"Brother Dijiang, are you sure?" Jiang Feng asked in extreme shock.

In the final battle of the witch-demon calamity, the ancient demon court's lords, the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi, both died, and even the innate treasure, the Chaos Bell, was broken. Since then, the demon clan has declined and withdrawn from the prehistoric stage, and the three realms and six paths have entered a new era.

These are the consensus of all beings in the three realms, but now, the witch clan's eldest brother Dijiang said that the demon emperor Jun is still alive, which is simply as outrageous as a fairy tale.

"I'm not 100% sure," Di Jiang shook his head, then suddenly changed the subject,"But, the demon emperor Jun is my mortal enemy, and no one in the entire prehistoric world knows him better than me. The divine aura that just rescued Lu Ya Taoist and Bai Ze Demon Saint is at least 60% similar to the demon emperor Jun, and it is even more weird and mysterious, even I can't figure it out."

"Although it is incredible, it is not impossible. After all, I survived. As the lord of the ancient demon court, the demon emperor Jun has been fighting with my witch clan for countless years. It is not impossible that he has some life-saving methods unknown to outsiders."

"Moreover, Taoist Lu Ya was willing to cooperate with the Western Buddhist sect and rescue the Nine Infants Demon Marshal at all costs. This was clearly a move to rebuild the ancient demon court. However, it was simply a pipe dream for Taoist Lu Ya, the prince of the demon clan

, to rely on himself. If there was no powerful existence backing him up, it would never happen." Emperor Jiang analyzed, and then solemnly warned,"If my inference is correct, you in heaven should be careful. The demon clan has made a comeback and wants to rebuild the ancient demon court and make a comeback. Their primary target is the heaven."

After that, Emperor Jiang did not stay any longer and immediately returned to the underworld.

"Father, mother, don't worry too much. Even if the demon emperor Jun is alive, he has not shown up yet. It must be that he has not recovered his vitality or has some concerns. No matter what, our heaven is no longer the same as before, and we are not afraid of any threat from anyone."Jiang Feng said confidently. The

Jade Emperor and Queen Mother nodded and agreed.

"Wu Dang, in my opinion, you should stay in Heaven."

Then, Jiang Feng turned to Wu Dang Holy Mother.

The Western Buddhist sect failed in their mission this time, but according to their character, they would definitely not give up. They might make a big move next.

Jiang Feng was afraid that the Western Buddhist sect would target Wu Dang Holy Mother and take action behind her back. If he defeated them one by one, it would be better for him to stay in Heaven to have someone to take care of him.

"That's fine."

After leaving the Lingxiao Palace, Jiang Feng, Princess Longji and the Holy Mother Wu Dang returned to the Miro Palace.

"Disciple meets the Supreme Master!"

As soon as he stepped into the gate, loud voices came out, uniform and piercing the sky.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but stare, only to see that in the courtyard, everyone knelt down in unison.

These people were all disciples of Jiejiao who were on the Conferred God List. There were the Four Heavenly Kings, the former four generals of the Demon Family, the four great marshals of the Lingxiao Palace, the former four saints of Jiulong Island, the Nine Heavens Yingyuan Thunder God Puhua Tianzun Wen Zhong, the God of Wealth Zhao Gongming, the Ten Heavenly Lords of Jin'ao Island, and so on.

Today's battle allowed the world to see Jiang Feng's strength and energy. He was worthy of being called the prehistoric anomaly, which was really extraordinary and beyond common sense.

This made these Jiejiao disciples extremely excited, and they instantly saw hope in Jiang Feng.

Although Jiang Feng claimed to be the new generation of Jiejiao's supreme leader, and had the support of the Jade Emperor and Nuwa, his cultivation was too low after all.

If the future is entrusted to him, I'm afraid the future is uncertain, so many people dare not express their opinions.

But now it is different. The Western Buddhist sect was well prepared and dispatched such a large battle. Not only did they fail to kill Jiang Feng, but they also lost three Buddhas, which was a great loss of face.

