"Great!" Jiang Feng accepted it without hesitation, and was so happy.

This time, he reaped a lot of money, squeezing out all the surplus value of Lingji Bodhisattva.

Then, Jiang Feng did not break his promise and immediately led Lingji Bodhisattva to the Heavenly Prison.

Zhao Xiaowu and others were all dumbfounded. For so many years, who didn't worship the Bodhisattva of Western Buddhism as a god? But their boss directly blackmailed him, and succeeded, making Lingji Bodhisattva obediently hand over all his assets. Don't be too awesome!


Sky Prison, Jiang Feng opened the prison door and released the Yellow Wind Monster

"Master, you finally came to save me. If you had come a step later, I would have been scared to death.……"

The Yellow Wind Monster cried for his parents, and when the prison door was opened, he immediately threw himself into the arms of Lingji Bodhisattva.

Not to mention that he was just a small Yellow Wind Monster, even Lingji Bodhisattva couldn't help but feel scared when he saw the Nine Infants Demon General.

It was good enough for the Yellow Wind Monster to be alive.

""Master, let's go quickly. I don't want to stay in this hellhole anymore." The Yellow Wind Monster urged.

Lingji Bodhisattva said nothing and left quickly with the Yellow Wind Monster. He didn't have the face to stay here.

""Um, Lingji Bodhisattva, come here more often if you have nothing to do!" Jiang Feng shouted from behind.

Lingji Bodhisattva was so angry that he almost vomited blood. He was blackmailed for everything after coming here. No one would be willing to come here often!

However, he would not swallow this anger easily. He, Lingji Bodhisattva, had never suffered such humiliation. One day, he would get it back a thousand times.

After closing the door of the sky prison and putting away the key, Jiang Feng returned to the Miro Palace happily.

After this setback, he made a lot of money and obtained eight gold-level treasure chests and an unprecedented black-gold-level treasure chest.

On the way back, Jiang Feng was impatient to communicate with the system and opened the black-gold-level treasure chest first.

"Congratulations to the host, you have opened the black gold treasure chest and obtained Chaos Gods and Demons, a complete version of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art, and a Yellow Plum!"

The system's prompt sounded, and Jiang Feng, who was walking at a fast pace, was stunned on the spot. He stayed where he was, unable to calm down for a long time. He didn't even notice the patrolling heavenly soldiers who saluted him.


Jiang Feng was so shocked that his mind was full of waves and he was horrified.

Black gold treasure chests are different. Each reward is unprecedentedly rich and amazing.

Chaos Gods and Demons, this is the most top-level talent in the prehistoric world. The Demon Ancestor Luohou and the Taoist Ancestor Hongjun all have this qualification.


At this time, above Jiang Feng's head, the dark channel opened, like a thunder explosion, and then, a mysterious and unpredictable secret power of heaven and earth poured down like a waterfall, completely wrapping Jiang Feng in it.

In an instant, Jiang Feng seemed to have suffered a baptism of heaven and earth, and all the impurities in his body, flesh, and even pores were washed away. All of them were expelled invisibly, leaving only the essence.

Moreover, the secret power of heaven and earth continued to circulate in Jiang Feng's body, silently transforming his body.

Unconsciously, Jiang Feng was undergoing some unknown transformation, as if he was leaping into a life level.

After an unknown amount of time, all the abnormalities disappeared.

There was no change on Jiang Feng's body surface, but he felt that his spiritual awareness was clearer and his body was stronger. Moreover, looking at the heavenly soldiers coming and going in front of him, he suddenly had an inexplicable sense of superiority.

This was not derived from strength and cultivation, but from the depths of the soul, innate, as if he had surpassed the scope of humans and crossed a level.

In addition, there were many subtle changes that were difficult to explain, and Jiang Feng did not delve into them.

He understood that this was chaos. Brought to him by the Chaos Gods and Demons.

The second reward is the complete version of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art, which was created by Pangu, the first person in the prehistoric world. He specializes in the great way of power and advocates proving the truth with power to achieve the supreme saint of the great way.

Throwing aside Jiang Feng's Hongmeng Creation Sutra, the Nine Revolutions Profound Art can be said to be the well-deserved number one divine skill in the prehistoric world.

Although Pangu failed to prove his truth in the end, its mystery and terror cannot be concealed at all.

Jiang Feng has successfully practiced the Eight-Nine Profound Art and has reached a state of great success, but as he practiced, Jiang Feng also discovered the drawbacks and limitations of the Eight-Nine Profound Art.

After all, it was derived from the Nine Revolutions Profound Art, which is inevitable.

At the moment, Jiang Feng has obtained the complete version of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art, which can make up for its shortcomings and go a step further.

The third reward is Huang Zhongli, which belongs to the category of practice resources. Although there is only one , but it is more valuable than all the cultivation resources Jiang Feng had before, so its value can be imagined.

Huangzhongli is also one of the ten innate spiritual roots in the prehistoric world, but it is completely superior to the ginseng fruit of Zhenyuan Daxian and the innate peaches of Queen Mother.

It blooms once in one Yuanhui, bears fruit once in one Yuanhui, matures once in one Yuanhui, and can be eaten after another Yuanhui.

And each Yuanhui is as long as 129,600 years, which means that it takes four Yuanhui to taste Huangzhongli.

However, in such a long time, this fruit tree can only produce ten fruits.

However, its efficacy is also extremely amazing. If you eat one, you can ascend to heaven and directly become a Daluo Jinxian.

After being excited for a long time, Jiang Feng calmed down. After taking a breath, Jiang Feng opened the remaining eight gold-level treasure chests.

""Congratulations to the host for opening eight gold-level treasure chests and obtaining eighty high-grade innate spiritual treasures, eight hundred thousand Da Huan Dan, and eighty nine-thousand-year-old peaches!"

The system's prompt sounded again, but Jiang Feng was only slightly surprised.

Among these rewards, the only thing that surprised him was the eighty Da Huan Dan.

Da Huan Dan is a higher-level elixir than Xian Yuan Dan. If an ordinary celestial being eats one, his cultivation will increase by a hundred years.

This low-level elixir is of no great use to Jiang Feng now, but it can be rewarded to his subordinates.

At this time, Jiang Feng returned to Miro Palace.

"Boss, you're back!" Zhao Xiaowu stepped forward, his eyes full of admiration.

Jiang Feng glanced at Zhao Xiaowu and couldn't help but praise him,"Not bad, you've been promoted to Xuanxian, and you really didn't disappoint me."

"This is 100,000 Da Huan Dan, distribute it to the brothers, practice well."

After receiving 100,000 Da Huan Dan, Zhao Xiaowu was stunned, feeling like he was dreaming.

Who the hell is the boss? Why does it feel like there are more pills than the Taishang Laojun, just like they are free of charge? The brothers haven't digested the last 100,000 Xianyuan Dan, and now there are 100,000 Da Huan Dan again.

For the first time, Zhao Xiaowu felt that there were too many pills in his hand to digest, and he even wanted to return some, fearing that he would disappoint the boss's expectations.

Jiang Feng ignored Zhao Xiaowu's shock, he went straight to the room, then closed the door tightly, and began to retreat again.

This time, he wanted to impact the realm of Taiyi Jinxian!

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