ordinary, like an ordinary old man, he was definitely unfathomable.

Even with the Zhoutian Xingdou formation, Jiang Feng was not sure that he could win the battle.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been rejected by Jiang Ziya and obtained a supreme treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"The system's crisp and pleasant voice suddenly came out. Although he did not take back the Whip, he got another supreme treasure chest. Jiang Feng's heart was comforted.

At that moment, he snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves and turned back.

Nan Ji Xian Weng and Yun Zhongzi were so angry when they saw this scene that they were shaking.

Jiang Feng, this ignorant little beast, had embarrassed the Chan Sect again and again and had made trouble for Tai Sui. This made them furious and unbearable.

But in the end, they had to suppress their anger. With the protection of the Jade Emperor, and now there was that The big brother of the Wu clan, Dijiang, the Holy Mother Wudang and the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, they have to think twice before they want to touch Jiang Feng.

At this moment, the battlefield above the Heavenly Palace gradually calmed down.

While the ancient Buddha Dipankara and the Eastern Buddha Maitreya were fighting against the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, they were also paying close attention to the changes on the battlefield.

Now the situation has changed. After weighing the pros and cons, they realized that they could not do anything today, and they could only retreat unwillingly.

The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother fought a tie with them, and it was difficult to tell the winner, but it was impossible to keep them.

On the other side, Zhulong saw that the situation was not good, and ran away without saying a word.

""Brother Dijiang, stop Zhulong and make sure to keep him!"

Jiang Feng shouted hurriedly.

He was not just talking about taking Zhulong as his mount.

""Okay!" Dijiang responded, and then his tiger body shook, and he raised his fist and blasted towards Zhulong.

Zhulong had previously fought with Zhenyuan Daxian and Wudang Shengmu, and was exhausted and injured.

Both Wudang Shengmu and Zhenyuan Daxian were supreme beings that were no less than him.

The two of them joined forces, invincible, and the situation suddenly changed, and they beat Zhulong violently.

At this moment, Zhulong, who was no longer in his peak state, faced Dijiang, the eldest brother of the Wu clan, who was full of fighting spirit, vigorous and excited as if he had been injected with chicken blood. How could he be an opponent?


Zhulong's holy fire burned fiercely, burning the space to collapse layer by layer. However, Dijiang ignored it directly, and immediately displayed the great magical power of Fatian Xiangdi, transformed into a giant tens of thousands of feet tall, and fought with Zhulong in close combat.

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