Chapter 94 The fatal flaw of Buddhism!

Of course, Ye Zhen will not add any good material, nor can it be said that it is bad material, but it should be said that it directly points out the harm and shortcomings of Buddhism.

Although when Buddhism was very popular, Hell had to agree to Buddhism's request and reincarnate Jin Chan'zi ten times.

However, Buddhism was so powerful at that time that even Hell could not refuse Buddhism's request.

I had no choice but to agree to open a back door to Buddhism and let Jin Chan'zi Samsara reincarnate in ten lives and become a great good person in ten lives.

But now, Hell has completely overwhelmed Buddhism.

Not only is Earthly Dao Saint Houtu in charge, but also Ancestral Witch Xuan Ming, who is the Great Emperor Fengdu, is the Five Directions Ghost Emperor of the Great Witch, and the Ten Palaces of Yama. ??

So after Houtu Sanctified, Buddhism withdrew all its tentacles from Hell.

Not only Buddhism, but also Dao Sect Heavenly Court.

In this era when Saints cannot enter the Great Primordial, whoever dares to pursue the idea of ​​Hell is asking for trouble for himself!??

Heavenly Dao cannot limit Earthly Dao Saint!?

As Buddhism retracted all its tentacles, it was discovered that there was a problem with the reincarnation of Jin Chan'zi, the most important person in the Westward Journey's Tribulation of Reckoning. ?

According to the requirements of Heavenly Dao, Jin Chan'zi must be a good person who has practiced cultivation for ten generations before he is qualified to go to the West to obtain the true scriptures.

But as the power of Buddhism shrinks, it becomes impossible to accurately control Jin Chan'zi12's reincarnation as a good person.

In desperation, Buddhism can only make a deal with Hell.

After paying a certain price, Hell was forced to intervene in Jin Chan's reincarnation.

Because of this, Jin Chan'zi has no secrets in front of Hell, which naturally gives Ye Zhen considerable room for maneuver. ?

For example, keep adding ingredients to Jin Chan'zi's reincarnation!

?In every reincarnation of Jin Chan'zi, Ye Zhen will continue to instill in him the errors of Buddhism, and continue to tell him the flaws in the teachings of Buddhism.

For example, one of the teachings of Buddhism is to place hope in the afterlife after death, allowing believers to pray for the afterlife.

Buddhism teaches people to have a negative, pessimistic, and decadent attitude towards life. They believe that life is a sea of ​​suffering and that all positive values ​​in the world are fixed to make people unwilling to make progress.

The hateful thing about Buddhism is that it teaches people from the beginning that life is a tragedy and that people are going to get sick and die anyway, and then uses this as a basis to lead people to "enlightenment"

In fact, the so-called "enlightenment" means seeing through life and death, not doing anything, and accepting whatever comes.

Life is short, and you are bound to die anyway. No matter what you do, you will die in the end, so what else do you do? What do you do if you earn? You are destined to eat as much as you wear, so what is the use of making progress?

Believe in Buddhism, recite sutras, and become a Buddha. After becoming a Buddha, you can have "eternal life", eat and drink without having to work, and have people support and worship you: this is a big deal in life!

If everyone is like this, only pursuing the next life, accepting the fate in this life, and not thinking about making progress, what will the world become like?

?Will society gradually enter destruction?

Or will it become the paradise that Buddhism talks about?

The answer is self-evident!

The second point is that Buddhism makes people abstinent.

If everyone believes in Buddhism and everyone abstains from sex, then how can the Human Race combine yin and yang to reproduce?

At this point, Ye Zhen’s label for Buddhism is that it harbors evil intentions and wants to destroy Human Race!

There is a third point, which is also the funniest point of Buddhism.

That is, Buddhism prohibits killing and eating meat.

Killing will lead to hell!?

Putting aside whether this rhetoric will affect the normal development and health of ordinary people, is it unnecessary to become a vegetarian? Are plants not life?

OK! Taking a step back, the so-called killing in Buddhism purely refers to animals and the like. Therefore, Buddhism does not kill animals or produce them, for fear of inadvertently hurting the insects in the field.

So who does Buddhism rely on to support it?

It’s ordinary people who rely on it!

