Sun Wukong also roared

: "If you want to let go, you also told your broken tower to let go first

!" Rulai roared: "Impossible, absolutely impossible

!" "Then let's continue to dance and sing!" Rulai

rolled his eyes and roared:

"Monkey, don't forget, you Huaguo Mountain, you are only a monkey cock;


" The rest can't even beat soy sauce, and I, I'm the boss of Buddhism, just send an Arhat over, and the monkey in Huaguo Mountain will die!" Sun

Wukong said angrily: "What do you want?"

Rulai said:

"I fought with you, I, the Buddhist leader, actually fought a tie with you, the demon monkey, I am very faceless, you pretend to lose to me, and let me press for another five hundred years!"

Sun Wukong


"Fatty, you are looking for death, let me admit defeat? want to suppress me for five hundred years? Don't even think about it, if you threaten my monkey monkey grandson, you can give it a try, I will call you Xitian Buddhism, one by one

!" Rulai was also angry, and said:

"Monkey, don't you know what to do!" "Fatty, you

don't know what to do

first, it's a big deal, I promise you a condition!"

[Alas, at least, it is still possible to ask this monkey to go to the West, Wodi Patriarch, what did you teach this monkey, aren't you cheating me?

] Rulai

said: "That's okay, we'll make peace with a tie and shake hands, but you have to promise me that after five hundred years, you will escort a monk

to the West!" Sun Wukong said in his heart:

[Hehe, Journey to the West, here!]

said on his lips:


hundred years later, can it be earlier?" Rulai said irrefutably:

"It's five hundred years later, otherwise, we have been pressing here, I will call the people of Buddhism to slaughter your Huaguo Mountain!" "

Also, your Taiyi Golden Immortal's cultivation can exert the strength of a quasi-saint, it should be the result of you stealing peaches and devouring golden pills, as long as the energy in your body is used up, do you think you can still beat me?"

Sun Wukong didn't reply, but said in his heart

: [This, I really can't beat you, it's just, you can't beat me, forget it, five hundred years is five hundred years, I originally planned to participate in this Journey to the West!]

If you see Sun Wukong and don't speak, you think that you have poked Sun Wukong's weakness, so he continued:

"Monkey, don't worry, this is definitely a good thing, as long as you finish it, you will be an existence above ten thousand people under my Buddhism!".

Sun Wukong rolled his monkey eyes and said:

"My old grandson is in Huaguo Mountain, he is the king, what am I going to to Laoshizi Buddhism?"

Don't say much, although I have a five-five conversation with you this time, the next time we meet, fatty, you may not be able to kill me

!" Rulai: "......"

[This is really heart-piercing!]

Rulai said helplessly

: "Then I'll ask you a question, do you promise to protect a monk to go to the West Heaven five hundred years later?" The monkey said:

"No problem, go to the West Heaven, isn't

it just a stick thing?"

Rulai just breathed a sigh of relief, but suddenly realized that this monkey may be different from the

West Heaven he said; Rulai immediately

said: "Monkey, the West Heaven I am talking about is the West Heaven Spirit Mountain, not the West Heaven!" Sun Wukong said:

"I am also talking about the West Heaven Spirit Mountain, do you think it is the West Heaven?"

"No, I

said to send, not with your stick to send... Uh, you need a stick too... Forehead... , Nima, Lao Tzu didn't know how to send it, just one sentence, send the living to Lingshan, do it or not!


!" "That's one, two, three, let's take back our magic weapon together!"


After both of them got out of trouble, Sun Wukong said to Rulai:

"It's okay, my old grandson will go back first, don't worry, I promise you, my old grandson will definitely do it!"

"Go, why don't you go? Lao Tzu was made by a monkey, I'm going to eat it back at Haotian, wait a while, give me an open stomach and eat hard!" Guanyin

: "......" Chaos outside the sky

: Daozhi Tongtian to Journey to the West: "You know now, even if you go to fight with that monkey, you and him will be open!"

"Journey to the West

: "......

". Huaguo Mountain

: Sun Wukong pondered and said:

[From this war, it can be seen that my actual cultivation is still not enough to deal with the big guys in the Journey to the West

;] [Although, there is a system that can be opened

;] [However, there will also be teammates like Zhu Ren and Wangcai, who suddenly come out, which is a very dangerous thing;]

[ Therefore, I still have to improve my actual cultivation, and when I go head-to-head, try to use my own actual cultivation to do it, so as not to be a bad one, and I will be game over~

] [Another one, that is, my spirit treasure level is not enough, although it is the best innate spirit treasure at this time, but as long as there is a little background relationship, which one does not have a few powerful treasures?] [

Take my current cultivation as an example, the mana in my body can't support the mana required by a treasure at all;].

[At my current level, if I drive the three treasures with all my strength, it is estimated that I will become a dry corpse monkey;]

Then, Sun Wukong said to himself:

"Alas, forget it, I'll improve my cultivation first!" At

this time, Sun Wukong has accumulated nearly 30 million experience points, as long as Sun Wukong is willing, he will be a proper mixed yuan saint;

However, when Sun Wukong added the Qi Cultivation Technique and the Body Refining Technique to 50 percent, that is, the cultivation of the Great Luo Perfection and the Flesh Perfection Innate Spirit Treasure could no longer be added

, so Sun Wukong asked in his heart:

"System, why can I only add 50 percent?" "

Ding, the host is detected, the realm is not enough, it is not enough to increase the cultivation, the quasi-saint cultivation, you need to comprehend the law, and the comprehension of the host law is zero for the time being!"

Sun Wukong muttered

: "I know, this cultivation, it can't be so simple, just let me add it infinitely, otherwise, I only need to fight a few times, won't it be a big road

?" Then, Sun Wukong asked: "System, is there any other way that can let me break through?"

"Ding, there is!"

Sun Wukong immediately became interested and said:

"System, hurry up and tell me what is the way?".

System Channel: ......

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