Princess Jiuhuang has been following Nuwa for who knows how many years, and has stayed in this deserted Nuwa Palace for who knows how long. Although she is highly accomplished, her spiritual world is extremely poor, and can be said to be lonely, empty and cold.

At this time, Jiang Feng finally came, and she stuck to him like a maggot, trying to make a presence everywhere and teasing Jiang Feng.

"Country bumpkin, you have never seen such a sacred tree. This princess tells you that if you pick some leaves and make tea, it can also enhance your understanding and greatly improve your practice speed."

"You can pick them, don't worry, I won't laugh at you."

Jiuhuang stood aside, with her arms folded, full of superiority.

She said she wouldn't make fun of him, but her eyes were full of sarcasm.

Jiang Feng was not angry either. Suddenly, he turned around and stared at Jiuhuang without blinking, and said seriously and sincerely:"Princess Jiuhuang, let's be together!"

Immediately, Princess Jiuhuang's smile froze on her face, her brows furrowed, and she suspected that she had heard it wrongly.

"What do you mean, country bumpkin?���Suddenly, her pretty face was full of coldness.

Jiang Feng laughed and said,"It means exactly what it says. Don't you understand what being together means? It means being together. To put it bluntly, I want to marry you."

As he spoke, as if he was afraid that Jiu Huang didn't understand, Jiang Feng made circles and crosses with his hands.

Princess Jiu Huang was petrified on the spot, extremely shocked.

She never thought that someone would dare to say such words to her.

And Jiang Feng continued,"Princess Jiu Huang, can you marry me? After so many years, you still don't have a partner. You must be very empty, lonely and cold inside!"

"Then let me help you get rid of it. I am very capable in that area. I guarantee that you will be in ecstasy and become the happiest woman in the world. You can rest assured about this.……"

Jiang Feng's words became more and more unbearable.

Princess Jiuhuang couldn't bear to listen any longer, and immediately yelled like crazy,"Shut up! Country bumpkin, believe it or not, I will punch you to death!"

After the voice fell, Princess Jiuhuang clenched her white little fist and gestured in front of Jiang Feng.

Her eyes were sharp, full of threats.

Her fist looked weak and boneless, extremely delicate, but it must not be underestimated.

You know, she is Yuan Feng's biological sister, the eldest princess of the Xiantian Phoenix clan, and her cultivation throughout her life has been superb and reached the pinnacle. She is a genuine quasi-saint existence, even more terrifying than that Taoist Lu Ya. If she punches down, Jiang Feng's soul will be crushed.

However, Jiang Feng was not afraid at all. Instead, he put his face forward and said,"If you don't believe me, hit me. If you have the guts, come and hit me. Let's see if the queen will spare you. Come on, do it.……"

Jiang Feng's arrogance was so strong that he actually forced Princess Jiuhuang to retreat step by step.

"you……"Princess Jiuhuang's expression froze, her mind was in turmoil.

"You filthy rascal, you are so disgusting, just wait for me!"

In the end, Princess Jiuhuang said something cruel and left in anger.

Seeing her back disappear from his sight, Jiang Feng couldn't help but smile,"Haha, I don't believe that I can't cure you, a little bitch!"

At this time, the system's crisp and pleasant reminder sounded.

"Congratulations to the host, you have been successfully rejected by Princess Jiuhuang and obtained a supreme treasure chest. Do you want to open it?"

""Open it." Jiang Feng said impatiently, his eyes full of anticipation.

The Supreme Treasure Box is the top treasure box, and the rewards it gets every time it is opened are very generous and amazing.

"Congratulations to the host for opening the Supreme Treasure Box and obtaining a Chaos Pill Book and a Congenital Treasure Qiankun Ding."

""Wow, the innate treasure Qiankun Ding!"

Jiang Feng exclaimed in surprise, ecstatic.

Although this treasure is an innate treasure, it is not well-known in the prehistoric world, unlike the other innate treasures. The main reason is that its function is somewhat unique.

It has some offensive and defensive capabilities, but they are just some auxiliary functions, not the most important ones. Its most heaven-defying function is that it can make magic weapons return to the acquired state to the innate state.

After the prehistoric world was opened up and the heaven and earth were completely formed, the magic weapons naturally born on the major spiritual veins of the three realms were all acquired spiritual treasures. No matter how they were forged, even if they were forged by Laozi, the most skilled in refining instruments, they were at best the best acquired spiritual treasures, which were qualitatively different from the innate spiritual treasures.

Because of the lack of the innate energy before the heaven and earth were formed, a skilled cook could not cook without rice, and no one could go against the will of heaven.

But the Qiankun Ding is very unique. It recreates the heaven and earth inside it, and there is another world, which can refine magic weapons and make them return to the acquired state to the innate state.

"What the hell is this Chaos Pill Book?"

Then, Jiang Feng's eyes shifted to this ancient book.

In his palm, there was an extremely thick black ancient book, with four big characters"Chaos Pill Book" written on the cover, and a dazzling black and gold luster flowing on it.

Jiang Feng immediately opened it and flipped through a few pages, and found that they were all introductions to some immortal herbs, elixirs and innate spiritual roots.

This made Jiang Feng frown,"What does the system mean? Do you want me to become an alchemist?"

"This seems to be the meaning. This innate treasure Qiankun Ding can be used to refine magic weapons, and it can also be used to refine pills."

"However, my current cultivation is too shallow to refine this innate treasure. The most urgent thing is to advance to Daluo first."

Jiang Feng made a decision immediately.

He now has so many cultivation resources that they are about to overflow. Moreover, he is in this Wahuang Palace, with countless innate spiritual roots, which is more than enough for him to advance to Daluo. After a brief pause, Jiang Feng stepped into the palace in front of him, intending to practice immediately. Here, with the help of the divine brilliance of the ancient tea tree of enlightenment, he can also enhance his understanding and greatly improve the speed of practice.

Gulp gurgle...

As soon as he entered the palace, there was a bubbling sound.

Jiang Feng looked up and saw that there was a square pool in the center of the palace, about half a meter square.

The pool was full of milky white liquid, like milk, bubbling and steaming.

The milky white liquid was extremely magical, exuding an extremely pure and powerful energy aura, and every drop was surging.

"This, this is the Jade Marrow of Creation!"

Jiang Feng was dumbfounded, his eyes full of surprise.

The Jade Marrow of Creation is an extremely precious resource for cultivation. It is born and raised by nature, absorbing infinite sun and moon essence and condensing under the precipitation of extremely long years. Every drop contains extremely pure and rich energy.

Most importantly, it contains exquisite fragments of the Law of Creation, which is deeper than the water of the Mother and Child River, and is of great benefit to Jiang Feng.

If Jiang Feng can devour and refine it, then his attainments in the Law of Creation will definitely reach a higher level.

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