"That's more like it," Princess Longji nodded with satisfaction, her hands behind her back, and then said,"Then there's no time to lose. Come with me immediately and go to the lower world."

"Oh my god, it's just a rumor!"

Jiang Feng was stunned and helpless. He just received some rewards in the Salary Hall and was preparing to practice, but now he had to put it aside for the time being.

Soon, Jiang Feng followed Princess Longji and went down the Heavenly Palace with ease.

Seeing Princess Longji in a hurry, Jiang Feng couldn't help but ask,"Princess, what happened?"

"A few days ago, my little brother informed me that a big monster suddenly came to his territory, brutally killed hundreds of his men, and seized his territory. It even killed and burned people in the surrounding small countries, burned, killed, and looted. It did all kinds of evil. I must deal with it!"Princess Longji said righteously.

""Is that so?" Jiang Feng nodded, and then asked,"Princess, do you know what the monster looks like, what realm it is in, what magical powers it has, and what magic weapons it has?"

"I'm not sure. Princess Longji shook her head.

"Oh my god," Jiang Feng couldn't help but widen his eyes,"Princess, it's a bit too hasty to go there without knowing anything."

Although the prehistoric world was shattered after several catastrophes and was no longer as glorious and prosperous as before, it should not be underestimated.

If you encounter a terrible demon king, the consequences will be disastrous.

Jiang Feng knew that after the witch and demon catastrophe, although the demons withdrew from the prehistoric historical stage, they did not die out completely. Some of them were dormant, practicing silently, waiting for the opportunity.

Now is not their time, and they will not easily take the initiative to cause trouble. But if someone takes the initiative to attack, they will not eat vegetarian food.

"This princess is just a little worried, so I called you here!" Princess Longji said with a sly smile

"I……"Jiang Feng wants to cry but has no tears

"Shepan Mountain, we're here!"Princess Longji's beautiful eyes lit up, and she became very alert.

"It's Snake Mountain again! Oh my god, Princess, how many monsters in the lower world are your subordinates, and how many mountains are your territory?" Jiang Feng was filled with astonishment.

The daughter of the Jade Emperor did not stay in heaven and enjoy the glory and wealth, but went to the lower world to mingle with monsters all day long. This was really weird!

"Ah, the princess has not counted them. Okay, this monster is not simple, be careful."Princess Longji reminded.

Jiang Feng looked down and saw a mountain range, rolling and undulating, as if there was a big python entrenched here, layer upon layer.

But what was a little weird was that there was silence here, and there was not even a bird singing in the huge forest.

The two landed and wandered around for a while. Princess Longji looked for some caves, which were the residences of her monster brothers, but they were empty. Except for the corpses, there was no living one.

This made Jiang Feng alert and his nerves tense.

"Princess, why don't you summon the land and ask for clarification?"

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh..."

Jiang Feng's voice had just fallen when a series of strange sounds were heard.

Suddenly, many strange monsters came from all directions. There were so many of them that it was like a flood of locusts, alarming the entire Shepan Mountain.

Soon, they surrounded Jiang Feng and Princess Longji.

"Haha, there are actually people who come to my door voluntarily. They are really not afraid of death!"

"This girl is pretty good, much better than the previous ones, she is totally in a different league!"

"If we capture her and send her to the king, he will surely reward us handsomely!"

"As for this man, he has delicate skin and tender flesh, and can't do any work. He is a waste, so just kill him!"


These monsters gathered together and screamed excitedly, obviously thinking that Jiang Feng and Princess Longji were their prey.

"You are such a fool, I will kill you."

Princess Longji was furious. She took out the Qingluan Sword and rushed forward like a rabbit.

Jiang Feng followed closely behind. He used his body as a magic weapon and a pair of iron fists to clear the way and sweep away everything.

Although there were many monsters, they were obviously small minions, at most Xuanxian, and they were no match for Jiang Feng and his companions.

Puff... blood splattered everywhere, screams rang out one after another, Jiang Feng and Princess Longji were on the left and right, killing everyone who stood in their way, and they were invincible.

""Stop! Who dares to run wild on the territory of my Yellow Wind King?"

Suddenly, a sharp shout was heard, piercing the sky with great momentum.

Immediately, the little demons scattered and retreated, and Jiang Feng and Princess Longji also stopped.

Looking towards the source of the sound, they saw a big demon standing on the top of the mountain at the end of their sight. He had a face full of yellow hair, wearing a golden armor, deerskin boots on his feet, a breastplate on his chest, and a three-pronged steel fork in his hand, which was very powerful.

Seeing the other party's dress, Jiang Feng suddenly felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart, as if he had seen it somewhere before, but he couldn't remember it for a while.

"Yellow Wind King!"

Hearing these four words, Jiang Feng's eyes suddenly lit up. Isn't this the Yellow Wind Monster in Journey to the West?

"It must be him, there is no doubt about it."Jiang Feng looked at the Yellow Wind King again, and he was convinced.

The Yellow Wind Monster was originally a yellow-haired marten at the foot of Lingshan Mountain in the West. Because he often listened to the lectures of Lingji Bodhisattva, he suddenly had an epiphany and was able to transform.

Seeing that he had a connection with Lingji Bodhisattva, Lingji Bodhisattva accepted him as a disciple.

During the Journey to the West, because he stole the clear oil in the glass cup, he was afraid of being caught by the King Kong, so he ran to the Yellow Wind Ridge to occupy the mountain and prevent Tang Monk and his disciples from obtaining the scriptures in the West.

Now that the Journey to the West has not really started, Jiang Feng never thought that the Yellow Wind Monster would sneak out and harm the people in the human world.

"I am Princess Longji of the Heavenly Palace, the daughter of the Jade Emperor! King Huangfeng, you have committed many evil deeds here, killing people and setting fires, and you still don’t know your sins?"

Jiang Feng was about to speak, but Princess Longji took the lead in introducing herself and shouted sternly:

"Princess Longji, the daughter of the Jade Emperor!" Upon hearing this, King Huangfeng was not afraid at all. Instead, his eyes sparkled,"Great! If I capture you and make you my wife, then from now on, I, King Huangfeng, will be the son-in-law of the Jade Emperor. Hahahaha……"

King Huangfeng laughed loudly, extremely arrogant, and did not take Princess Longji seriously at all.

The little monsters also followed suit, and were extremely arrogant.

"It's a nice thought, but you don't have a chance anymore!"

Princess Longji spoke calmly, her pretty face was extremely cold, and she was obviously extremely angry.


As soon as she finished speaking, Princess Longji held the Qingluan Sword and started fighting.

There was murderous intent in her beautiful eyes, and every move was fatal, and she was extremely cruel.

Jiang Feng was afraid that Princess Longji would suffer a loss, so he immediately followed.

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