Journey To The West Is Going Nine To Five At Heaven Court

Chapter 1030 This plus this, can you smooth the chaos!

Chu Hao’s hand is completely unintentional to insert the willow into the shade, and he doesn’t even insert the willow.

Chu Hao swears that when passing by the treasure country, Chu Hao really didn't know that the plot could be triggered.

Now in Xiniu Hezhou, there is an extra kingdom of liberation, which is equivalent to an ant nest on the embankment of a thousand miles in the western sky.

You know, before this, Xiniu Hezhou has never appeared in a situation where the kingdom has freed its mind on its own.

Even if it is Tianzhu Buddhist Kingdom, it was only after the Tang Dynasty was defeated that they could emancipate their minds, otherwise they would still be harvested believers for the rest of their lives.

Now, Chu Hao has a foreboding about the case of the Treasure Elephant Country in Hezhou, Xiniu. This is not an accident.

There are countless countries in Xiniu Hezhou. Because each country is anarchy|government state, the government|government is just a dog for Xitian and manages these leeks.

Therefore, there is no fighting in various countries, like a giant press, and there is no information barrier.

It is precisely because there is no fight, no information obstruction,

It used to be able to control it, but now when the flame of emancipating the mind is lit, it will probably open like a spark of fire!

Of course, the follow-up depends on the situation.

Although it is said that the people of Baoxiang Country now believe in Chu Hao, they need to be reaped for the merits of their willingness.

But those who believe in Chu Hao, they don’t picture Chu Hao sheltering or something, they picture Chu Hao’s appearance!

Chu Hao also feels that he is so painful. In the past, a few people greedy my body, but now a group of people have carved a statue and greedy my body every day. Who can stand this!

Chu Hao is afraid that one day he will walk on the street. Once he forgets to hide his face, he may be slapped, put on a sack and taken to the corner to be arranged by countless beauties in turn.

I worry when I think about it...

Anyway, after walking in Rivers and Lakes, I was appointed to cover up his face, but his face could be concealed. Chu Hao is independent and immaculate. How can the Transcendent temperament be concealed?

Chu Hao sighed deeply, the world is too dangerous...

The turmoil caused by the incident in the Baoxiang Kingdom was not just the turmoil in the world. Jie Di Jialan immediately went back and reported the incident to Xitian. After that, it must be an uproar, so I won’t mention it for the time being.

However, Chu Hao soon came to Baoxiang Country and met Tang Sanzang.

Tang Sanzang returned to life in the kingdom. As soon as the king heard that the princess had not been saved, he had two apprentices instead.

The king’s face twisted into a ball, don’t be too entangled,

"Then what should I do?"

Tang Sanzang looked at Chu Hao, and Chu Hao yawned.

As early as when he came to Baoxiang Nation, Chu Hao had already arranged most of the things, but Chu Hao had been entangled with the so-called task of helping Baoxiang Nation to liberate his mind.

This is a bit painful for Chu Hao, but now it happens to be a bit idle, just let Tang Sanzang help Baoxiang Country to promote the emerging Dharma!

Chu Hao communicated to Tang Sanzang and told Tang Sanzang about the promotion of advanced Dharma, and Tang Sanzang understood.

Tang Sanzang turned his head and said to the king of Baoxiang Kingdom:

"Don't worry, King, we have no problems now. It only takes a little bit of time. All we need to do is wait."

"Speaking of speaking, there is still chaos in the treasure elephant kingdom, but I don't know if the king still needs help now? The poor monk is very good at promoting advanced Dharma!"

When the king of Baoxiang Kingdom heard this, he was very excited.

"Ah! Is it really possible?"

But the king thought for a while, but then he sighed.

"It's a pity, I'm afraid you can hardly help me."

"The biggest threat in Baoxiang Country today is not the monks and nuns, but the officials who have been enshrined in the temple's incense for many years."

"Although I have issued a call to punish the sand gate, most of the responders are the people themselves, but the corrupt officials blatantly opposed it and even used the army to guard the monastery."

"Oh...Although my treasure elephant country is also effectively loyal to my people, it is ultimately controlled by Xitian. Even I don't know how to get rid of those officials. After all, there are too many..."

"They relied on the protection of the Buddha, blatantly violated the order, protected the monastery, and conversely killed the people and positioned the people as evil. This incident caused the entire kingdom to fall into chaos."

"You are outsiders and you will handle it. I'm afraid it will not be effective, but it will be counterproductive."

The King of Baoxiang Kingdom said, his eyes were very dim.

All kingdoms under the control of Xitian face the same problem,

Although everyone knows that cooking leeks is very painful, everyone wants to struggle out,

But no matter how the regime, the monarchy and the military power are not in hand, no one can resist the Western Heaven at all. Relying on the people alone is simply a drop in the bucket.

Just like the current king of the Baoxiang Kingdom, the generals have basically been corrupted, and they will not tolerate the benefits that they have obtained flying away, even if they slaughter all the people, they will not hesitate.

Tang Sanzang frowned slightly, and suddenly hammered a fist the size of a casserole in front of the king.

"Rely on this, can you smooth the chaos?"

The king was taken aback.

"Neng Ping, but Ping is not convinced."

Tang Sanzang smashed another Buddhist scripture in front of the king.

"Rely on this, can you smooth the chaos?"

The king nodded, but shook his head again.

"It can be leveled, but the leveling is not thorough."

Tang Sanzang smashed the Buddhist scriptures on the table with his fist,

"This plus this, can you calm the chaos down, convinced and thorough!"

The king swallowed.

"Holy monk, dare to ask the respected name?"

Tang Sanzang's mouth cracked and a grinning smile appeared.

"Poor monk, Tang San's burial! Burial day|The burial place buries sentient beings. Since sentient beings want to believe in the Buddha, the poor monk, who is known as the Buddha walking in the world, can surely persuade these unsophisticated people!"

The king was taken aback.

"Holy monk, what are you planning to do?"

Tang Sanzang put his palms together, his face was full of compassion,

"Poor monks can save sentient beings, but also can save sentient beings beyond."

The king suddenly wanted to understand what Tang Sanzang meant, and raised his brows.

But the king now has no key to setting up a grand feast. After all, all the corrupt/defeated generals are also shrewd.

If the king becomes unknown and wants to call them for no reason, there is no chance. They are all wary.

Even as far as the king knew, even the officials and generals were still colluding with their two cohorts, and seemed to want to overturn the king.

Moreover, I vaguely heard that I don't know which Buddha has come down to help again. Although I should not be able to reach the level of a god general, it is also a big|troublesome.

The king of the Baoxiang Kingdom is also very painful. If they were replaced by a normal country, they would have been killed long ago.

It's a pity that even one's own life can't be controlled, and there is really no way to resist.

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