In a trance, Nuwa seemed to realize that the complete world was rotating along a predetermined trajectory, and it seemed to be getting closer and closer to her. It became larger and larger in her eyes, and finally gave her an infinite sense of oppression.

It was as if the infinite world was going to press down and crush her to pieces.

"ah……"Nuwa couldn't help but scream. The terrible feeling of oppression was so strong that she felt like she was suffocating.

""My lady, what's wrong with you?" Princess Jiuhuang hurriedly supported the arm of Lady Nuwa and asked in confusion.

"It's all right."Nuwa shook her head, but she was horrified beyond words.

She hadn't felt panic for a long time. Even if she had, only Daozu Hongjun in the whole prehistoric world could bring her this feeling.

But now, a little Daluo Jinxian who had just been promoted actually scared her to scream. This was simply as outrageous as a fairy tale.

After Jiang Feng's flower blossomed to the thirteenth level, the vision around him was unprecedentedly dazzling, with thousands of rays of light and thousands of auspicious colors, covering the entire Wahuang Palace.

At the same time, above his head, the three flowers of heaven, earth and man continued to surge with waves of power, entering Jiang Feng's body, cleansing his flesh, reflecting each other, and circulating.

Each of those powers was full of mystery, unprecedented strength and terror, and a ray could shake the galaxy and burn mountains and boil seas.

Seeing this scene, Princess Jiuhuang couldn't help but widen her beautiful eyes,"What kind of power is this? It's so complicated and magical, as if it is mixed with dozens of laws!"

"But how is this possible? Jiang Feng has only been around for a few years, how can his attainment in the laws be more profound than some old antiques?"

"Madam, who on earth is this Jiang Feng? How can he be so weird and abnormal? Even if he is the reincarnation of your brother Fuxi, he shouldn't be so outrageous!"

Princess Jiuhuang was astonished, as if she had just met Jiang Feng for the first time, and was dumbfounded.

Nuwa Niangniang also frowned deeply, and suddenly found that this handsome little man in front of her was so unfathomable, like a bottomless pit, which made her difficult to figure out.

This made Nuwa Niangniang more interested in Jiang Feng.

At this time, all the strange phenomena converged, the mysterious aura dissipated, and everything gradually calmed down.

Jiang Feng couldn't help but open his eyes, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, ecstatic.

Finally, he finally got his wish and was promoted to Daluo, and condensed the Daluo Dao Fruit.

To achieve Daluo Jinxian means that he has officially entered the ranks of the strong, and can be called a powerful person who can stand alone.

The strong people of this realm, no matter in which era, are the existence standing at the top of the pyramid. No matter which force they join, they will be the mainstay and have a pivotal position.

If the two forces go to war, whichever side has one more Daluo Jinxian, it means one more chance of winning.

Its importance is self-evident.

""My Lady, Princess Jiuhuang, you are here!"

Jiang Feng was smiling, as happy as ever.

This time, he reached the thirteenth level, breaking through perfection and reaching the pinnacle. There were earth-shaking changes in his body, as if he had been reborn. He was completely different from before, and naturally he was extremely ecstatic.

For a moment, even Princess Jiuhuang was pleased with him.

"Jiang Feng, are you sure you don't want to see the Jade Emperor? He has been waiting for a long time."

Nuwa suddenly spoke, but did not mention a word about the many doubts about Jiang Feng.

"No, let them wait a little longer. I just got promoted to Daluo, and I need to consolidate it."Jiang Feng replied without thinking.

Nuwa nodded, and without staying for too long, she left with Princess Jiuhuang.


Wahuang Palace, on a tree-lined path outside the main hall

"What happened? How could such a shocking phenomenon occur?"

"Haotian, look, the three flowers are blooming. This is a sign of promotion to Daluo."

"It must be Jiang Feng, there is no one else in this Nuwa Palace except him. But it shouldn't be such a shocking phenomenon to be promoted to Daluo!"

"The flower blossomed to the tenth level, oh my god! This is the footsteps of the Chaos God and Demon!"

"The flower has already blossomed to its twelfth level, but why do I feel like it’s still gestating?"

"What! Am I seeing things? How is it possible that the flower has thirteen different flowers?"

"Impossible, it must be an illusion. Let me count carefully, one, two, three, four.……"


The Jade Emperor and Queen Mother were waiting here day and night. When they saw Jiang Feng's promotion to Daluo, the two masters of the three realms almost dropped their jaws in shock.

"The flower blossoms at the thirteenth level! That’s right, I counted it ten times with my fingers, it must be right!"

"No wonder there is such a shocking phenomenon. It turns out that the flower is at the thirteenth level. What a monstrous talent this is. Even the God of Creation Pangu cannot compare to it."

"This, this is simply a heaven-defying posture! If you can be used by me, why worry about not being able to disrupt the Journey to the West, fight against Buddhism, and strengthen the Heavenly Court?"

The Jade Emperor was extremely excited and almost jumped up with excitement.

The Queen Mother was also excited, as if she saw the future of the Heavenly Court.

At this time, Princess Jiuhuang and Nuwa came together.

""My lady, did the vision just now show that Jiang Feng has been promoted to Daluo?"

The Jade Emperor hurried forward and asked

"Yes," Princess Jiuhuang replied indifferently, and then suddenly changed the subject,"However, Jiang Feng still needs to continue his retreat to consolidate his cultivation, so you guys should continue to wait here."

"Ah this……"

The Jade Emperor was stunned. His passion seemed to have been poured with cold water.

He was rejected again. He was the supreme ruler of the Three Realms, but he could not even see the person.

If it was someone else, it would be fine. But the person was the God of Justice in Heaven, his subordinate.

If this scene was reported to Heaven, it would cause a great uproar and make the Jade Emperor���The emperor's face was completely lost.

"Fortunately, I only brought Yao Chi with me this time." The Jade Emperor was thankful.

Then, after thinking for a moment, he could not help but say to Queen Mother Wang:"Yao Chi, you don't have to wait here with me. The Heavenly Court cannot be without a leader. Besides, Taoist Lu Ya has taken the key to the Heavenly Prison. I'm afraid he will take this opportunity to rescue the Nine Infants Demon General. You must go back to take charge of the situation."

"But……"The Queen Mother frowned.

However, before she finished her words, the Jade Emperor continued,"Yao Chi, I want you to go back and do something. Send someone to escort my daughter here."

"Send Longji to the Wa Palace?"

The Queen Mother was a little confused at first, but then her eyes lit up and she understood Haotian's intention.

Before that, when he was in Yaochi, Jiang Feng had said something extremely treasonous, threatening to marry her daughter, Princess Longji.

It was obvious that Jiang Feng liked Princess Longji and had feelings for her daughter. If Princess Longji came forward, perhaps she could calm Jiang Feng's anger and call him back to heaven.

"OK, I'll do it right away."

The Queen Mother nodded and immediately returned to heaven.

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