Chapter 119: The ruthless female emperor is proud of the ancient and modern, and she is fighting with the sky! Fight with the ground! Fight with yourself! Void Domineering Dialogue!!!

The ruthless female emperor appeared.

“Ruthless Senior Sister.”

Zhao Gongming and others made a fuss at the ruthless female emperor. And the ruthless female emperor just nodded.

Sanxiao Fairy and the others retreated behind her. Without any hesitation!

Because of Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu, as well as the creatures of the entire Flood Barren World. They did not study at the Hongmeng Library Tube.

So it will never be clear.

How terrifying is the ruthless female emperor.

How terrifying are the disciples on the top ~ floor of the entire Hongmeng Library!

Whether it was the Barren Heavenly Emperor or the Ye Heavenly Emperor, as well as the Beginningless Emperor and the Ruthless Female Emperor.

These great emperors, when Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao Fairy entered the Hongmeng Library, they had already preached mixed yuan.

It is already the existence of the top floor of the Hongmeng Library.

And with Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao Fairy watching various Hongmeng books. Condensation of billions of times the time flow rate.

They also finally understood.

Why are these great emperors such as the Ruthless Female Emperor and the Barren Heavenly Emperor so strong! Because Zhao Gongming read the Hongmeng books.

“The Emperor of the Sky”.

The prototypes in this book are emperors such as Ye Tiandi and Ruthless Female Emperor. And most importantly.

These great emperors were all written by the Lord of Hongmeng. The original characters written by Hongmeng Origin!

Moreover, according to the different spiritual power and different pen power of the Lord of Hongmeng, the realm cultivation of these great emperors in this world is also different.

And the ruthless female emperor.

Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao Fairy are all clear.

She occupies a very heavy position in the heart of the Lord of Hongmeng! So.

In the book “The Emperor of the Sky” Hongmeng. The Beginningless Emperor is stronger than the ruthless female emperor.

But because the Lord of Hongmeng has different pen power and spirit when writing. The ruthless female emperor was born higher than the realm cultivation of the beginningless emperor!


Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao Fairy saw the ruthless female emperor appear. They just backed off.

Because since the ruthless female emperor has appeared. Just prove it.

Even if they join forces. Nor is it the opponent of the Yuan Shi!

This is the crushing of the realm cultivation!

Although they can rely on the Hongmeng Origin of the Hongmeng Library. However, Yuan Shi can also rely on the Origin of Heavenly Dao Will.

The Hongmeng Library stands tall in the 61st heaven. The Origin of Heavenly Dao Will is also condensing.

But they are only in the early days of Mixed Yuan Da Luo.

The source of the Hongmeng Library that can be used is limited. Those who followed their cultivation realm.

And Yuan Shi was already the Heavenly Dao Saint Nine Heavens at this time!

The Heavenly Dao Origin that he could rely on was definitely suppressing Zhao Gongming and the others. This is qualitative crushing.

The amount will not help at all! At this time.

Thirty-three Tianwa Imperial Palace. In the ruthless female emperor appeared.

Nuwa put down the Hongmeng book in her hand.

Divine Sense looked at the ruthless female emperor standing above the void of the Hongmeng Library.

Sure enough, as Lin Xiao wrote:

She is the most amazing emperor in history, the most talented woman in ancient times! It is also the first ruthless person in ancient and modern times!

She is proud of the past and the present, she fights with the sky, with the earth, and with herself!

She is not gifted, but she single-handedly killed all the kings, and in the nine heavens of independence, the gods could not block her way, and finally reached the pinnacle with a physique inferior to the mortal body, becoming one of the most powerful figures in ancient and modern times.

In ancient times, there were several people who dared to claim the Heavenly Emperor!

She is one of them, Nanling Heavenly Emperor is famous all over the world!

The ruthless emperor competed with the sky all his life, and had amazing talent, he could kill the gods outside the nine heavens, stand above the nine heavens, and make the gods tremble, but he was not for ‘becoming an immortal’, just to accompany the master in that red dust. ”

Nuwa muttered this paragraph to herself.

This is what she saw from the book “Hong Huang: Nuwa is My Old Wife”. The general plot of the book.

It was Lin Xiao who was leaving the Flood Wilderness and heading for the Chaotic Space. Travel the entire universe.

Finally, the Hongmeng Library was founded.

He has written various Hongmeng novels against the background of various universes. Nuwa just saw the storyline of the ruthless female emperor.

She likes the ruthless female emperor very much!

Or rather, he admires the ruthless female emperor.

At this time.

