"Die, stop struggling in vain."

"Humble human beings, weakness is the original sin, please don't blame me"

"It is your supreme blessing to be able to make a contribution to the great demon race."


In the town, flames shot up to the sky and the place was in a mess. Three monsters were brutally slaughtering unarmed civilians.

These three monsters were all transformed into human form, namely a leopard monster, a lion monster and a fox monster.

Their cultivation was not very profound, but they were only small Xuanxian, at best they were considered great monsters, but for ordinary mortals, they were a disaster.

"Stop! You evil beasts!"

Jiang Feng descended from the sky and was furious when he saw the tragic scene in front of him. He immediately suppressed it with a huge golden handprint.


A loud noise was heard, the sky and the earth shook, and the three monsters were shocked and vomited blood and flew backwards. The three

Xuanxian monsters were nothing in front of Jiang Feng, and he could kill them at will, but Jiang Feng still had some questions in his heart that needed to be answered.

"Tell me, who ordered you to slaughter innocent people and collect human blood?"Jiang Feng looked down at them with an extremely cold voice and murderous intent in his eyes.

The scene suddenly became quiet. The three monsters were all shocked. They didn't expect that a great immortal would come to this remote town. They panicked for a while.

After a long time, the fox spirit wiped the blood from the corner of its mouth, stood up and walked towards Jiang Feng.

"Great Immortal, they are just a few ordinary people, why are you so angry?……"

The vixen's voice was so soft and charming that it could break one's bones.

At the same time, she moved in a cat-like manner, twisting her waist like a water snake, and even undressing to show her slender and plump body.

She kept throwing seductive glances at Jiang Feng, using her innate charm to try to win him over.

In response, Jiang Feng looked indifferent and was not moved at all.

The so-called charm was just a trifle in his eyes, not worth mentioning.


Suddenly, a sharp sound of breaking through the air was heard, which was extremely piercing.

Jiang Feng suddenly became murderous and pointed out mercilessly. A finger passed through the air, with a cold light, as timely as light and lightning, and the speed was extremely fast.


A burst of blood splashed out, and the vixen's head was pierced on the spot, tearing her soul apart, and she ended up with a soul-shattering end, and she died without even a scream.

These three monsters have been slaughtering civilians wantonly these days. They have committed many evil deeds and deserve to be put to death.

"Tell me, who is the mastermind behind this?"

The cold voice came out again, pausing for each word, as if it was squeezed out from between teeth, chilling to the bone.

"This this……"

The leopard demon and the lion demon knelt on the ground, terrified to the point of peeing and shitting, their bodies were shaking.

But they were still hesitating, because there was a huge secret behind this, and if they told it, they would die.


While they were hesitating, Jiang Feng pointed his finger again, killing the lion demon.

He acted decisively, cold-blooded and ruthless, leaving no room for negotiation, like a god of death, terrifying and outrageous.

The only remaining leopard demon saw this scene, and was so scared that his heart almost jumped out, so he dared not hide anything,"Yes, it was the Black Bear Demon King from the Black Cloud Cave, he ordered us to do this, please spare my life, please spare my life!"

"Black Bear Demon King!" Jiang Feng frowned, and then said:"Where is he, lead the way immediately."

As a god of justice and a pure human, Jiang Feng could not sit idly by when he saw his compatriots being slaughtered wantonly.

Moreover, this matter revealed a sense of weirdness and conspiracy everywhere, and Jiang Feng decided to investigate it to the end.

The leopard demon did not dare to disobey in the slightest, and got up tremblingly and hurriedly led the way.

A few days later, the leopard demon led Jiang Feng to the deepest part and arrived in front of the Black Cloud Cave.

"Great, great immortal, it is right here," the leopard demon said in a trembling voice.

"Very good," Jiang Feng nodded in satisfaction, but the next moment his tone suddenly changed,"You can go and die." As soon as the words fell, Jiang Feng made a move as fast as lightning.

He slapped the leopard demon's crown with one palm, and in an instant, the leopard demon turned into a pool of blood mud, his bones were broken into slag, his soul was broken, and he went to the west.

At this time, the entrance of the Black Cloud Cave suddenly opened, and the Black Bear Demon King rushed out. He was humanoid, with a strong back and dark skin, thick hair on his chest, and bulging muscles all over his body, looking full of power.

At this time, he held a seven-star Without saying anything, the precious sword slashed towards Jiang Feng's head.

Jiang Feng had expected this, and he remained calm. He stretched out two fingers and easily clamped the Seven-Star Precious Sword, preventing it from moving forward.

Then, he flicked his fingers, and a huge force surged out, surging and carrying an overwhelming force.

The Black Bear Demon King Pei Mo was unable to stop it, and the Seven-Star Precious Sword flew out of his hand in an instant, cracking his knuckles and causing blood to flow.

His body was also crushed on the spot. It shot back and hit the entrance of the Black Cloud Cave heavily, and couldn't get up for a long time.

The opponent was just a Golden Immortal-level demon king, and was vulnerable in front of Jiang Feng.

But this black bear demon king still shocked Jiang Feng.

He was not an ordinary monster like the previous fox spirit, leopard spirit and lion spirit, but a pure demon.

Jiang Feng could clearly sense the strong and pure demon blood in his body, which was in an absolute advantage for ordinary monsters today. It was an innate suppression that would make them feel the panic from the depths of their souls.

And such a pure demon race was only born in one period, that is, the witch and demon calamity period, the most glorious and prosperous era of the ancient demon court.

In other words, this black bear demon king is likely to be a member of the ancient demon court and survived the witch and demon calamity period.

This made Jiang Feng immediately think of the demon prince of the ancient demon court, Lu Ya Taoist.

A mere black bear demon king would never dare to slaughter the people on such a large scale. He didn't have the courage.

"Black Bear Demon King, was it Taoist Lu Ya who ordered you to do this?" Jiang Feng asked rhetorically. Although it was a question, his tone was extremely certain. The

Black Bear Demon King stood up, stared at Jiang Feng and said coldly,"Since you know it, don't meddle in other people's business. Otherwise,……"


Before he could finish his words, he was killed by Jiang Feng on the spot.

Jiang Feng had already gotten the answer. This Black Bear Demon King had no need to exist.

"Collecting human blood is indeed the usual style of the demon race, but what exactly does this Taoist Lu Ya want to do?"Jiang Feng couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

During the witch-demon calamity, the ancient demon court specially refined a witch-killing sword to deal with the witch race.

In order to sacrifice this witch-killing sword, the demon race did not hesitate to start a massacre, wantonly slaughtering the human race, and collecting blood.

"Could it be that Taoist Lu Ya wants to refine the Tuwu Sword again? That shouldn't be the case. The Tuwu Sword only has unimaginable killing power against the Wu clan."

Jiang Feng frowned, puzzled.

At this moment, suddenly, the Buddha's light shone brightly in this world, and the sound of Sanskrit and Zen chanting rose up.

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