Among this race, the most outstanding ones are the twelve ancestor witches.

They are the rulers and leaders of the entire witch clan. In that most prosperous and glorious period, the entire prehistoric land was controlled by them, and they had the final say. They could even compete with the ancient demon court led by Donghuang Taiyi and Demon Emperor Dijun.

Their blood essence is so powerful that it can be said to be a weakened version of Pangu's blood essence.

Every drop is priceless and almost unique.

This time the reward is actually ten drops. If you use it to practice the Nine Revolutions Profound Art, you will definitely get twice the result with half the effort and make rapid progress.

Jiang Feng has obtained the complete version of the Nine Revolutions Profound Art for some time, but he has never practiced it, mainly because of the lack of practice resources.

Ordinary elixirs like those are completely waste. Even the Queen Mother's nectar or the innate peaches, even the ginseng fruit of Zhenyuan Daxian, are used to practice the Nine Revolutions Profound Art. Their effect is negligible.

But now with these ten drops of ancestor witch blood essence, it is completely different.

As for the third reward, the Dutian God Flag, it is even more amazing.

In the distant ancient times, there were four most terrifying evil formations that could scare people. The first one is the Zhuxian Sword Formation of Tongtian Patriarch, which has the power to kill saints.

At the end of the Conferred God Tribulation, Tongtian Patriarch set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation.

Daode Tianzun Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun and the Western Buddhist Zhunti Jieyin, four saints took great efforts to break this formation, which shows how terrifying it is.

The second is the Wu Clan's Twelve Dutian Gods and Demons Formation.

This formation is a combination of the power of the twelve ancestor witches, the spirits of the twelve ancestor witches, the blood of Pangu, the evil spirits of heaven and earth, and condensed into the Dutian Demon God.

The ultimate form can condense Pangu's true body, which is equivalent to the power of the flesh of the Heavenly Dao Saint.

All those below the saint are ants. No matter how powerful you are, life and death in front of the saint is just a matter of a thought.

But if this formation is condensed, then one will be qualified to fight against the saints.

Unfortunately, after the witch-lich catastrophe, the twelve witch ancestors all perished and could no longer condense this formation.

However, when the twelve witch ancestors were alive, each of them spent a great price to condense a Dutian Shensha flag.

If you collect all twelve, integrate them, and condense them together, you can create a weakened version of the Dutian Shensha formation.

Although it is not as good as the real original and cannot summon Pangu's true body, its power should not be underestimated.

In the three realms where saints do not appear today, it can be said to be an absolutely invincible existence.

Now that the system has rewarded three, how can Jiang Feng not be ecstatic?

At the same time, Jiang Feng noticed that these three Dutian Shensha flags were in three different colors, namely red, blue and green.

On each Dutian Shensha flag, there is power of different attributes, some are hot, some are cold, and there is another one that is full of vitality, all of which are strong and dignified, and terrifying.

"This should be made by Gonggong, the God of Water, Zhurong, the God of Fire, and Jumang, the Ancestral Witch."Jiang Feng knew it well.

The twelve Ancestral Witches were condensed from the essence of Pangu, and were blessed by nature. Each Ancestral Witch was born to control a law.

Zhurong, the God of Fire, controls the law of fire, Gonggong, the God of Water, controls the law of water, and Jumang, the Ancestral Witch, controls the law of wood.

Although they were only simple basic laws, their understanding had reached perfection, and they had mastered them to perfection, reaching the pinnacle, which was completely incomparable to a half-baked person like Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng even felt that each of these Dutian Shensha flags could be used as a top-grade innate spiritual treasure with infinite power.

"As expected of the Nine Infants Demon Commander of the ancient times, he is much stronger than the Lingji Bodhisattva. Jiang Feng smiled, and his heart was filled with joy.

Then, he collected his mind and came to the front of Yaochi Palace.

"" God, please stay. The Queen is resting. Do not disturb her!"

The fairy in front of the palace stopped Jiang Feng.

Jiang Feng frowned,"I have something important to ask the Queen. Go and inform her."

However, the fairy was indifferent,"God, please go back!"

But at this moment, a familiar figure came into view, and then came gracefully.

""Jiang Tianshen, why are you here?" Fairy Zixia asked softly.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but feel happy, and hurried forward to tell him the truth about the crisis.

Fairy Zixia frowned and said without thinking,"Come with me."

It can be seen that Fairy Zixia has a high status in Yaochi. With her leadership, those fairies dare not even fart.

Jiang Feng followed and entered Yaochi. It was colorful, gorgeous and fascinating. It could be called the most beautiful place in heaven, but Jiang Feng had no intention of appreciating it at this time.

Not long after, Fairy Zixia took Jiang Feng into a spacious hall.

On a jade bed, Queen Mother sat cross-legged with her eyes closed, as if she was meditating and practicing.

""Your Majesty, Jiang Tianshen has something important to ask for. Zixia rashly brought him into the palace and disturbed Your Majesty. Please punish me!" Fairy

Zixia stepped forward and said with a stiff face.

She has always been the most obedient and well-behaved in front of the Queen Mother, and she is deeply loved by her. But this time, she is completely different from the past and did not hesitate to disturb the Queen Mother's meditation.

Even if she might be punished or even expelled from Yaochi, for Jiang Feng, Fairy Zixia is willing to risk it.

Hearing this, the Queen Mother's eyes slowly opened and closed, and then she stood up and sat upright on a chair.

"You go down!" Queen Mother waved her hand towards Fairy Zixia.

"Thank you, Your Majesty!" Fairy Zixia smiled and quickly retreated.

Jiang Feng was a little confused. The Queen Mother looked calm and composed at his arrival, as if she had expected it.

The next moment, the Queen Mother's eyes were cast over,"Jiang Feng, what are you doing in my Yaochi?"

Jiang Feng immediately replied,"Your Majesty, help me, that Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King Li Jing has gone crazy, he wants to kill me!"

The Queen Mother took a cup of ginseng tea from the table, her expression still without a trace of doubt.���She took two sips and then said calmly,"Why did Li Tianwang want to kill you?"

"He is crazy. He has accused me of taking bribes and making huge profits. This is clearly a revenge for personal gain. He wants to kill me."Jiang Feng replied.

"Hmm?" Queen Mother frowned. She put down her ginseng tea and said in disbelief,"This shouldn't be the case. Li Tianwang is not the kind of person who doesn't know the difference between public and private affairs and is rude and unreasonable."

"Jiang Tianshen, I want to ask you, have you ever accepted bribes from immortal officials in private for personal gain?"

The Queen Mother stared at Jiang Feng.

"I……"Jiang Feng's expression froze.

This was a little strange. According to his judgment, although the Queen Mother and the Jade Emperor were not real husband and wife, they were of one mind. After all, they were in the same boat, and they would prosper together and suffer together.

If that was the case, why would the Queen Mother have such an attitude?

This was too abnormal.

Jiang Feng always felt that something was wrong, and there was something weird everywhere, but he couldn't tell what it was.

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