Jiang Feng also looked over unconsciously.

In the seventh cell, there stood a huge monster. It had a strange appearance and a huge body, several thousand feet long.

This monster had nine heads, each different from the others. Its eyes were like lanterns, emitting a faint cold light, extremely terrifying.

Its nine heads were bound by thick iron chains, even piercing through the flesh, looking horrifying.

However, even so, it was just lying there, but it faintly exuded a monstrous and terrifying aura, ancient and deep, which made people shudder.

"Don't panic, Princess. This is Jiuying, one of the ten demon commanders of the ancient demon court. It is imprisoned by the holy chain specially made by the heavenly prison. It is impossible to break free and even move is difficult."Nandou Xingjun introduced on the side.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng was shocked. The Jiuying demon commander of the ancient demon court was actually imprisoned in the heavenly prison.

In that distant ancient time, the demon clan ruled the sky and the witch clan ruled the earth.

The ancient demon court at that time can be said to be the previous heavenly court, which was extremely prosperous and unprecedentedly glorious.

It was led by the demon emperor Jun and Donghuang Taiyi. Donghuang Taiyi had the innate treasure Chaos Bell, and the demon emperor had the River Map and Luoshu, which could be used as the core to construct the Hunyuan River. Luo Dazhen, at the same time in charge of the Zhoutian Xingdou Dazhen, has the demon master Kunpeng under his command, and the ten demon commanders headed by Bai Ze, all of whom are Daluo Jinxian, incredibly powerful.

In that era, Daluo was everywhere, and Jinxian was worse than a dog, far from what it is today, and I don’t know how much it has declined.

Unfortunately, such a prosperous ancient demon court fell apart and disappeared forever after a witch and demon catastrophe.

Jiang Feng never thought that there was actually an ancient demon commander who survived and was imprisoned in the sky prison.

"Princess, you can put the prisoner in the eighth cell."Nan Dipper Star Lord opened the cell door and suggested.

The two men came to their senses and turned their attention to the eighth cell.

"Get in here!"

Princess Longji snorted coldly and kicked the Yellow Wind Monster in.

"Let me out, let me out quickly, I am a disciple of Lingji Bodhisattva of the Western Buddhist Sect, you, you can't imprison me……"

The Yellow Wind Monster cried and screamed.

Jiang Feng and the others ignored him.

The Yellow Wind Monster and the Nine Infants Demon Marshal were separated by a cell. The distant and terrifying aura was enough to make him drink a pot. Moreover, the Nine Infants Demon Marshal made some sounds like a baby crying from time to time, which was eerie and terrifying.

Living in this dark cell and keeping the Nine Infants Demon Marshal company for a long time, Jiang Feng estimated that the Yellow Wind Monster would be scared to death.

"Nandou Xingjun, this prisoner is extremely evil. You are not allowed to release him without my order. Do you understand?"

Princess Longji said seriously.

""As you command!" The Southern Dipper Star Lord responded respectfully.

But at this moment, Jiang Feng couldn't help but say,"Southern Dipper Star Lord, give me the key to the Heavenly Prison. This God of Justice will keep it for you for a while."

On the one hand, Jiang Feng was afraid that someone would abuse his power for personal gain and deliberately let the Yellow Wind Monster go.

On the other hand, Jiang Feng also had his own selfish motives. He wanted to take the opportunity to sneak into the Heavenly Prison and use the system with the help of the Nine Infants Demon Marshal to improve himself.

This Nine Infants is one of the ten demon marshals in the ancient demon court, a Daluo Jinxian. What's more important is that it is bound by the holy chain and cannot move.

In this way, if Jiang Feng made any rude requests, even if the Nine Infants Demon Marshal refused, there would be nothing he could do to him.

A living Daluo Jinxian, if this is rejected, how rich the reward would be, Jiang Feng could not imagine

"this……"Nan Dou Xingjun frowned, obviously somewhat reluctant.

Although Jiang Feng was the God of Justice, he could not order him.

Seeing this, Princess Longji on the side could not help but said:"Nan Dou Xingjun, give the key to Jiang Feng for safekeeping. This prisoner is very important, and I am afraid you can't handle it."

Nan Dou Xingjun was very embarrassed, but finally had to agree. He could disobey Jiang Feng, but how could he dare to disobey Princess Longji?

Just like that, Jiang Feng took the key to the prison, and after leaving the prison, he parted ways with Princess Longji and returned to Miro Palace.

"Boss, you're back." Zhao Xiaowu hurried forward with a smile on his face.

Jiang Feng nodded, then asked,"Did Jin Zha and the people from Fenglu Hall come to cause trouble?"

"No, they didn't even dare to fart."Zhao Xiaowu shook his head.

Jiang Feng was not surprised at all, everything was within his expectations.

"Oh, this is 100,000 Immortal Yuan Pills. You should distribute them to the brothers and practice hard. You, in particular, should focus on practicing and spend less time with the immortal maidens."

"I will be in seclusion again, and no one is allowed to disturb me. When I come out, if you don't break through to the Xuanxian realm, get out of Miro Palace!" Jiang Feng said sternly.

"Yes, boss, I will listen to you."Zhao Xiaowu scratched his head in embarrassment.

Then, Jiang Feng walked into the room, closed the door, and sank deeply into the state of cultivation.

With a thought, twenty top-grade innate spiritual treasures appeared in front of Jiang Feng, lined up in a row, with axes, hooks, forks, swords, spears, halberds, etc.

Top-grade innate spiritual treasures, even the Golden Immortals and Heavenly Generals may not be able to possess them, but in Jiang Feng's case, they are like cabbages on the roadside. This is enough to scare people to death. What's more terrifying is that at this moment, these top-grade innate spiritual treasures are not cold magic weapons in Jiang Feng's eyes, but delicious lunch.

At this moment, Jiang Feng's eyes lit up, and he was salivating, almost unable to extricate himself.


Jiang Feng opened his mouth, and a great swallowing force burst out. In an instant, five top-grade innate spiritual treasures were swallowed into Jiang Feng's stomach, and then there was a sound of"click". There was a sound of digestion.

Not long after, Jiang Feng spit out all the innate spiritual energy and laws from his mouth, and turned into a pile of scrap copper and iron.

A smile appeared on Jiang Feng's lips, but he still felt unsatisfied.

So, he swallowed all the remaining top-grade innate spiritual treasures in one go.

After an unknown amount of time, Jiang Feng suddenly opened his eyes, burped comfortably, and had a satisfied look on his face.

In this practice, he absorbed a lot of the five elements and some other laws.

On his chest, there were two balls of light flashing, extremely dazzling.

This meant that his cultivation realm had made great progress, and he was one step closer to Taiyi Jinxian.

But Jiang Feng frowned. Twenty top-grade innate spiritual treasures only condensed two balls of the five qi in Jiang Feng's chest.

"This Hongmeng Creation Sutra is too difficult to practice!"Jiang Feng complained in his heart, but he had to accept this fact.

After a pause, Jiang Feng calmed down and struck while the iron was hot. He practiced the great magical power of the Eye of Breaking Delusion awarded by the system.

At this time, there was a noise outside.

"Stop, this is Miro Palace, the residence of the God of Justice, you are not allowed to trespass!"This was obviously Zhao Xiaowu's voice.

Then, an unreasonable, overbearing and tough voice came out,"Get out! Where is Jiang Feng? Let him come out to see me immediately!"

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