Nuwa looked at the ruthless female emperor standing in the void. Prepare to fight the beginning of the law.

Qingluan, who was behind Nuwa, asked, “Niangniang, although the ruthless people ranked ahead of the Yuan First Saint in the Xuanmen list, at that time, the Flood Wilderness had not yet opened up the sixty-first heaven.

The Origin of Heavenly Dao Will is not as strong as it is now, can a ruthless person be the opponent of the Yuan Shi Saint? ”

Nuwa looked at Qingluan. Laughing and shaking his head. The realm of cultivation is different. The vision is naturally different. How could the blue plover see.

Hong Barren Heavenly Dao’s will was raised at the same time. Hongmeng Library is also improving!

And at this time.

A blush suddenly appeared on Nuwa’s face. Like a shy girl.

She thought of a sentence that Lin Xiao had said to her in the book: [The husband will definitely give a big gift to the lady when he returns to Hongmeng this time] Now Lin Xiao sent it?

Sent it!

And it’s a great gift! Humane will!

At this time, Nuwa is the spokesperson of the humanitarian will.

“At the same time that the will of the Heavenly Dao is improving, the will of the True Dao and the will of humanity are also improving, and no matter how she improves the three Dao of Heaven and Earth, the real person of Hong Huanghuanyu is still Lin Xiao!

In the future, only Hongmeng Library will support the three operations of heaven and earth! Just wait for all the lists of Hongmeng to open, and a Hongmeng version of Hongmeng will condense! ”

Nuwa’s words could only be heard by Qingluan.

So at this time, Qingluan’s mouth grew in surprise… This information is shocking!

Nuwa just saw Lin Xiao’s goal in the book. She is also amazing!

And what shocked Nuwa even more.

After the back of the Hongmeng Xuanmen List that turned its back to all living beings fishing Huanyu appeared. At that time, Nuwa’s divine consciousness entered the top floor of the Hongmeng Library.

It was written in the book “Hong Huang: Nuwa is My Wife”. And Nuwa also saw from the book:

[Taiqing Laozi, Yuqing Yuanshi and Zhun Ti four sages condensed their divine consciousness, connected together and entered the top floor of the Hongmeng Library, facing the back of the fishing platform alone facing the back of all living beings fishing the universe, what did the four saints see? ] 】

[Taiqing Laozi actually saw the phantom of Pangu Great God from the back of this fishing universe, and sensed the cultivation realm of Pangu Great God’s half-step avenue! ] 】

[It seems that everything is as Taiqing Laozi believes, the Lord of Hongmeng is the Pangu Great God! ] 】

[What did Yuqing Yuanshi see from this back? ] He saw a mortal fetus! Just like what Taiqing Laozi sensed when he first spied on the back of the top floor of the Hongmeng Library, Yuqing Yuan was extremely shocked, he didn’t expect that the Lord of Hongmeng, who shook the entire Flood Barren World, was really just a mortal fetus? 】

[What did Jun Ti see from this back?] Avenue Saint! The two saints of the West were frightened and stupid, they had always suspected that the Lord of Hongmeng was a Dao Saint, but they did not expect it to be true! 】

[At this time, the disciples of Hongmeng Library are all standing in the void, they are waiting for the decree of the Lord of Hongmeng to open up the chaotic space]

[And at this moment, Nuwa’s divine sense actually entered the top floor of the Hongmeng Library, and the Lord of her mind of Hongmeng certainly knew]

[In the end, the divine consciousness of the earth was also condensed on the top floor of the Hongmeng Library. The Lord of Hongmeng knew that Houtu’s mind was the same as Nuwa’s. And at this time, the power of the Flood Desolation Heavens actually did not know, Pingxin was long gone, and her Heavenly Dao shackles had long been broken]

Nuwa recalled this episode in the book.

At that time she saw this episode. Her reaction is the same as Qingluan! Even more exaggerated than Qingluan!

When the Hongmeng Library opened up chaotic space. Nuwa’s divine consciousness is indeed on the top floor of the library.

And she didn’t find the divine consciousness of the four saints such as Taiqing Laozi at all. I didn’t even discover the divine consciousness of the back soil!

And most importantly. What shocked Nuwa the most was.

She has already received a huge gift when watching this episode.

Advocate for the humanitarian will!

So when Nuwa is watching this episode.

She could see the time from the Chinese of the book to writing. It was written a hundred years ago! What does it mean? This is the moment.

Everything that happened in the flood barren world.

are developing according to the trajectory predicted by Hongmeng Library. So at this time.

