"The Demon-Subduing Corps!" Jiang Feng was shocked. This was the most elite celestial corps in the heaven!

They fought in many battles, annihilated some remaining demons, and protected the peace of the three realms. They were the most powerful among all the celestial corps.

""God of Heaven, these are thirty fairies, and there are thirty pots of nectar specially presented by the Queen Mother!"

Taibai Jinxing said again.

As soon as the voice fell, thirty fairies with gorgeous and graceful figures came forward. They lined up in a row, with elegant and gentle manners, and each of them held a pot of nectar in their hands.

"Thank you Queen Mother for the gift!" Jiang Feng was full of joy.

The nectar was a secret wine made by the Queen Mother. It not only tasted good, but also contained extremely pure energy, which was very beneficial to cultivation and extremely precious.

It could be said that this was a cultivation resource comparable to the peaches.

The Queen Mother had only taken it out at the Peach Festival. Now, the Queen Mother gave away thirty pots at once. This was incredible.

"Jiang Tianshen, these are all yours, enjoy them!" Taibai Jinxing said with a faint smile, then said goodbye and left.

""Captain, no, God of Justice, God Jiang, it turns out that you were promoted by the Jade Emperor, why didn't you tell me earlier, I was so scared!"

Zhao Xiaowu finally reacted, his mouth almost stretched to his ears.

"Haha, you won't believe it even if I tell you!" Jiang Feng chuckled.

"That's right, I, Xiaowu, have never seen much of the world, so I am indeed small-minded. Boss Jiang, from now on, you are my boss!"

Zhao Xiaowu was extremely excited.

"Okay, Xiaowu, from now on, you are the chief steward of the Miro Palace, managing it for me and coordinating the internal and external affairs. Jiang Feng suddenly said

"What!"Zhao Xiaowu's pupils bulged, suspecting that he had heard it wrong,"I am the chief steward, I can manage 10,000 demon-suppressing troops, 30 fairies, and even the entire Miro Palace, ah……"

Zhao Xiaowu fainted on the ground with happiness, and kept pinching his own Ren Zhong acupoint.

It all seemed like a dream, too unreal. How could he, Zhao Xiaowu, have such great power in his lifetime? He dared not even dream of it.

At this moment, he suddenly felt that all the pain and humiliation he had endured before were worth it.

The rest of the heavenly soldiers were the same, they were so excited that they could not control their emotions.

From today on, they have escaped from the boring military camp life and have a stable place to live, and it is one of the thirty-six heavenly palaces.

Destiny will be rewritten from this moment on. Maybe, by chance, they can have a romantic encounter with a beautiful fairy.

In the past, they dared not even think about it.

In the boring heavenly camp, let alone fairies, even a bitch can't be seen.

"I never thought that I, Old Zhao, could live in such a place!"

"Haha, fate is such a joke. I must have accumulated enough blessings in my previous life!"

"People should still have dreams, maybe one day they will come true"

"God finally opened his eyes!"


The heavenly soldiers were jubilant and happy like children.

As the saying goes, if one person gets the Tao, all his family members will rise to heaven. This is the best example.

Then, Jiang Feng handed the Miro Palace to Zhao Xiaowu to take care of. After giving him some instructions, he took a palace in the center as his residence and moved in.

The entire Miro Palace has a naturally formed gathering immortal formation, which absorbs the surrounding heaven and earth immortal energy at all times, so it is very easy to practice.

Jiang Feng's room is located in the center, at the center of the formation, and there is even liquid immortal energy condensed.

However, these ordinary immortal energy are no longer of much use to Jiang Feng, who has already entered the ranks of the Golden Immortal.

After a brief pause, Jiang Feng sat cross-legged on a jade bed, holding his breath and concentrating, sinking into a state of cultivation.

Although the Golden Immortal has entered the ranks of the strong and entered the hall, it is still insignificant compared to the great cause that Jiang Feng wants to do in the entire prehistoric world.

Suddenly, Jiang Feng flipped his right hand and took out a pot of nectar.

When you open the cork, a rich and mellow aroma of wine hits your nose, refreshing your heart.

"What a rich aroma!"

Jiang Feng smiled, and then he couldn't wait to pour it into his stomach.

At first, Jiang Feng thought it was sweet and delicious, but as time went on, he felt as if his heart was being burned by a fire.

This immortal wine has a strong aftereffect!

Jiang Feng hurriedly turned on the Hongmeng Creation Sutra and frantically refined it.

He first consolidated his realm, and then began to practice the Eight Nine Mysterious Skills.


After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng woke up leisurely and finished his practice.

This time, his Eight-Nine Mysterious Skills went a step further and reached the state of great success.

This is a brand new stage, where the physical body can be comparable to the top-grade innate spiritual treasures, a realm that even the spiritual monkey Sun Wukong in the original Journey to the West has never reached.

Of course, this is not because Sun Wukong is not talented, but because the shameless Buddhist sect secretly interfered and imposed confinement.

At the same time, Jiang Feng refined the top-grade innate spiritual treasure Sun Shooting Bow. He also integrated and fully comprehended the two great magical powers of Tiangang Thirty-Six Methods and Disha Seventy-Two Changes.

However, even so, Jiang Feng frowned inexplicably and was worried.

After being promoted to the Golden Immortal, he entered a brand new realm, ascending to heaven step by step.

To improve the realm, it is not as simple as simply refining the immortal energy.

In this realm, you begin to come into contact with the law and need to comprehend the five elements.

When you comprehend to a certain degree and condense the five qi in your chest, you can be promoted to the Taiyi Golden Immortal.

However, comprehending the laws is as difficult as ascending to heaven. It is extremely difficult for ordinary immortals, even for saints.

Not to mention those abstruse laws, even the most basic laws such as gold, wood, water, fire and earth are quite a headache. It takes tens of thousands of years to comprehend any one of them.

If you want to comprehend a law thoroughly, it will take countless years, at least millions of years.

Throughout the ages, countless immortals have been stuck at this level and have been unable to make any progress in their entire lives.

Jiang Feng has an innate sacred background and good qualifications, but it also requires a lot of time.

And right now, what he lacks most is time.

The Western Buddhist sect has come to discuss the script, which indicates that it will not be long before the start of the Journey to the West.

And if Jiang Feng does not have enough realm and strength, how can he compete with the Western Buddhist sect and stir up this big chess game ?

"Forget it, blindly practicing is not a solution, let's go out and look for opportunities!"

Jiang Feng stood up suddenly, planning to go out and take a look, making full use of the system's functions.


The door opened.

""I greet you, sir!"

At the door, ten guards and four fairies greeted Jiang Feng in unison.

This was specially arranged by the chief steward Zhao Xiaowu, who ordered them to be ready to be dispatched by Jiang Feng at any time.

""Hmm!" Jiang Feng nodded, and then took a step and strolled around the Miro Palace.

The Miro Palace was very large, with buildings lined up one after another. The Demon Suppression Army was deployed everywhere, patrolling non-stop every day, making the Miro Palace like a copper wall and iron wall, with strict guards. Not even a fly could come in without permission.

Suddenly, Jiang Feng stopped and saw Zhao Xiaowu and others in a corner, who seemed to be discussing something.

"Manager Zhao, my salary has also been deducted!"

"It's such a fucking bully!"

"They seem to be targeting my Miro Palace, as if they have a grudge against us."


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