Even when the Fairy of Flowers was angry, she was still so cute and elegant.

To be honest, Jiang Feng really wanted to see how rude the Fairy of Flowers was, but he finally gave up the idea.

Everything is excessive, and it was not Jiang Feng's intention to completely offend the Fairy of Flowers.

"Fairy, please calm down. I'm sorry. Jiang Feng was rude. Jiang Feng apologized sincerely.

The Fairy of Flowers stared at Jiang Feng fiercely, and then left slowly.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been rejected by the Fairy of Flowers for the second time and have obtained a silver-level treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

The system's prompt sound suddenly sounded.

"Open it."Jiang Feng replied calmly.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the silver-level treasure chest and obtaining 10,000 immortality pills, three nine-thousand-year-old peaches, and a top-grade innate spiritual treasure!"

Jiang Feng was calm and composed about this, and did not cause any ripples. These rewards were no longer of much use to him.

Not long after, Jiang Feng returned to the Miro Palace.

It was late at night, and the palace was brightly lit. All the immortal officials and heavenly generals who had visited had left.

As soon as he entered the door, Jiang Feng saw that many of his personal soldiers and immortal maidens had gathered together, their eyes focused on Fairy Nishang.

Jiang Feng's attention was also drawn to the past, and he immediately saw that in Fairy Nishang's arms, there was a petite rabbit.

It was pure white, with two ears erected, red eyes, and furry, and looked very cute.

Fairy Nishang gently stroked it, her beautiful eyes shining, and her heart was almost melting.

"What a cute rabbit! Look at its eyes, so lively!"

"I didn’t expect that there are such cute little creatures in our heaven!"

"Since everyone likes it, why don't we keep it in Miro Palace?"

"It suddenly ran in just now, it must be an ownerless object!"

"Hey! Why does it look familiar to me?"

"I feel like I've seen it somewhere."

"Could it be the jade rabbit of the fairy Chang'e in Guanghan Palace?"


Zhao Xiaowu and others were discussing this little white rabbit, not knowing what to do.

""The fairy Chang'e of Guanghan Palace!" Jiang Feng's heart was shocked. This is the most beautiful woman in heaven!

Jiang Feng's knowledge of the fairy Chang'e was all from rumors, and he had never seen her.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Feng walked up and said,"Are you sure this is the jade rabbit of the fairy Chang'e?"

"No doubt, sir, I have had the pleasure of seeing one, and it is exactly like it."

"Apart from Guanghan Palace, how could such a spiritual jade rabbit appear out of nowhere in heaven?"

"I heard that the fairy Chang'e's jade rabbit often runs outside, but I didn't expect it to run to our Miro Palace this time."


After much discussion, it can be basically confirmed that this Jade Rabbit is the fairy Chang'e of Guanghan Palace.

""Okay, Nichang, since it belongs to the fairy Chang'e, you should return it to her as soon as possible." Jiang Feng made a decision.

Fairy Nichang frowned and reluctantly handed the Jade Rabbit to Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng held it in his arms, and a smile appeared on his lips. He could take this opportunity to see the beauty of the most beautiful woman in heaven.

Then, Jiang Feng went straight to Guanghan Palace.


Marshal's Mansion. The

Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing was talking to Mu Zha in the hall.

At this moment, Jin Zha suddenly rushed over in a hurry, his expression full of excitement,"Father, good news, great news!"

Li Jing couldn't help but frowned,"Jin Zha, why are you in such a hurry? It's outrageous!"

""Father, His Majesty has been in seclusion for dozens of days." Jin Zha said ecstatically.

"What good news is this!"Li Jing snorted coldly.

Jin Zha came forward and whispered in Li Jing's ear:"Father, I heard that your majesty wants to kill himself and break through the peak realm of quasi-saints. This realm is so difficult that few people have been able to do it throughout the ages. Therefore, your majesty doesn't know when he can come out of retreat. Why don't we take this opportunity to chop that Jiang Feng off directly."

Jin Zha gritted his teeth and swiped his right palm across his throat, making a beheading gesture.

Hearing this, Li Jing's eyes flashed with a thoughtful light. He said nothing and paced back and forth in the room dully.

Mu Zha frowned and said,"Brother, this is probably not appropriate. His majesty loves that little bastard very much, and his attitude can be said to be protective of his child. If he knew that we killed him, he would be furious."

"I don't know what kind of magic potion Jiang Feng, this bastard, gave to His Majesty, causing His Majesty to be particularly protective of him. But this is when Jiang Feng is alive. Once Jiang Feng dies, everything will be different. Dead people are worthless."

"Our Li family holds a very important position in the Heavenly Court, and we have the support of the Western Buddhist sect. Even if Jiang Feng dies, what can His Majesty do if he is furious? Can he still execute all of us? No matter how incompetent His Majesty is, he will not go against us for a dead man!"

Jin Zha's expression was full of sinisterness, and deep in his eyes was a strong murderous intent.

Jiang Feng had gone against him again and again, making him and the Li family lose face. This was intolerable, and only blood could pay it back.

"This method is feasible!" At this time, Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, suddenly made a decision,"But, we must make sure that His Majesty is in a deep state of retreat. Otherwise, if we fail to kill that little bastard Jiang Feng, our Li family may completely offend His Majesty."

"Jin Zha, you should go to the Western Buddhist Temple as soon as possible, inform Lingji Bodhisattva, and ask him to kill Jiang Feng, so that we can get away with it later."

"Mu Zha, in the name of your father, inform the four great marshals of the Lingxiao Palace and ask them to keep a close eye on His Majesty and report to me at any time on His Majesty's retreat status."

Li Jing immediately issued two orders, acting swiftly and decisively without any delay.

Opportunities are rare and will never come back. Now is a good opportunity from heaven, and we must seize it tightly.

"Father is wise!"


Jinzha and Muzha were both delighted and immediately took action.


At this time, Jiang Feng was on his way to Guanghan Palace. He stroked the jade rabbit in his arms from time to time, and his pace unconsciously quickened. He couldn't wait to see the legendary first beauty in heaven, but he didn't know that a murder was about to come.

Not long after, Jiang Feng arrived at Taiyin Star.

It was deserted, quiet, a little desolate, and lifeless here. It was incompatible with the heaven, as if he had entered another world.

Guanghan Palace stood here, and it was the only light source here.

From a distance, it was not as magnificent as Jiang Feng's Miro Palace, but it was also exquisite and unique.

Not far in front of Guanghan Palace, Jiang Feng vaguely saw a beautiful figure. She leaned on the railing and looked around, as if she was looking for something.

Jiang Feng did not stop and immediately walked up.

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