Nuwa looked at the Yuan Shi standing in the void. Commiseration!

Recalling the plot in the book, in association with the style of Taiqing Laozi and Yuan Shi and Zhun Ti at this time, Nuwa had roughly guessed…

Their four saints contacted Hongjun!

Nuwa shook her head again and said to herself: “Xiangxin is born from the heart, and the situation is born from the heart.” The cultivation realm of the husband has long been out of the order of heaven and earth, and the last step is the legendary mythical Hongmeng!

So, your four saints see very differently.

If you see him as a mortal fetus, he is a mortal fetus, if you see him as a great avenue, he is a great avenue, if you think that your husband is a Pangu god…”

Nuwa smiled and stopped talking to herself.

He looked at Qingluan and said, “Yuan Shi is going to lose!” Because that one is reluctant to give too much of the Heavenly Dao Origin. ”

Finish speaking.

Nuwa picked up the Hongmeng book again and read it with relish.

At the same time.

Thirty-three Heavenly Palaces. The moment I saw the ruthless female emperor appear. Lao Tzu did not stop the Yuan Shi Dou Fa. It’s about deduction.

Condense the origin of the Heavenly Dao. I can’t see the results of the fighting method.

But Lao Tzu saw the cultivation realm of the ruthless female emperor. There is no rise.

It’s still the Seventh Heaven of the Mixed Yuan Daluo!

And at this time, the Yuan Shi was already the Heavenly Dao Saint Nine Heavens!

What’s more, Yuan Shi’s hand still has the Chaos Supreme Treasure that Hongjun has just given! That’s why Lao Tzu didn’t stop Yuanshi.

He felt that Yuan Shi could suppress the ruthless female emperor!


As he and Yuan Shi and Zhun Ti improved their Heavenly Dao will, their cultivation realm also improved.

But what about their ranking in the Hongmeng Xuanmen list? And nothing has changed!

And at this time, Yuan Shi Doufa won the ruthless female emperor.

What face does the Hongmeng Library have in front of hundreds of millions of living beings in the Flood Barren World? What justice is there to speak of?

At this point it has to be said.

During the Fengshen period, Yuan Shi and Lao Tzu joined forces. It really is destined!

Yuan Shi’s thoughts are exactly the same as Lao Tzu! He faced the ruthless female emperor.

Indifferently said: “Your ranking in the Hongmeng Xuanmen List seems to be still before me? ”

The ruthless female emperor did not respond. Yuan Shi was not annoyed either.

said indifferently: “No wonder, you are a plate after all… Hongmeng Library disciple, I accept your challenge, I remember that the reward you received on the list at that time was a wisp of Hongmeng Origin…”

Don’t wait for the beginning to finish.

The ruthless female emperor interrupted lightly: “Yes, I want Kunlun Mountain!” ”


Yuan Shi instantly looked at the ruthless female emperor. Lao Tzu looked at the ruthless female emperor.

Hao Tian of the Heavenly Court and other immortals looked at the ruthless female emperor. They are all sluggish.

What does ruthless female emperor mean? Simple and straightforward! Agree to the request of the Yuanshi.

And then what requirements were made? Kunlun Mountain!

The ruthless female emperor actually wants the entire Kunlun Mountain!


Yuan Shiqi smiled.

But before Yuan Shi finished speaking, the ruthless female emperor said indifferently again: “I have twenty wisps of Hongmeng Origin here!” ”


One after another, the Hongmeng Origin floated in front of the ruthless female emperor. No more, no less.

Just twenty!


Yuan Shi was sluggish again.

He didn’t even believe what he was seeing. Hongmeng Origin!

The Flood Barren Heaven and Earth just saw a wisp of Hongmeng Purple Qi that was an existence that overcame everything.

Not to mention the Hongmeng Origin! A wisp.

You can raise the level of cultivation to the realm!

And now… There were twenty wisps in front of the ruthless female emperor. Yuan Shi was excited!

Twenty wisps. It’s all his! And more importantly.

The beginning of the yuan is again a habitual calculation avenue.

The ruthless female emperor did not change her cultivation realm. It’s still the Seven Heavens of Mixed Yuan Da Luo!

It must be that there is no refining of these twenty Hongmeng Origins.


Yuan Shi stepped into the Hongmeng Doufa space.


The female emperor followed and stepped into the Hongmeng Doufa space.

The fighting method of the Heavenly Dao Saint and the Mixed Yuan Da Luo was about to explode. At this time.

All the powerful divine consciousness of the Flood Desolation Heavens was condensed in the Hongmeng Doufa Space.

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