Chapter 189 does not have the magical powers of representative characters on the list! Bizarre rewards! Flood Shake!!


After the Lingshan Battle ended, the restraints imposed on Jun Ti and Zhun Ti also disappeared immediately.

The two saints looked at each other, and then both sighed at the same time.

At this time, there was no longer any desire to fight in their hearts, and they only felt decadent.

Now the entire Spirit Mountain’s qi luck has almost been shattered and all dissipated. They had also planned to preach in the empires of the world and win more believers.

Now this method is simply impossible to implement, and it has completely failed! All the luck was concentrated on the Terrans themselves.

Buddha Gate, starting today, I am afraid that it will begin to really weaken!

“After working hard for so long, it’s still empty.”

Jun Ti sighed.

In the flood wilderness, Zhun Ti is the best person at calculation, Lich Measure Robbery, Feng God Measure Robbery, there are his shadows behind him, it can be said that he is a top conspirator.

And the reason why he wants to do this is all to make his Western religion completely grow and become a prosperous sect like the Interpretation Sect and the Truncated Sect.

After a long period of calculation, the Buddha Gate finally grew stronger, and it was even possible to become the protagonist of heaven and earth.

However, who would have thought that as soon as the Hongmeng Library appeared, there would be such terrible consequences later?

Sun Wukong entered the library, Tang Sanzang also entered the library, the flood world no longer has the danger of the end of the law, the heaven and earth have become rich in spiritual energy again, as if returning to the era of opening the heavens and the earth, the terrifying westward journey calamity, silently, disappeared a clean.

And then, King Jizo actually rebelled, and then he actually hit the Spirit Mountain and destroyed the entire Buddha Gate!

Now, it’s almost impossible to rise again.

At this moment, Jun Ti simply felt a little discouraged.

“The number of days is like this, there is no way.”

The receiver also looked sad and let out a long sigh.

The two saints, at this time, completely gave up the struggle.

At this time, the Hongmeng God List also continued to be promulgated.

[Hongmeng God List No. 68: Scattering beans into soldiers. ] Representative figure: None. 】

[Reason for listing: Scattering beans to become a soldier is a kind of magical power that is widely spread, and many great powers of the flood and wilderness are mastered, the higher the cultivation, the stronger the power, and the growth potential is extremely amazing. ] 】

[Reward: A congenital spirit treasure, randomly appearing in a certain place in the flood wilderness, and those who have a fortune will get it. ] 】

Seeing this ranking, everyone in Hong Huang was a little in a daze, and there was no representative figure.

However, after seeing that reward, everyone immediately became excited.

A congenital spirit treasure randomly appeared in a certain place in the Flood Wilderness, and those who have a fortune will get it, if they get it, their combat power will definitely skyrocket!

Suddenly, countless cultivators began to search.

However, just as they set off, in a certain corner of the Great Tang Empire, there was a sword immortal who saw a long sword.

A torrent of information rushed out of his mind, and it instantly made him clear that this was exactly that innate spirit treasure!

And the message that the spirit treasure has the Lord also instantly appeared in everyone’s mind, and suddenly those who were eager to go to the treasure hunt were helpless to return.

Of course, there are also some people who have evil intentions and want to fight.

Therefore, around this innate spirit treasure, it naturally set off a bloody storm. That sword immortal was hunted down and killed by a very terrifying chase.

However, in the process of chasing and killing, his cultivation was getting stronger and stronger. In the end, he was able to completely master this immortal sword, and no one dared to take it anymore.

And there is no doubt that this Sword Immortal is a Terran cultivator.

“The luck of the Terran race has reached its peak.”

Many powerful people sighed.

Such a thing is naturally just an episode, and soon, the list of supernatural powers continues to be promulgated.

[Hongmeng Divine Power List No. 67: Fetal Transformation………… Representative figure: None. 】

[Reason for listing: The fetus is easy to transform into shape, a widely circulated magical power, which can change a person’s physical structure and transform into other living beings from the most subtle angle. ] 】

[Reward: One congenital gold vein, randomly appeared in the flood wilderness, and those who have a fortune will get it. ] 】

[Hongmeng God Power List No. 66: Crossing the river into a land. Representative figure: None. 】

[Reason for listing: Row the river into a land, the top power, can change the world. ] 】

[Reward: A congenital spirit root will appear in the flood famine, and those who have the fortune will get it. ] 】

Soon, the Hongmeng God Power List appeared a number of magical powers.

The rewards of these magical powers were all unrepresentative figures, and they immediately appeared everywhere in the flood waste.

However, most of them were obtained by the Terrans.

As a result, the power of the Terrans has also become stronger. Many of the mighty people who look at this are red-eyed.

And that’s when a new ranking appeared.

[Hongmeng Divine Power List No. 54: Colorful Divine Light. Representative figure: Kong Xuan. 】

[Reason for listing: Colorful divine light, brush all things! ] 】

[Reward: A drop of Hongmeng Origin.] 】

Seeing this ranking, many people are nodding.

Kong Xuan’s magical power, absolutely amazing, in the original God Sealing Tribulation, it can be said that it shined, this term is normal.


A drop of Hongmeng Origin appeared, floating in front of Kong Xuan’s body and merging into his body.

Kong Xuan, extremely powerful, fused this origin at this moment, and suddenly his cultivation soared even more.

In the midst of the Feng Shen Tribulation, Kong Xuan was suppressed by Zhun Ti and included in the Seven Treasures Mysterious Tree, and finally known as the Peacock Daming King of the Buddha Gate, was revered as the Buddha Mother, and the whole was plunged into confusion and was blinded.

At this moment, I got that drop of Hongmeng Origin, but it was……… Suddenly sobered up

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