

"Haha! The broken child does not measure his strength, not to mention Yan Wang Laoer, that Judge Cui is a human immortal peak cultivation.

You are a broken child, don't take yourself seriously. You didn't make a big fuss about the Netherworld Mansion, how could they dare to let you back the black pot.

Isn't there still Lao Sun as a witness. "

Yang Hong immediately smiled when he heard this, and immediately poured wine for Sun Wukong, and the speed of changing his face was not so fast.

"Drink, drink, don't you get the point."

"The point? What's the point? "

"With your back!"

Sun Wukong's eyes widened when he heard this, and he reacted for a while, this broken child is a dog.

One second, shouting about the Netherworld Mansion, and the next second, Lao Sun said that there was Lao Sun in this matter, and he came over with his face.

"Wine !!"

Sun Wukong spat out a word in a muffled voice, not wanting to talk about this with the broken child, for fear that he would be angry about the problem.

Yang Hong poured wine with a playful smile, and with Sun Wukong's words, he didn't panic.

There are people behind the monkey, and the Western Sect still needs him for this great cause of learning scriptures, and the prefecture has to see that he Sun Wukong will not mess around.

This Monkey King is one of the protagonists who take the scriptures, and his protagonist will not be unlucky like other protagonists.

"Monkey, you see it's all afternoon, I'll give you the whole side dish for afternoon tea."

"Roll, break the child, there is something Sun Dashen, nothing monkey. Oh rude.

Lao Sun is full of anger with you. "

"In a word, eat or not."


Sun Wukong felt angry, eating must not fall, and he was all broken by the child's appetite.

Yang Hongmali set the table, cut a peach and pear fruit plate, served with white salt and chili dip, a plate of fried soybeans, torn dried meat into strips, a plate of popcorn, baked biscuits and so on.

After changing the tea leaves again, skillfully using spells to heat the boiling water, a tea fragrance quietly arrives.

Sun Wukong looked at the meal in front of him, this broken child was more particular about eating, and drank a whole bunch of things to come out.

"Broken child, is it necessary? Just a cup of tea. "

"It is necessary, live and not enjoy life at the right time, do you wait until you die to enjoy it?"

"Those who cultivate the Tao, pay attention to pure cultivation and desire, and the Tao prevails."

Yang Hong gave Sun Wukong a good cup of tea, drank a cup himself, picked up a popcorn and threw it in his mouth.

For Sun Wukong's words, he understood more or less, he wanted to educate himself, and this tone was the same as that of the teacher in his previous life.

"Monkey, you want to talk to me?"

"Broken child, do you deserve it?"

"Dao, it deserves. Since ancient times, there has been a theory of brewing tea, why are you afraid of losing? "

Sun Wukong smiled contemptuously, breaking the child is really naïve, and actually used the method of provocation to deal with Lao Sun.

Lao Sun can't do what you want.

"How big are the three realms, how big are the four continents, how big are the four seas, how high the sky is, how thick the earth is.

How many mayfly worlds are under the three thousand worlds that surround the three realms.

How many of each hole blessed world.

How many of these do you know?

Broken children, it's not that Lao Sun is afraid of losing, it's that you're afraid that your heart will collapse. "

When Yang Hong heard this, his hand that poured tea shook, this world is really wonderful.

At this moment, his heart was constantly trembling, and he wanted to travel through all this and become the best witness of immortality.

"How? Frightened. "

"Monkey, I will wait for the completion of the divine skill to split this mountain, take you through the three realms, and eat all the delicacies."


Why are you so excited about breaking children, where does your strength come from, it's just whimsical.

But...... It doesn't seem to be impossible, this kid can absorb the power of the seal.

"Okay, okay, don't daydream. What are you going to do with that life and death book record book? "

"Throw it back to the prefecture, how unlucky it is."

"Are you sure? How can this life and death book record book be regarded as an acquired artifact, you..."


Yang Hong picked up the life and death book record book with a flying body, and firmly protected it, for fear of being snatched away.


This broken child is really out of luck!

"How do you use this play?" How is there a blank on this, and it can't be opened. "

"Broken child, aren't you born to know, why can't this work?"

"No one is perfect, I don't know how normal it is for a child, you can tell me."

Sun Wukong felt that he was flashed by this Bulingbling Ling Ling eye again, and Lao Sun's resistance to this look became worse and worse.

"Looking through the illusion, walking with the liver and gallbladder. Imperial objects, gods rise up true yuan movement. "

Yang Hong pondered carefully when he heard this, and immediately understood what it meant.

Zhenyuan walked the liver and gallbladder meridians, and the divine mind carried the Zhenyuan refining life and death book record book.

In a moment, he opened the record book of life and death, and the contents on it made him shocked and pale.

The panic made Sun Wukong notice the abnormality, and couldn't help but speak: "Don't worry, this content can be modified." "

As if he hadn't heard it, Yang Hong repeatedly looked at the above record several times, which recorded his previous Shouyuan and deeds.

Then it means that there is a connection between this place and the past life, and he has the opportunity to go back and see.

Sun Wukong said that the three worlds surround the three thousand worlds, and there are countless floating worlds, is it possible to come from this floating world yourself?

"Broken child, you are a three-nil character, it doesn't matter much.

You have all embarked on the path of cultivation, and nothing in this life can be modified. "

"What Shouyuan has nothing, three no characters?"

Yang Hong's eyes lit up with a glimmer, and when he saw the content, he was not only shocked by the things above, but also worried that Yan Luo King Sun Wukong and others had seen through his subtlety.

As a result, Sun Wukong actually said that he was a three-nil character, which meant that he saw that the content above was different from his own.

"Since you don't have your Shouyuan on the life and death book record book, then you can just write it yourself, don't be sad."

"How do you write that?"

"Well, when you go to the prefecture later, just write it down with a judge's pen."

Yang Hong secretly wrote down this method, and the divine mind transported the true yuan, so that the life and death book record book changed according to his heart.

An iron cyan gauntlet appeared on his hand.

This move made Sun Wukong side-eyed, he couldn't imagine that the broken child was quite talented, and he actually used the method of imperial objects so quickly.

It also allowed him to see how big the little fart child's heart was, just now he looked like he was going to die, and now he poured tea for himself with a hippie smile.

The worry of the white blind old sun.

"Monkey, today you are lazy."

"What, where is Lao Sun lazy."

"That's the story I told today."


Sun Wukong snorted coldly, his eyes glanced at the teacup, and it was self-evident.

Yang Hong instantly understood to pour the tea, fill the wine, and put the spicy meat in front of Sun Wukong.

Of course, there is no lack of cute eyes, and Bringbling makes the monkey unable to refuse.

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