"Are you blackmailing this captain?"

Jiang Feng's voice suddenly turned cold, icy cold

"Haha, you are not stupid at all!"Brother Mang grinned.

"As the deputy captain of the 97th Team of the First Legion of the Yulin Army, I, Wang Mang, have performed my duties conscientiously day and night and have made many meritorious contributions. This position of team leader should have been mine long ago. This is what I, Wang Mang, deserve. Why should I give it to you?"

"What qualifications do you have to lead us?"

At this moment, Wang Mang stopped pretending and showed his sharp fangs like a wolf.

"So you are the deputy captain Wang Mang, no wonder." Jiang Feng nodded in understanding, and then said:"Wang Mang, this position was assigned by the Personnel Hall, you have no right to make decisions!"

Then, Jiang Feng's voice suddenly became cold and sharp, sonorous and deafening,"Wang Mang, you actually dared to blackmail this captain, you are committing a crime of insubordination and breaking the law knowingly, your crime is unforgivable"

"However, this is my first day as captain, and I cannot bear to see blood, it is unlucky."

"As long as you kneel down and apologize, this captain can pretend that nothing happened!"

Jiang Feng put his hands behind his back and looked down at

"Kneel down and apologize! With you, haha, are you worthy of it?"

Wang Mang looked stunned, as if he had heard a huge joke.

"I knew you would refuse!"

Hearing this, Jiang Feng was not angry, but instead raised a wicked smile at the corner of his mouth

"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by Wang Mang and obtained a bronze treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

"Open it!" Jiang Feng said impatiently.

"Congratulations to the host for opening a bronze treasure chest and obtaining 10,000 Immortal Yuan Pills and a minor magical power, the Star-Picking Hand!"

"Wow! The bronze level rewards are so generous!"Jiang Feng was overjoyed.

At this moment, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart and felt a murderous aura coming.

"Jiang Feng, let me see how capable you are. How dare you come to command us?"

""Heart-breaking Palm!"

It turned out that Wang Mang had suddenly attacked.

At this moment, his magic power surged all over his body. As soon as he thought about it, a palm as big as a palm leaf suddenly took shape. As if it had a spirit, it swept towards Jiang Feng.

"Captain Wang is in the middle stage of the celestial being, and is a great master who has comprehended supernatural powers!"

"He has been enforcing the law in many places over the years, has made outstanding contributions and is experienced. In the entire heaven, no one is more suitable to be our captain than him!"

"That’s right, you, a young fool who came out from nowhere, actually dared to lay your hands on the captain’s position. You’re courting death!"

"There are some positions that you cannot touch. Otherwise, you will have to pay a price!"


Dozens of heavenly soldiers gathered behind them and shouted. They were obviously Wang Mang's lackeys.

At this moment, they all stood by and watched, looking happy at the misfortune. They even kept making noises, obviously enjoying the fun.

"Well, I'll teach you a lesson, you ignorant thing!"

Jiang Feng snorted coldly, and then suddenly shouted,"Take this hammer from the captain!"

In an instant, Jiang Feng flipped his palm, and a hammer with a glittering purple light jumped on it. It was the middle-grade innate spiritual treasure purple lightning hammer.


Under the urging of Jiang Feng's celestial power, the purple lightning hammer shone brightly, and electric snakes danced wildly on it, and muffled thunder exploded.

Then, the purple lightning hammer swelled up in the wind, like a big tripod suppressing Wang Mang.

"What! A mid-grade innate spiritual treasure!"

Seeing the might displayed by Jiang Feng, Wang Mang was stunned, his eyes almost popped out. A mid-grade innate spiritual treasure is hard to obtain even for ordinary Xuanxian-level captains. The kind of pressure contained in it is overwhelming, like a prison, and completely crushing the general magical power.

Seeing this, Wang Mang was defeated before the battle, his face instantly turned pale, revealing a timid look.

"Stop it, Captain, quick, quick, stop it……"

Wang Mang shouted in panic, his voice trembling, his body shaking uncontrollably.

It was a fear that came from the soul.

Jiang Feng turned a deaf ear to this and smashed down with a solid hammer.

Some things have to be paid for.

How can Wang Mang be forgiven for not distinguishing between superiors and subordinates and committing treason?

Jiang Feng had just arrived and it was a good opportunity to establish his authority. Otherwise, how would he lead the one hundred heavenly soldiers under his command in the future?


There was a loud noise, and the sky and the earth shook.

The hammer and palm collided, and there was no suspense. Wang Mang's Heart-Breaking Palm was like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun, which evaporated and dissipated in an instant, as if it had never appeared.

However, the purple lightning hammer continued to smash forward with unabated force.


A shrill scream sounded, like a pig being slaughtered, tearing his heart and lungs apart.

After the blow, Wang Mang fell in a pool of blood, with his right arm hanging on the ground, already shattered.

Moreover, he had many scars all over his body, blood dripping, and traces of burns, and a burning smell.

That appearance was horrible, just like a dead dog.

On the other hand, Jiang Feng stood there, with his hands behind his back, calm and composed, obviously not injured at all

"Is there anyone else who wants to challenge the authority of this captain?"

"Who else?"

Jiang Feng shouted loudly with fierce eyes and a domineering aura at the last three words.

All the heavenly soldiers were shocked, and Wang Mang's lackeys were even more silent, not daring to fart, wishing they could find a crack in the ground to hide in.

Not to mention them, even the law enforcement team next door was shocked by Jiang Feng and stood in awe.

"Jiang Feng, you, you wait for me!"

At some point, Wang Mang stood up and said something cruel to Jiang Feng, then dragged his injured body and limped away.

Jiang Feng sneered and ignored it, not caring at all.

"All the heavenly soldiers, listen up, start training! If you slack off, don't blame me for being rude!"

Jiang Feng suddenly ordered.


One hundred heavenly soldiers responded in unison, in unison, as if they had practiced it a thousand times.

Just kidding, even Wang Mang couldn't stand the captain's hammer and was almost beaten to death, how dare they disrespect him.

Seeing the power established, the captain's position was considered to be established, and Jiang Feng couldn't help but reveal a satisfied smile at the corner of his mouth.

After a pause, Jiang Feng entered the camp alone and immediately checked the previous rewards. The minor magical power of picking stars, practicing to the extreme, picking stars and catching the moon, turning rivers and seas upside down, is a piece of cake.

In this world, entering the realm of heavenly immortals, you can practice magical powers.

However, this magical power is also divided into three, six, and nine levels. Although it is not so strict, , but there is also a general classification.

Like Wang Mang's Heart-Breaking Palm, it is not at all mainstream, just a very ordinary magical power.

And if the minor magical power like the Star-Picking Hand is practiced, it can be comparable to the innate spiritual treasure, and if practiced to the extreme, it can compete with the middle-grade innate spiritual treasure. As for the great magical power, generally speaking, it requires the existence of the Golden Immortal level to master it.

Like the art of the universe in the sleeves of the Great Immortal Zhenyuan, the Buddha's palm of the Buddha, these are truly peerless great magical powers, terrifying to the extreme.

Of course, these are still too far away for Jiang Feng.

Calming down his mind, Jiang Feng sat cross-legged, like an old monk in meditation, and immediately refined the Immortal Yuan Pill and practiced non-stop.

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