"What did you say?"

Jiang Long and Fu Hu stared at each other, their eyes wide open, filled with shock. But then, they were filled with deep anger.

"How dare you!"Zhang Long Luo Han roared,"A little justice god really thinks he is a nobody. In today's world, within the three realms and six paths, no one dares to go against us Buddhists."

""Brother, why are you nagging him? Since he won't accept my toast, let him have a taste of what it's like!"

The Subduing Tiger Arhat glared with anger.

As one of the Eighteen Arhats, he had a distinguished position in Western Buddhism. He had never been treated like this before. It was simply too much.

In a blink of an eye, because of Jiang Feng's words, the two Buddhist Arhats were all anxious and furious. As soon as the words fell, the Dragon Subduing Tiger suddenly attacked, and his actions were as swift as thunder.

The Dragon Subduing Arhat stretched out his hand and took out a Dragon Subduing Staff. His magic power surged all over his body, like the surging ocean with waves.

The Eighteen Arhats of Buddhism are famous, and each of them is a 30-year-old golden immortal.

The Subduing Tiger Arhat is He drew out a sword, which gleamed with cold light under the sunlight and seemed indestructible.

Swoosh... a sharp and piercing sound of breaking through the air passed by, and the Fu Hu Luo Han, holding the Fu Hu Sword, slashed at Jiang Feng with a cold look in his eyes.

This sword was like a poisonous snake spitting out its tongue, vicious and cruel, cold and piercing, chilling people to the heart.

To subdue the dragon and the tiger, the two brothers used a staff and a sword, seemingly simple and direct, but they cooperated tacitly, implying many changes, blocking all of Jiang Feng's retreat routes.

As expected of the Eighteen Arhats, their strength is indeed extraordinary. Both of them are senior Taiyi Golden Immortals. When they join forces, it is definitely not just one plus one equals two. It is not that simple. An ordinary Taiyi Golden Immortal may not be able to withstand more than three moves.

However, what they are facing now is Jiang Feng.

A judicial god who has just entered the realm of Taiyi Golden Immortal, but he has cultivated the first divine skill of the prehistoric world, the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, and has the footwork of the Chaos Gods and Demons. Fighting against opponents of higher levels is as easy as eating and drinking.

Seeing this, Jiang Feng put his hands behind his back, standing still like a mountain.

His eyes were full of disdain. In his eyes, the Eighteen Arhats of the Western Buddhism were as ridiculous as jumping clowns, not worth mentioning.

Just when the fierce attack of Jiang Longfu was about to take place, As the magic power surged, the Lidi Flame Flag kept shaking, floating up and down, and then scattered a semicircular light shield, which tightly protected Jiang Feng.

Clang clang clang...

A violent collision sounded, shaking the sky, but Jiang Feng was as still as a mountain, without any injury.

The Dragon Subduing Staff and the Tiger Subduing Sword were only top-grade innate spiritual treasures, while the Lidi Flame Flag was a top-grade innate defensive spiritual treasure, completely superior to them. How could it break the defense?

"The flaming flag off the ground! You actually have such a magic weapon?"

The Dragon Subduing Arhat was shocked at first, and then, a look of greed appeared in his eyes.

He looked at the Tiger Subduing Arhat, and they both nodded, as if they had reached some consensus.

In the next moment, the Dragon Subduing Arhat tried his best, and all kinds of great Buddhist magical powers emerged one after another. The offensive was like a storm, smashing towards Jiang Feng all at once.

Jiang Feng was about to fight back, but at this moment, the system's crisp and pleasant prompt sound rang,"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by the Dragon Subduing Arhat, and obtained two diamond-level treasure chests. Do you want to open them?"

""Hey!" Jiang Feng's eyes lit up and he quickly said,"Open it!"

"Congratulations to the host for opening two diamond-level treasure chests and obtaining ten top-grade innate spiritual roots, two drops of ancestor witch blood, a sword of immortal slayer, and a bloodline of the Chaos Demon Ape (Note: can be given to others)"

"Oh my god!"Jiang Feng's eyes lit up, and he was ecstatic.

Needless to say, the top-grade innate spiritual roots and the essence of the ancestor witches were all excellent resources for Jiang Feng's cultivation. What surprised Jiang Feng the most was the third reward, a sword of killing immortals. The sword of killing immortals was one of the four swords of the Lingbao Tianzun Tongtian.

After the Conferred God Calamity, Tongtian was defeated, the sword formation of killing immortals fell apart, and the four swords of killing immortals were scattered everywhere, and they were nowhere to be found.

Jiang Feng never thought that the system would reward him with a sword of killing immortals at this time.

This is better than the Qingping Sword that the shameless Taiyi Zhenren had snatched away. Although the Qingping Sword was the close-fitting sword of Tongtian, it had nothing to do with the sword formation of killing immortals.

However, in terms of individual power, the difference is almost the same, and they are on par.

It is worth a try. It is worth mentioning that although their materials are top-grade innate spiritual treasures, they are superior to them.

These four swords of Zhu Xian have been with Master Tongtian for countless years, and they are nurtured and cleansed by Master Tongtian's own sage magic power every moment, so they are naturally extraordinary.

The last reward, the bloodline of the Chaos Demon Ape, also surprised Jiang Feng extremely.

The Chaos Demon Ape, one of the three thousand Chaos Demon Gods countless years ago, had fought fiercely with the great god Pangu. Its horror can be imagined, and it is unmatched by saints.

If you can get its bloodline inheritance, you will have unlimited development potential, which is no less than the talent of the Chaos Gods and Demons.

However, Jiang Feng is now a Chaos God and Demon, and the bloodline of the Chaos Demon Ape is dispensable to him.

"Can it be given to others? What does this mean?"

Seeing the note behind the reward, Jiang Feng frowned and thought about it.

After a moment, Jiang Feng's eyes lit up and he understood the system's intention. After reading the reward, Jiang Feng turned around and looked at Jiang Long Fu Hu again.

At this time, the two Arhats were like crazy, using all their strength to bombard Jiang Feng.

However, with the protection of the Lidi Yanguang Flag, they could not cross the line at all. Even if Jiang Feng stood still and stretched out his neck for them to kill, they would not be able to do it.

"I say, Dragon Subduing and Tiger Subduing, you two old bald donkeys, you hit me so many times, don't you feel tired?"

Jiang Feng suddenly asked with a smile.

The fact is indeed as he said. After a crazy output, the two shiny bald heads of the Dragon Subduing Arhat were covered with sweat. At this moment, they were both panting, and their chests rose and fell sharply, and they were as tired as two dead dogs.

"If you are tired, you can take a break first and let Grandpa Jiang fight first!"

Jiang Feng was all smiles, revealing two rows of white teeth while speaking. He looked harmless and brilliant.

However, this smile fell into the eyes of Jiang Long Fu Hu, and it felt bone-chilling cold.

For a moment, they felt cold all over, as if they were falling into an ice cellar.

Then, Jiang Feng stretched out his right hand, and a longbow as black as ink appeared on it. It was the top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Sun-shooting Divine Bow!

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