"Damn, these rich ladies are really weird. Why use the Jade Marrow of Creation to wash their feet? It's such a waste!" Jiang Feng complained in his heart.

Originally, he wanted to behave well during these days in the Nuwa Palace and try to seize this marriage with Nuwa, but he didn't expect that not long after, he drank someone else's foot washing water.

This is too damaging to his heroic and glorious image. How can he face Nuwa in the future? For a moment, Jiang Feng wanted to die. Fate is playing tricks on him, it's really fate!

"Wait a minute," At this time, Nuwa suddenly called Jiang Feng and said,"The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother are waiting in the Nuwa Palace and want to invite you back to heaven."

"Jade Emperor and Queen Mother, why are they here?" Jiang Feng couldn't help but frowned, and replied without thinking:"If they don't want to see me, just say I'm in seclusion and let them wait."

Jiang Feng was just worrying about where to vent his anger, and the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother just bumped into him.

However, after leaving the hall, Jiang Feng's mind turned to the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother again.

Some time ago, the Heavenly Court sent Li Jing, the Pagoda-Bearing Heavenly King, to lead 100,000 heavenly soldiers and generals to capture him everywhere, but now they came to the door in person to ask him to go back.

Of course, this must be because of his relationship with Nuwa, but Jiang Feng always felt that it was not just that simple.

"By the way, isn't the Jade Emperor in retreat? How come he came out just after Nuwa stood up for me? This is too much of a coincidence. There must be something fishy here."Jiang Feng's mind is clear and very confident.

Then, he sorted it out carefully and pondered it seriously. At a certain moment, a bright light suddenly flashed in his mind and he suddenly realized it.

Originally, the Jade Emperor attached great importance to him and favored him. He planned to work with him to disrupt the Journey to the West and fight against Buddhism.

But suddenly one day, the Jade Emperor went into retreat urgently and did not see anyone. The Queen Mother's attitude towards him also changed 180 degrees, so that Jiang Feng was forced to leave the Heavenly Court and hide in the lower world.

At that time, Jiang Feng felt that something was wrong, but he could not tell exactly. Now he has finally realized it.

"You, the Jade Emperor, are such a traitor. In order to find out my background, you even went to such great lengths to set up such a trap."

"Well, now that they know that I have the support of the Goddess Nuwa, they are eager to invite me back. It's not that easy. You should wait for a hundred or eighty years.

Jiang Feng smiled coldly and ignored the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother.

Not long after, Jiang Feng came to another palace.

The Temple of Time, on the plaque in front of the temple, there were four big characters written in iron hooks and silver paintings :

"Hey! This palace seems a little unusual!"With curiosity, Jiang Feng stepped in.

At first, Jiang Feng did not find anything unusual. This palace was similar to most other palaces, covered with dust and cobwebs, and it was unknown how many years it had been abandoned.

But after Jiang Feng walked back and forth several times, he finally noticed something unusual.

The flow of time in this palace is different. There are mysterious fragments of the law of time flowing in the invisible, which makes the flow of time here much faster.

Jiang Feng compared it carefully and found that the difference was about a hundred times.

In other words, staying in this palace for a hundred years, only one year has passed in the outside world.

This discovery made Jiang Feng stunned. If he practiced in this palace, wouldn't it increase the speed of practice by a hundred times?

The most important thing is that Jiang Feng has his eyes on the fragments of the law of time here.

If he can comprehend the law of time and control the flow of time, it will be... What a heaven-defying ability.

So, he immediately tried it, but ended up in failure.

Even though he knew that there were fragments of the law of time here, he couldn't see or touch them, and he couldn't touch them at all. Jiang Feng couldn't refine them with the Hongmeng Creation Sutra.

After a lot of effort, it was fruitless in the end, so Jiang Feng had to give up, and then sat cross-legged on the ground, practicing honestly.

He took out the five Huangzhong plums he picked, intending to advance to Daluo in one go and achieve Daluo Dao Fruit.

Although he has reached the peak of Taiyi Jinxian, there is only a layer of window paper between him and Daluo, which can be broken with a poke.

But the seemingly tiny gap is not so easy. Throughout the ages, I don't know how many geniuses and heroes are stuck at this step, and they can't make any progress even if they spend their entire lives.

Jiang Feng didn't dare to take it lightly. Soon, Jiang Feng calmed down his mind, his expression was calm, as if an old monk was in meditation, and he devoted himself to the state of practice with all his body and mind.


In the main hall of the Wa Palace, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were waiting anxiously.

Not long after, a charming figure came quickly. It was Princess Jiuhuang.

"That, Haotian Yaochi, Jiang Feng said that he is in retreat and has no time, so he doesn't want to see you, so you should wait first."

When meeting the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, Princess Jiuhuang didn't show any courtesy and went straight to the point. She not only brought Jiang Feng's angry words to the table, but also exaggerated them.

Maybe others are in awe of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother, but these two are just two little brats in front of Princess Jiuhuang.

In the early days of the prehistoric times, the three innate tribes fought for supremacy in the world. Princess Jiuhuang followed Yuanfeng, the leader of the innate Phoenix tribe, and was also very famous. At that time, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were just two stones in the Zixiao Palace.

"Let us wait first!"

Upon hearing this, the Jade Emperor and Queen Mother looked at each other in surprise, suspecting that they had heard wrongly.

What are their identities? The Supreme and Mistress of the Three Realms, personally conferred by Hongjun Daozu. Although their name is greater than their reality, their identities and status are also extremely prominent and respected.

Now, they put aside their dignity and come in person to invite, but they did not expect to be subjected to such cold words and could not even see each other.

However, now is different from the past. The Jade Emperor did not dare to lose his temper. Instead, he greeted him with a smile and asked,"Princess Jiuhuang, when will Jiang Feng come out of seclusion?"

"I don’t know," Princess Jiuhuang shook her head indifferently, and then continued:"However, if you want to wait, wait outside. This is the queen’s bedroom. Don’t disturb her."

"Yes, yes, we'll go now."

The Jade Emperor nodded like a chicken pecking at rice, not daring to disobey in the slightest.


Temple of Time.

As time passed, Jiang Feng's aura rose and became stronger.

In front of him, only two of the original five Huangzhong plums remained.

At this time, Jiang Feng's whole body suddenly released a surging aura, like a storm hitting the shore, like a thunderclap, terrifying.

Above his head, the three flowers of heaven, earth and man, representing the spirit, energy and spirit, suddenly appeared, vivid and lifelike.


Suddenly, the three flowers seemed to be watered by some kind of power, and bloomed at the same time.

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