
In the blink of an eye, Jiang Feng, holding the Fairy of Flowers, was transported to a place billions of miles away.

This was a small forest, and in an open space, Jiang Feng and the other man appeared out of thin air.

"My goodness, it was so scary!"

After putting Fairy Baihua down, Jiang Feng couldn't help but breathe sharply, with a lingering fear.

It was really too thrilling just now. If there was any mistake, he would be dead without a burial place and his soul would be torn apart.

This time, Fairy Baihua didn't get angry at Jiang Feng's indecent hug. Instead, she frowned and asked in confusion:"Jiang Feng, who was that person just now? It felt so scary!"

"Of course it was scary. He was the prince of the ancient Heavenly Court demon clan, Lu Ya Daoist, a quasi-saint. If I was right, he had already set his sights on Heavenly Court and wanted to rescue the Nine Infants demon commander who was imprisoned on the seventh floor of the Heavenly Prison."Until now, Jiang Feng was still afraid, and his heart was filled with the feeling of surviving a disaster.

"It's actually Taoist Lu Ya!" Upon hearing this, Fairy Baihua couldn't help but exclaimed and covered her mouth.

She had naturally heard about the horror of this demon prince.

"Okay, Fairy of Flowers, the world is too dangerous, you should go back to heaven quickly, I will continue to hide, see you later."

Leaving behind a word, Jiang Feng left without looking back.

His current situation is very dangerous. Li Jing, the Heavenly King of the Pagoda, led 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals to search for him everywhere, and the Buddha issued a Buddhist order to kill him. Now, the terrifying Lu Ya Taoist has set his sights on him. If his whereabouts are leaked, he may be doomed.

"Why……"Fairy Baihua wanted to say something, but Jiang Feng had already disappeared from sight.

After a pause, Fairy Baihua set up a cloud and returned to heaven.

Not long after, Jiang Feng walked out of the grove.

There was a big river in front of him. On the river bank, there were several small boats parked, unattended.

Jiang Feng could not help but walk forward and randomly picked a boat to row to the other side of the river.

The grove was too sparse and not conducive to hiding, so Jiang Feng planned to find a more secluded place. After walking for a long time, Jiang Feng suddenly found that the river water under his feet was a little unusual.

The river water was very calm and extremely clear, and he could see the bottom at a glance, but Jiang Feng's spiritual sense detected a mysterious breath.

After careful identification, Jiang Feng could not help but be horrified,"The breath of law! The power of law is actually hidden in this river water."

However, Jiang Feng had no way to judge what kind of law it was, but he vaguely felt that it was more profound and mysterious than the law he had comprehended.

Out of curiosity, Jiang Feng leaned down and drank a few mouthfuls happily.

His Hongmeng Creation Sutra was extraordinary and could absorb the innate spiritual energy from the innate spiritual treasures and innate spiritual roots, absorb the power of the law and use it for himself, and then transform it into his own mana, making the power of Hongmeng further enhanced.

Then, refining the power of the law in the river water is naturally no problem.

This river water is like sweet spring water, sweet and delicious, which makes people have endless aftertaste.

Jiang Feng did not linger too much, and immediately sat cross-legged, running the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, and refining it frantically.

After a while, Jiang Feng frowned deeply,"Strange, why can't I refine it? Is my judgment wrong, there is no power of law in this river water?"

Jiang Feng was full of doubts and puzzled.

At this time, the boat seemed to have reached the end, and there were houses lined up on the other side of the river, as well as a lively crowd, and all kinds of noisy sounds came into the ears.

Jiang Feng was attracted to it. His eyes kept sweeping across the river. But when he landed on a stone tablet, Jiang Feng's pupils shrank sharply. He was shocked.

The stone tablet stood at the end of the river. It was thick and vicissitudes, showing traces of corrosion by time. It was unknown how many years it had existed.

On it, three characters were engraved in a flamboyant style: Mother and Child River.

"Zimu River! My goodness, this escape talisman actually sent me from Nanzhanbuzhou to Xiniuhezhou, and came to Xiliang Women's Kingdom in an instant!"

Jiang Feng was extremely shocked, but at the same time, he seemed to realize something, his heart suddenly jumped, and his eyeballs almost fell out.

This is Xiliang Women's Kingdom, the big river under his feet is Zimu River, and he just drank the water of Zimu River.

This means that he is going to have a baby!!!

The reason why the Women's Kingdom is called the Women's Kingdom is because this country is full of women, and they usually rely on this Zimu River to pass on their family line and continue the incense. When a young woman reaches the age of eighteen, as long as she drinks a sip of the water of the Zimu River, a fetus will naturally form in her belly, which is no different from the continuation of the family line by a normal woman.

"Damn it, I actually drank the water from the Mother and Child River by mistake! I am the great God of Justice, Jiang Feng. So far, I am still a virgin who cannot be purer. I have never had sex with a man. How can I have a child?"

Jiang Feng slapped his forehead and grabbed his hair. His face was ashen and he was almost going crazy.

He finally understood why he could not refine the power of the law in the river water. The power of the law of creation is contained in the Mother and Child River.

The law of creation is one of the top ten laws among the three thousand laws of the great way.

Even saints find it difficult to comprehend it. With Jiang Feng's current attainments in the Hongmeng Creation Sutra, he cannot refine it at all.

At this moment, Jiang Feng has vaguely noticed that in his lower abdomen, there is a mysterious airflow forming, which even makes him feel bloated and uncomfortable.

With Jiang Feng's current magical powers, he is completely helpless against this abnormality.

"No, it must be solved as soon as possible. How ridiculous it would be for a man with a penis to give birth to a child! Wouldn’t it be laughed at? How can I survive in the future?"

After thinking for a while, Jiang Feng immediately docked the boat and entered the Kingdom of Women.

According to his understanding of Journey to the West, there is a way to solve the problem of accidentally ingesting the water of the Mother and Child River. Just drink a sip of the water from the Fountain of Miscarriage.

But Jiang Feng was not sure where the Fountain of Miscarriage was.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Feng decided to go directly to the King of the Kingdom of Women.

The Fountain of Miscarriage is very mysterious, and ordinary people don’t know it at all, but the ruler of the Kingdom of Women is absolutely clear.

At this time, as soon as Jiang Feng got ashore, he instantly became the focus of attention, attracting everyone's attention.

"My brave man, may I ask where you are from? Are you married? If you are, it doesn't matter. I can be your concubine. What do you think?"

"Sir, you are so handsome that people even doubt that you are a man."

"Sir, please come to my house. My daughter is the most beautiful girl in this area. I can make the decision for her to marry you and work like a slave for you. If you agree, we can consummate the marriage tonight!"

"Sir, you should come to my house. My daughter is not bad either. She is plump, with a big and perky butt and a great body. I will make sure she will serve you well."

"Sir, this is my little daughter, who just turned three years old. How about I make her your child bride?"


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