At this moment, Jiang Feng was truly at the end of his rope.

He had planned everything before, and if he succeeded, he would have escaped with his life, but things did not go as he wished. Man proposes, God disposes. Jiang Feng ultimately failed, and successfully forced himself into a dead end.

"Father, that Lingji Bodhisattva has attacked again. Jiang Feng is in danger. You must think of a solution quickly!"

In the Heavenly Palace Yaochi, Princess Longji saw the scene in the Haotian Mirror and was instantly in a state of confusion and anxiety.

"No, who is Jiang Feng? How can a mere Golden Immortal put him to death? The existence behind him will never leave it alone, so don't worry, daughter."The Jade Emperor looked confident, as if he had everything under control.

At this moment, he stared at the Haotian Mirror, expecting the big man behind Jiang Feng to show up.

He had planned for this moment for a long time.

"Father, whether there is a master behind Jiang Feng is still unknown. All this is just your guess. Look at Jiang Feng's expression. He is desperate."

"Father, we can't wait any longer, Jiang Feng will die, please save him quickly."

Princess Longji was so anxious that she jumped up and down, and even a few crystal tears emerged in her beautiful eyes.

The Queen Mother stared at the Haotian Mirror, her dark eyebrows couldn't help but frowned, and she said uncertainly:"Haotian, could it be that we guessed wrong?"

Looking at Jiang Feng's dead look, the Jade Emperor was at a loss for a moment.

His daughter was right. All of this was just their conjecture. There was no evidence that there was an almighty being behind Jiang Feng. Although this was very possible based on his performance, it was only a possibility.

If he guessed wrong and Jiang Feng died, it would be a great loss to the Heavenly Court.

For a moment, the Jade Emperor was frowning and hesitant.

At this time, a strange phenomenon suddenly appeared in the Haotian Mirror.

Suddenly, a large area of light spread, shining in all directions, covering everything, like a small golden sun, extremely dazzling, and dazzling people unable to open their eyes.

In an instant, the entire Haotian Mirror was covered by the light, and it was hazy and blurred.

Not to mention Princess Longji, even the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother could not see clearly.

"What happened?"Princess Longji was confused and full of doubt. The

Jade Emperor also frowned. The Haotian Mirror was given to him by his master Hongjun Daozu. It was a top-grade innate spiritual treasure that could reflect the past, present and future and know the past and present.

The current situation has never happened before. If it has happened, it can only mean one thing.

There is a supreme being coming, using great magical powers and magic power, and he wants to surpass him, the Jade Emperor. Otherwise, it would never be like this.

""Master, a master has come. It must be the boss behind Jiang Feng who has come!" The Jade Emperor said with great certainty.


Lower world.

Facing the killing move of Lingji Bodhisattva, Jiang Feng closed his eyes in despair, his expression was extremely gloomy.

However, after waiting for a while, the imagined scene did not come. Jiang Feng did not feel any pain, and the powerful Vajra Finger did not seem to touch him.

Out of curiosity, Jiang Feng could not help but open his eyes, but as soon as he opened them, he closed them again instinctively.

Dazzling, too dazzling, for some reason, there was a large area of light diffused, even with eyes closed, it felt a little dazzling. It was not until a long time later that Jiang Feng felt a little better and could not help but open his eyes.

In his sight, the Lingji Bodhisattva who was facing Jiang Feng disappeared at some point.

At the same time, Jiang Feng keenly noticed that there was a sad and beautiful blood falling on the open space in front, and the air was filled with a bloody smell.

And the spectators, including the Taoist Lu Ya, all looked in one direction, with complicated expressions, including doubts, shock, admiration, envy, etc.

"What happened?"

Jiang Feng was confused, and he couldn't help but look over in the direction.

When he turned around, Jiang Feng's pupils couldn't help but shrink, petrified on the spot, dumbfounded.

In the sky, under the attention of everyone, at the center of all the focus, there was a colorful bird floating in the air.

It was a huge body of ten thousand feet, like a prehistoric beast, covering the sky and the sun. Its two wings were like wings hanging from the sky. With a casual flap, it would set off a huge storm, which was more terrifying than Jiang Feng's sleeve Qiankun technique.

It had a gorgeous fiery red tail feathers, and a high head, and a near Its almost perfect body showed its noble and majestic status, as if it was the king of birds. Its appearance made many birds and monsters passing by fall down, and then crawled on the ground, trembling, and couldn't stop being afraid.

It was a fear that came from the depths of the soul and blood, and it was impossible to control it. Not to mention ordinary monsters like them, even the prince of the monster clan, Lu Ya Taoist, who had the noble and pure blood of the three-legged golden crow flowing in his body, couldn't help but tremble at this moment, and was eclipsed by the huge colorful bird, and couldn't be compared with it.

"What kind of race is this? Why is their aura so noble and arrogant?"

"This is too scary. Even Lu Ya Daoist would admit defeat."

"I have never seen such a terrifying creature. Could it be the legendary prehistoric beast?"

"I understand, this, this seems to be the legendary phoenix!"

"Phoenix! Are you kidding? The Xiantian Phoenix Clan perished during the Longhan Calamity. Even those members who survived by chance were forever trapped in the Undying Volcano and could never be born!"

"But apart from the Phoenix, what other race has such a perfect body shape that can even suppress Lu Ya Taoist?"


The world was in an uproar, as if a pot had exploded, with discussions everywhere, and it was impossible to calm down for a long time.

Although some people raised doubts, many people were certain that the huge creature that suddenly appeared was the legendary phoenix.

"Look, there seems to be a person standing on the head of the phoenix."

"You are talking nonsense. The Xiantian Phoenix Clan is so proud and noble. In the past, it was a powerful race that could compete with the Dragon Clan and the Qilin Clan. Who dares to stand above them?"

"Hey! It seems to be true, it seems to be a woman"

"Oh my god, this is really weird. How can the proud Xiantian Phoenix clan allow others to stand over them?"


Suddenly, the discussion started again, and the crowd was noisy.

Jiang Feng also frowned and looked over.

Just as everyone said, there was a woman standing on the top of the proud phoenix.

The woman was wearing a colorful dress, shining brightly, with a purple ribbon tied around her waist, showing her exquisite and graceful curves to the fullest.

She was barefoot, and you could see that her skin was like mutton-fat jade, crystal clear, and so tender that it seemed like you could squeeze water out of it.

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