"Looking for death!"

Jiang Feng snorted coldly, and stretched out his hand. A sharp long sword jumped out of it, shining brightly, reflecting an extremely cold light under the sunlight.

He took out the Immortal Killing Sword, and wanted to test the power of this sword.

With a thought, the sword body shook, and a sharp sword light suddenly shot out, like a white streak, indestructible, with a momentum of killing gods and demons, as high as the sun.


In the next moment, the two collided, but in just a glance, a crisp shattering sound suddenly rang out.

The Ruyi Jin Hook of the Immortal Ruyi was torn on the spot and shattered into pieces, like a pile of scrap copper and iron.

Moreover, the remaining force of the Immortal Killing Sword continued to sweep forward.

How could the Immortal Ruyi resist?


A narrow cut was made on his chest, and blood gushed out instantly, spilling all over the ground, looking horrible.

This is the power of the Immortal-Slaying Sword. Among the same level, it can sweep away everything and has no rivals. Jiang Feng only used 10% of his mana. The power of this top-grade innate spiritual treasure, the Immortal-Slaying Sword, only showed the tip of the iceberg. If it is fully released, the horror is unimaginable.

"You, how come you have my Jiejiao's Immortal-killing Sword?"

Ruyi Zhenxian was lying on the ground, covering his gushing wound, wailing in shock.

Jiang Feng ignored him, his mind was on the system's reward, this time it was indeed a bit weird.

The first item was the Immortal-killing Formation Diagram, which surprised Jiang Feng and he suspected that he had heard it wrong.

The Immortal-killing Formation Diagram, this is the core of the Immortal-killing Sword Formation. Only with it as a basis can the Four Swords of the Immortal-killing be combined to truly unleash the power of the Immortal-killing Sword Formation.

In a sense, the importance of the Immortal-killing Formation Diagram is even greater than the Four Swords of the Immortal-killing Sword.

Such a treasure of this level, logically speaking, should not be a reward from just a diamond-level treasure chest.

However, after Jiang Feng carefully checked it, he was relieved.

It turned out that the system reward was only a broken Immortal-killing Formation Diagram, not only broken, but also incomplete.

Originally a square formation diagram, now in Jiang Feng's hand, it was yellow, engraved with traces of corrosion by time.

Moreover, there was only a not very regular triangle left, as if it had been gnawed by a pig. The same, it is full of potholes and has no spiritual energy.

It is no exaggeration to say that if it is thrown on the ground, it will not attract any attention at all, and it is even worse than an ordinary parchment.

If it were not for the system reward, Jiang Feng would not know that this is the Zhuxian formation diagram.

In the past, in the final battle of the Conferred God Tribulation, the four saints, Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Western Jieyin Taoist, and Zhunti Taoist, joined forces and finally broke Tongtian Jiaozhu's Zhuxian sword formation, and also caused this first fierce formation in the prehistoric world to fall into pieces. The Zhuxian formation diagram and the Zhuxian four swords were all knocked down to an unknown place.

It can be said that this broken Zhuxian formation diagram is like chicken ribs in Jiang Feng's hands. It is tasteless to eat and a pity to throw it away. It is not very useful.

Even if Jiang Feng collected other fragments and pieced together a complete Zhuxian formation diagram, it would be impossible for Jiang Feng today to restore it to its original state.

Repairing the Zhuxian formation diagram is extremely difficult for saints, let alone Jiang Feng.

"Forget it, just put it away first, maybe it will be useful in the future."

After a pause, Jiang Feng checked the second reward.

"A Tongtian Order! What kind of token is this? Could it be related to Tongtian Patriarch?" Jiang Feng guessed in his heart.

Soon, Jiang Feng took it in his hand and looked at it carefully.

This is a diamond-shaped token. It is made of an unknown material. It is extremely hard and has many patterns engraved on it. It is mysterious and hard to figure out.

At this time, the system injected relevant information into Jiang Feng's mind.

Tongtian Order, the order of Tongtian Patriarch, is the most honorable token of Jiejiao. Seeing the token is like the presence of the Patriarch in person, symbolizing the supreme status and authority, and can command Jiejiao.

At the same time, there is still a remnant of thought in this token, which seems to be a message from Tongtian Patriarch, but it is not directed at Jiang Feng.

"Alas, Jiejiao is now in pieces and has become a thing of the past, and this token seems to be of no use."Jiang Feng sighed inwardly.

Then, he looked at the third reward.

The Great Killing Technique, a killing technique, practiced to the extreme, every move and every style contains infinite changes, with mountains, seas, sky, earth, and all things in the world, all kinds of combinations, the killing will gallops through the ages, killing gods and demons is not a problem.

This is an ancient technique, containing the killing law among the three thousand great laws, specializing in killing, destroying all things, and killing all obstacles in front.

""Who are you? How dare you hurt my disciple! Hand over the Immortal-Slaying Sword quickly, it belongs to my Jiejiao!"

At this moment, a cold and majestic voice was heard, shaking the sky, full of momentum.

Jiang Feng immediately felt a sense of crisis of impending disaster, vaguely felt that he was locked by some terrible aura, like a lump in the throat, and like a mountain pressing down on the top of the head, with an indescribable feeling of suffocation, almost unable to breathe.

Jiang Feng was startled, came to his senses, and hurriedly looked up.

I saw that beside the True Immortal Ruyi, an old woman with white hair appeared at some point.

She was wearing a gray Taoist robe, and her white hair was tied up with a jade hairpin. She looked unremarkable, but simple, neat, and neat.

The most important thing was that the old woman exuded an extremely terrible aura, monstrous and terrifying, as vast and boundless as the galaxy, far superior to Jiang Feng

"Oh no, this person is at least a Daluo Jinxian!"

Jiang Feng's eyes condensed, and his nerves tensed up instantly, and the hairs all over his body stood up.

He could never have imagined that Ruyi Zhenxian would have such a terrifying master.

"This is my Jiejiao's thing!"

Jiang Feng pondered this sentence carefully, and his mind became active instantly.

It seems that this old woman is a Jiejiao disciple. Jiejiao has now fallen apart, and many surviving Jiejiao disciples have been included in the Conferred God List and serve in the Heavenly Court.

"Which disciple of Jiejiao has such a terrifying cultivation level! And he is not under the jurisdiction of the Heavenly Court and is free and unfettered."

Jiang Feng thought hard and racked his brains.

After a moment, a name suddenly popped up in his mind, which immediately made his pupils shrink.

"Wu Dang Holy Mother! This old woman is Wu Dang Holy Mother!"

Jiang Feng is extremely sure that only this person from Jiejiao meets so many conditions.

Lingbao Tianzun Shangqing Saint Tongtian Sect Master has four direct disciples, namely Duobao Taoist, Huoling Holy Mother, Wu Dang Holy Mother and Guiling Holy Mother. The

Wu Dang Holy Mother in front of him is one of the four direct disciples, and her status was second only to Duobao Taoist. However

, with the passage of time, things have changed. The Jiejiao, which was once prosperous and known as the place where thousands of immortals came to pay homage, is now in name only, and she is the only one left among the four direct disciples. It is really sad and lamentable!

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