"Your Majesty and the Queen Mother have been discussing important matters in the palace these days, and you must not disturb them!"

The four great marshals of the Lingxiao Palace hurried forward to stop them.

Jiang Feng was shocked,"Oh my god, are the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother married?"

As far as he knew, the Queen Mother had never stayed in the Jade Emperor's Palace for such a long time.

But on the surface, Jiang Feng still pretended to be drunk,"So what? Could it be that your Majesty and the Queen Mother did something shameful?"

"Get out of my way, I, this god, want to go in, who dares to stop me?"

Jiang Feng tiptoed, leaning his body, with a hint of anger in his eyes


The Four Great Marshals were in a dilemma, at a loss, not knowing what to do.

But at this moment, a steady and deep voice came from the palace,"You step back, let him in!"

The Four Great Marshals hurriedly stepped back, and Jiang Feng stumbled all the way in.

When he came to the palace, as expected, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were both there.

They sat on high seats, their faces were filled with joyful smiles.

The Queen Mother was radiant, more moisturized than before, and the Jade Emperor was rosy-cheeked, and his happiness was beyond words.

"Wow, the Jade Emperor who always ate vegetarian food actually started eating meat. The sun is rising from the west!" Jiang Feng smiled secretly in his heart.

""Jiang Feng, how did you get so drunk? Do you want to sober up first before we talk about business?"

The Jade Emperor asked with concern. He looked at Jiang Feng as if he was looking at his own son.

However, Jiang Feng's eyes were blurred and he spoke unclearly:"Jade Emperor, who, who is the Jade Emperor? Where is he? Let this god take a look!"

The Jade Emperor frowned, but he did not get angry. He immediately ordered:"Someone, bring a bowl of sobering soup!"

Then, Jiang Feng not only did not restrain himself, but became more aggressive and said:"Old Jade Emperor, you, you listen to me, as the saying goes, Feng Shui turns around, and this year it's my turn."

"I advise you to move out of the Heavenly Palace as soon as possible and let me sit on this honorable seat!"


Upon hearing this, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother looked at each other in astonishment, suspecting that they had heard it wrong, with an extremely incredible look on their faces.


Then, the Jade Emperor slapped the armrest, furious.

He stood up suddenly, staring at Jiang Feng with a pair of round eyes, and then pointed at Jiang Feng's nose and shouted:"Bold Jiang Feng, how dare you be so rebellious! Come on, kill this beast for me. There is no place for him in heaven or on earth!"

Jiang Feng was still drunk, pretending to be unaware, and then his eyes turned to the Queen Mother.

Anyway, things had come to this point, so he might as well go all out and provoke the Queen Mother, so that he could get two supreme treasure chests.

Jiang Feng still remembered clearly that it was because of the Queen Mother's refusal that he got a marriage talisman last time, which changed his fate and made a connection with Nuwa, which led to a drastic change in his life.

"And the Queen Mother, I……"

Jiang Feng was about to speak, when suddenly, a soft and boneless jade hand stretched out from behind and blocked his mouth.

It was Princess Longji who rushed over.

However, his wife came too fast. Before she could finish her work, she was stopped.

"King, Queen Mother……"

Jiang Feng struggled hard and wanted to continue to cause trouble, but Princess Longji used all her strength, stretched out her two jade hands, and covered his mouth tightly from behind, preventing him from making a sound.

"Father, calm down. Jiang Feng is drunk. Don’t take his drunken words seriously. They are all nonsense!" Princess Longji hurriedly excused her husband and winked at the Queen Mother.

The Queen Mother understood and echoed,"Your Majesty, Jiang Feng was drunk and confused for a while. Please forgive him!""

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor snorted coldly, and then he stopped and retracted his order.

In fact, he was unwilling to punish Jiang Feng. It was because of Jiang Feng that he, the Jade Emperor, looked like the master of the three realms, established unprecedented majesty, and made the Heavenly Court stronger.

It was also because of Jiang Feng that he became a real man and became a couple with the Queen Mother Yao Chi, becoming a real couple.

But just now, what Jiang Feng said was too infuriating. He actually wanted to seize his position as the Jade Emperor. This was usurpation of power. If it were someone else, it would not be too much to be beheaded a hundred times. However, seeing that his daughter and Yao Chi were both pleading for him, the Jade Emperor hurriedly took the step down and did not pursue it.

At this time, the sobering soup was served.

Princess Longji hurriedly helped Jiang Feng to one side, and personally brought the sobering soup to Jiang Feng mouthful by mouthful.

Jiang Feng's breath gradually stabilized, and the smell of alcohol on his body was gradually dissipated.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by the Jade Emperor and obtained a supreme treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"


While sobering up, Jiang Feng couldn't wait to open the treasure chest.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the supreme treasure chest and obtaining the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Zhuxian Sword, ten Huangzhong plums, and the acquired merit treasure Hongmeng Measuring Ruler!"

""Wow, you are worthy of being the Jade Emperor!"

Jiang Feng was full of surprise. This reward was quite generous.

First of all, there were ten Huangzhong plums, which meant that Jiang Feng could create ten Daluo Jinxian.

This was undoubtedly a great boost to the power of the Heavenly Court.

Then there was the top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Immortal Execution Sword.

Now, Jiang Feng already had the Immortal Slaughter Sword, and he had also snatched back the Immortal Trap Sword and the Immortal Absolute Sword from Juliusun Fo and Jade Ding Zhenren. Now with the Immortal Execution Sword, it was equivalent to him having collected all four swords of the Immortal Execution Sword.

However, he only had a fragmentary Immortal Execution Formation Map in his hand. If he could restore the Immortal Execution Formation Map to its original state one day, he would be able to arrange the first killing formation in the prehistoric world, the Immortal Execution Sword Formation that could not be broken by the Four Saints.

As for the last reward, it made Jiang Feng even more delighted. Crazy.

The Hongmeng Heaven-Measurement Ruler, a treasure of acquired merits, is extraordinary. It is the result of the combination of the infinite aura of the Great Dao and the merits of Pangu after the great god Pangu created the world. It is the first ruler of the world.

It can measure the world, and is mainly used for attacking. It can kill people without any cause and effect. It is extremely terrifying.

The Fantian Seal owned by Guangchengzi is an acquired treasure, and its power is quite good, second only to the innate treasure.

However, this Hongmeng Heaven-Measurement Ruler is even superior to the Fantian Seal, and its power can be compared with the innate treasure.

In terms of attack power, in today's prehistoric world, it is second only to the Pangu Banner of Yuanshi Tianzun.

It can be said that this Hongmeng Heaven-Measurement Ruler is the most powerful magic weapon Jiang Feng has so far.

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