This made the Four Saints of Jiulong Island and others see the light in Jiang Feng. Only under his leadership can Jiejiao regain its former glory and prosperity.

After being on the List of Gods, some people have done many things against their will in order to gain a foothold in the Heavenly Court over the years, but deep in their hearts, they have always been thinking about Jiejiao.

Only Jiejiao is their only home and the place where their souls rest.

Living is a Jiejiao person, and dying is a Jiejiao soul!

In order to rebuild their homes, they gathered together and wanted to make a comeback under the leadership of Jiang Feng!

Jiang Feng was stunned at first, then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said hello three times.

He originally had the idea of re-accepting Jiejiao disciples, so that the Heavenly Court could be strengthened and its power could be enhanced. Now these people have taken the initiative to come to him, which is exactly what he wants.

""Please stand up quickly!"

After a brief pause, Jiang Feng immediately stepped forward and helped up a Jiejiao disciple.

When the other party raised his head, Jiang Feng's eyes lit up and he suddenly felt that the person looked familiar.

After a moment, he suddenly realized,"Fairy Yunxiao, you are Fairy Yunxiao?"

"I am your disciple. Thank you, Master and Princess, for saving my life."Fairy Yunxiao bowed and expressed her sincere gratitude.

During the Conferred God Tribulation, Fairy Yunxiao was suppressed under the Qilin Cliff by Laozi, the Lord of Morality, with the Qiankuntu. Princess Longji and Jiang Feng happened to pass by and took the Qiankuntu to save Fairy Yunxiao. Jiang Feng then soaked her in the Three Lights Divine Water to nourish her soul.

Now it seems that Fairy Yunxiao is in good spirits and has obviously recovered.

"Qiongxiao (Bixiao) thanked the leader and the princess for saving her life on behalf of her elder sister."

Two light and pleasant voices came out, and on the side, Fairy Qiongxiao and Fairy Bixiao also bowed and saluted.

Jiang Feng looked at the three fairies and waved his hand indifferently.

Even though he had married Princess Longji, who was as beautiful as a fairy, he couldn't help but be amazed when he saw the three fairies.

These three sisters are all the most beautiful in the world, but they are different.

The eldest sister, Fairy Yunxiao, is generous, gentle and quiet, like a well-educated lady in the secular world.

The second sister, Fairy Qiongxiao, has a cold temperament, like a snow lotus on a thousand-foot ice cliff, keeping people away from her. She is a typical iceberg beauty.

The third sister, Fairy Bixiao, is quirky, lively and active, and is somewhat similar to Princess Longji, like a jumping elf.

"Master, only under your leadership can Jiejiao flourish and reproduce the glorious scene of the past when all the immortals came to pay homage. From now on, as long as you drive us, we will go through fire and water without hesitation."

At this time, a Taoist priest with a fat body and two lines of long black beard on his chin suddenly stood up and swore allegiance.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng nodded with satisfaction, with a smile on his cheeks.

He recognized this man, Zhao Guangming, the elder brother of the Three Sky Fairies.

During the Conferred God Tribulation, he was invited down the mountain from Luofu Cave by Shen Gongbao, and he showed his divine power and defeated all the disciples of the Chanjiao. Even the Nanji Immortal was no match for him.

But now, the Nanji Immortal has been named the Nanji Changsheng Great Emperor, and the Heavenly Court One of the Six Imperials is already a quasi-saint, while Zhao Gongming and the Three Fairies are still at the level of Daluo Jinxian.

Over the years, they have been restricted by the Heavenly Court, and their lives are definitely not as comfortable as they were in Jiejiao. It is reasonable that they have not made any progress.

However, for Jiang Feng, these are all potential stocks. If they are cultivated, they will soon become the backbone of Jiejiao and the Heavenly Court, and they will be able to stand on their own.

From them, Jiang Feng also saw the hope of Jiejiao's resurgence.

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