Journey To The West Is Going Nine To Five At Heaven Court

Chapter 1032 What is Tang Sanzang doing with the tiger killing?

However, the king's face was calm. Although he knew he was going to this point, he was ready anyway.

It’s just that this one is a hard stubble...

After all, this was a monster that could capture Tang Sanzang's two apprentices, and his strength was quite terrifying.

The king glanced at Tang Sanzang secretly, only hoping that Tang Sanzang could withstand it.

Tang Sanzang's face was also calm, and his face calmly said:

"San Ma, did you hear what the ministers said? What choice do you make?"

The faces of all the generals and ministers present were full of pride and mockery.

Do you still need to choose?

As long as it is a normal person, it must be known that there is no eternal glory and wealth to be fragrant if you are a cohort for a day!

Moreover, these three horses should be able to see that this is a terrible job,

Now the three horses must choose to join the team of the palace!

"But I refuse!"

Kui Mulang suddenly refused in a loud voice in public.

This rejection instantly stunned all the generals and ministers.

The Prime Minister cursed in surprise and threats:

"You don't know how to live or die, don't you know what the situation is now?"

"Now we are pushing the palace, we are all about to win, you are going to be a three-pronged horse now, you are a dead end!"

"I will give you a choice at last, join us, or you will die!"

Kui Mulang pulled at the corner of his mouth when he heard it.

"Oh, isn't it?"

Kui Mulang slapped his backhand and flew the Prime Minister ten meters away, hitting the wall next to him.

The atmosphere on the court changed suddenly,

No one thought that this kind of thing would happen. Why are these three horses so sturdy?

If you don't agree with a word, you will kill someone directly? !

The ministers and generals were very panicked, and they all leaned on the reincarnated Buddha in the middle.

Only this reincarnated Buddha can give himself a little sense of security.

However, Kui Mulang did not take advantage of the victory, but the old god was there, continuing to complete the tasks assigned before the Western Sky, acting earnestly, and honestly cheating people.

Kui Mulang pointed to Tang Sanzang on the court and said:

"Everyone, there is a monster here above the court, you must catch him as soon as possible!"

Everyone on the scene looked at Kui Mulang and was stunned for a while.

Good guy, this is too abrupt, how can this person be so calm?

Just slapped the prime minister to death, turned his head and said that a Tang Dynasty monk was a monster? Who do you think is like a monster?

Tang Sanzang's face was calm,

"Amitābha, the Buddha said, there is no self, no other, no sentient beings, no life."

"What about demon? People are born to him|mother, and demon is also born to demon|mother."

"If you are like you who exploit the people and try to invade the palace in vain, you will be a son of man and a minister in vain!"

"It must be known that the starting point of the husband and the king is people-oriented. The basic principle is the solidification of the country, and the original chaos is the country's danger."

"If a demon is good, it is a good person, and there is no monster; if a man is evil, even if he is a man, it is not a pity to die."

When Tang Sanzang spoke, there was a majestic Buddha light on his body, and he looked like a righteous spirit. After all, he was a person who inherited advanced Dharma. Tang Sanzang had extremely high attainments in Dharma!

General Baoxiang's brow furrowed, and he stood up with a gloomy expression on his face, pointing to Tang Sanzang and said:

"Don't you, Tang Dynasty monk, don't know how to praise, now I will give you an ultimatum, give you money, or I will let you die!"

Tang Sanzang smiled slightly and asked:

"Do you think you are important to me, or money is important to me?"

General Baoxiang's brow furrowed,

"Don't play dumb riddles with me, whether it's you or the three-horse, if you don't show your attitude, both of you will die!"

The corner of Tang Sanzang's mouth raised an unsentimental arc, "You and money are not important to me, it is very important to me without you."

After Tang Sanzang had finished speaking, he had already taken a step forward, his whole body was full of Buddha's light.

Those who are familiar with it naturally know that it is a Buddha light used by physics to save people.

The generals and ministers present became angry from shame,

"Okay, this damn Tang Dynasty monk seems to have to choose to die, then you don't have to take the Western Classics, you will die here!"

"The three horses, he has chosen Death, what shall you do?"

Kui Wood Wolf is still very comfortable. Ever since I saw that statue, Kui Wood Wolf has decided to protect the Kingdom of Treasure Elephant.

After all, this is all covered by Chu Hao, rounding to the nearest equals one's own family.

However, Kui Mulang was not able to fully express it, but he turned a deaf ear to the surroundings and just said intently:

"Everyone, this is not a monk from the Tang Dynasty, this is a monster, it's fierce!"

All the ministers and generals of the imperial palace are mad, and our imperial palace, are you entangled with him every day if he is a monster? Is it the task of the master?

The ministers and generals were very mad, but they also had a little understanding.

After all, these three horses are also normal people. It is normal for him to be afraid of a monster. After all, normal people are not protected by the Buddha.

The general just said coldly:

"If he is a monster, you tell him to appear, even if he appears, no one can keep him today!"

"It's a capital crime to dare to stand on the side of the king!"

"Then you will defeat this tiger and come and talk to me again." Kui Mulang laughed and waved his hand. Under the entanglement of Magic power, Tang Sanzang instantly became a giant tiger!

Moreover, this fierce tiger is not an ordinary fierce!

White forehead and round head, flower body and electric eyes. Four hooves, straight and tall; twenty claws, and sharp hooks.

In addition, the original Tang Sanzang was already a muscular thug, and after becoming a fierce tiger, he turned into a giant tiger with a length of ten meters!

The giant tiger has muscle knots all over his body, and the top of his head is also bald, looking very violent|violent!

After Tang Sanzang became a fierce tiger, he suddenly got his energy and rushed to all the generals and ministers!

The body of a monk used to be inconvenient to kill more people, now it's all right, I'm just a monster!

A few bold military commanders led the generals and academy lieutenants to rush forward and hacked various weapons.

Ding Ding Ding...

Tang Sanzang's body is so powerful that even if more weapons fall on him, he will lose a few furs.

But the reincarnated Buddha hidden in the crowd couldn't stand it anymore and jumped out,

"Bold demon monk, this seat is here, you want to commit evil!"

Then Tang Sanzang slapped the reincarnation Buddha to pieces.

The battle lasted for half a second.

Tang Sanzang rushed into the rebel army and launched a frenzied massacre.

On the top of the palace, Chu Hao stopped Guanyin Bodhisattva and said calmly:

"Ah? What's wrong? A monster killed someone, but what's up to you?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva was furious, "He is Tang Sanzang!"

Chu Hao shrugged.

"What's the matter with Tang Sanzang for the Tiger's killing?"

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