People mainly farm, right? When farming, they always need to weed, fertilize and eliminate insects, right?

?As a result, the people who support them will go to hell in the end, but these troubled people can be aloof and transcendent!

Isn’t this the most ridiculous thing in the world?

With these three points, Ye Zhen succeeded in making Jin Chan'zi shake his belief in Buddhism.

If it weren't for the last bit of persistence in his heart, Jin Chan'zi, or now Tang Sanzang, wanted to find Buddha Ancestor to find out, and then he embarked on the road to the west!

I'm afraid Tang Sanzang has already married a wife and had children in the Tang Empire!??

Of course, Ye Zhen also knew that Tang Sanzang had another idea in his mind, but that idea was just posted now!

"Ye Zhen! What on earth did you say to Jin Chan'zi, and why did Jin Chan'zi become like this!"

? Duobao Tathagata's face was as gloomy as water, and his face that was originally filled with Buddha's light was now as cold as ice!??

"Hahahaha, I didn't say anything, the poor daoist just told Jin Chan'zi all the shortcomings of your Buddhism!"

"For example, your Buddhism teachings require people to pursue the next life, and the sufferings in this life will be blessings in the next life, and teach people to accept adversity! If everyone is like this, what will happen to the Human Race!"

"For another example, your Buddhism teachings require people to abstain from sexual intercourse?! If everyone abstains from sexual intercourse and does not engage in production and reproduction, will the nation perish?"

"I have to say, Duobao Tathagata, your second disciple is indeed very powerful. Regardless of his understanding or qualifications, he is one of the best among the people the poor daoist has ever seen."

"But smart people all have one biggest flaw, that is, they tend to think too much!"

Guang Chengzi and others were stunned for a moment, then looked overjoyed!

Isn’t this the best way for Taoism to attack Buddhism?

Once the doctrine of any sect is broken, that sect is not far from extinction.

At the same time, they also have a worry in their hearts.

That is, today Ye Zhen can find flaws in the teachings of Buddhism and attack Buddhism. Then tomorrow, will Ye Zhen also be able to find flaws in the teachings of School of Enlightenment and attack School of Enlightenment??

No, no, no! Our obstetric education is Profound Sect! The teachings are flawless!

Guang Chengzi and many other great masters from the School of Enlightenment have put the disrespectful thoughts out of their minds!

Great Master of Sutras - Xuandu is no different.

School of Humanity880 pays attention to letting nature take its course. If the teachings of School of Humanity are flawed, then there is no doubt that Heavenly Dao is also flawed!

But the flaws in Heavenly Dao are determined by Grand Dao and cannot be changed by human power!?

Grand Dao is fifty, Tianyan is forty-nine, one of them escapes!

Nothing more than that!


?Unlike Guang Chengzi, Xuandu and others, Duobao Tathagata's face was extremely gloomy, but at the same time there was a trace of happiness.

Fortunately, everyone in Buddhism was not allowed to hear this scene. These few words of Ye Zhen are simply shaking the foundation of Buddhism!?

"Ye Zhen Dao Zun, you have seen fortune telling. Our Buddhism teachings have never been like this. The most fundamental of our Buddhism teachings is to advocate everyone to do good. What is wrong with this? Is it like what Ye Zhen Dao Zun said? Unbearable!"

Ye Zhen opened his mouth and smiled. ?

"Hahahaha, Duobao Tathagata, what's the use of telling this to a poor daoist? The point is not what I think about Buddhist teachings. It's about what Tang Sanzang thinks about Buddhist teachings!"

This time, Duobao Tathagata's face became even more gloomy!

Duobao Tathagata, who has always been emotionally stable, has murderous intent flashing in his eyes at this moment, and the veins on his left hand bulging when he pinches his fingers, he seems to be ready to take action at any time.

But when he thought that in addition to Jin Chan'zi, there was also Sun Wukong, the most important figure in Buddhism in the future, this made him complain a little bit about the machine's rat trap, and he didn't dare to take action easily, for fear of affecting them?

"Amitabha, good, good, good!"

Duobao Tathagata could only suppress the unwillingness and anger in his heart at this moment, and once again turned his attention to Jin Chan'zi and Sun Wukong below. .

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