Wang Ming is just a mysterious immortal. He is no match for Jiang Feng. It is easy for Jiang Feng to kill him.

In an instant, the whole Salary Hall was dead silent.

Everyone was frightened. This scene was too bloody and violent.

Even if it is the law enforcement hall that enforces the law, they must find out the facts, wait for conclusive evidence, and then send the person to the Execution Platform for execution.

However, this God of Justice did not care at all. He skipped those procedures and killed people directly when he disagreed with someone.

This is too strong and overbearing.

Even Zhao Xiaowu and others were shocked. They thought that Jiang Feng was just punishing him and at most seriously injuring Wang Ming. He never expected that he would kill him directly.

"From now on, if anyone dares to abuse his power and deduct salary, this will be his fate!" Jiang Feng pointed at Wang Ming's bloody head on the ground and shouted in a deep voice.

Everyone was silent, not even daring to fart.

"Xiaowu, let's go!"

Jiang Feng was about to lead his men away after saying this.

But at this moment, a cold voice came from the front,"Stop! You killed someone in my territory, and you want to just walk away like this? How can it be so easy?"

Jiang Feng paused and looked up, only to see a burly man blocking his way. The other party had a strong back and waist, gray hair, a half-open shirt, a fan in his hand, and his breasts exposed.

The most obvious feature was that he was barefoot.

The feet were purple-black and extremely heavy, looking like two weights, full of power.

"Barefoot Immortal!" Jiang Feng frowned. This barefoot immortal was the master of the Fenglu Hall.

""I don't know why the immortal stopped me?" Jiang Feng asked knowingly, as if nothing had happened, with a calm look. The barefoot immortal looked extremely gloomy,"God of Justice, you are too overbearing. You kill people in my territory. Do you take me seriously?"

Jiang Feng put his hands behind his back and replied with a faint smile,"Since you know that I am the God of Justice, you should understand that I have the right to execute first and report later. Your subordinate Wang Ming abused his personal power and withheld his salary. His nature is bad. This god will deal with him according to the law. Is there any problem?"

"Even if he withheld salary, he is not guilty of death. I think it is you who abused your power and took revenge on your own!" The barefoot immortal stared at Jiang Feng, full of anger.

No matter what, Wang Ming was his subordinate. Jiang Feng came into the hall and killed people without any greeting. He did not take him, the hall master, seriously at all.

How could the barefoot immortal not be angry?

"Great Immortal, this is wrong. Whether it is a death penalty or not, I am the God of Justice in charge of punishment, so I naturally have my own standards. I don't need to explain this to you!"Jiang Feng was ruthless and had a very tough attitude.

At the beginning, Jin Zha arranged Wang Ming here with the help of this barefoot great immortal, so this barefoot great immortal is not a good guy either, and he is in the same group with Li Jing.

Jiang Feng naturally didn't have a good face either.

"you……"Hearing this, the barefoot immortal was shocked and his face looked very ugly.

Jiang Feng then said,"Barefoot immortal, I advise you not to meddle in other people's business, lest you make mistakes! If you anger this god and start fighting, I'm afraid your feet won't be able to withstand the power of this god!"

"What! Jiang Feng actually wants to fight with the barefoot immortal!"

"Don't overestimate your own abilities. The barefoot immortal is no match for the giant spirit."

"He is too arrogant and domineering. Please help, Master, and let him know that there are always people better than him!"

"Show him some color!"


Immediately, the crowd was excited, and Jiang Feng's words that were courting death aroused public anger.

All the salary officials, as well as the various immortals who were watching the excitement, gnashed their teeth and hated Jiang Feng to the core.

The barefoot immortal was even more furious.

These days, he knew about the grievances between Jiang Feng and Jin Zha, and originally did not want to get involved too much. He just wanted Jiang Feng to make amends and apologize, after all, Jiang Feng killed his subordinates.

But he never expected that Jiang Feng would not only be ungrateful, but also be arrogant and provoke him in public!

How could a man endure this!

""What an arrogant God of Justice! I want to see how capable you are!"

The barefoot immortal snorted coldly. As soon as he finished speaking, his magical power surged, and he immediately stepped hard towards Jiang Feng with one foot. The barefoot immortal's barefoot magical power is well-known in the three realms. It is a truly great magical power. His feet are equivalent to a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

With a hard stomp, the sky and the earth shook, and he could easily destroy mountains and split the land into rivers.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been rejected by the barefoot immortal and obtained a gold-level treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

At this time, the system's crisp and pleasant voice came out.

Jiang Feng was not surprised at all, but at this time, he had no time to open it, so he ignored it for the time being.

"Well done!"

Jiang Feng's eyes were blazing, with a flicker of joy in his eyes.

First, he could use the system to improve. Second, he could hone himself and see how strong these veteran gods are.


Jiang Feng did not retreat at all, and went up to fight back.

He attacked swiftly, like a tiger descending from a mountain, a dragon emerging from an abyss, and a pair of iron fists smashed down, like a thunderous explosion, with a huge momentum, shaking the entire Fenglu Hall.


The crisp sound of metal clashing came out, and the fists and feet intersected, like two sacred mountains colliding together, overwhelming and shocking!

After the attack, the two men each retreated three steps, and they were evenly matched, and no one could do anything to the other.


Everyone was dumbfounded. They didn't expect such a result.

The barefoot immortal's barefoot magical power was so overbearing and powerful that no one of the same level dared to fight with his physical body. Jiang Feng was actually not injured at all. Could his physical body be made of an innate spiritual treasure?

Seeing this, the barefoot immortal's pupils shrank fiercely, and he was obviously shocked.

He thought of countless magical powers and methods that Jiang Feng might use, but he never thought that he would fight with his physical body. This was too unexpected. However, soon, the barefoot immortal regained his composure and said in a cold voice:"If you have some tricks, take a few more kicks from me!"

He used his barefoot magical power and kicked out one after another, as fast as lightning and flint, like a shadowless kick.

Jiang Feng went up to fight and gradually fell into a disadvantage.

The barefoot immortal is indeed a veteran immortal. He has extremely rich combat experience and skills. His offensive is like a violent storm, which makes people breathless.

Jiang Feng had only recently broken through to the Golden Immortal level, and he did not have that much experience in fighting. He was far behind in skills and experience, and was a little exhausted for a while.

But soon, he gradually turned the tide.

The Barefoot Immortal was only good at feet, while Jiang Feng had cultivated the Eight-Nine Mysterious Arts to the Great Perfection stage, and his whole body was like one body, comparable to a top-grade innate spiritual treasure.

Therefore, he had a higher tolerance rate, and as time went on, Jiang Feng gradually figured out the Barefoot Immortal's ways.


At a certain moment, Jiang Feng suddenly seized the flaw of the Barefoot Immortal, took advantage of the situation to attack, and punched the Barefoot Immortal in the chest. The

Barefoot Immortal groaned, as if he had been hit hard, and immediately retreated violently, his feet scratching a deep groove on the floor, until he hit the wall and then released the force and stopped his body.

In full view of the crowd, the Barefoot Immortal's face was ashen.

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