Journey To The West Is Going Nine To Five At Heaven Court

Chapter 155 Two big Luo fell in the hands of the Hell God!

Madame Wudang has a complicated face, but she looks at Chu Hao worriedly.

"Then what should you do next? Kill the two big Luo Jinxians of the Western religion, I am afraid that the Western religion will trouble you again."

Fairy Sanxiao was also nervous and worried:

"How about living together on Penglai Xiandao first, after all, there is a caregiver."

"There are so many people in the West. For the first time since the enfeoffment of the gods, two great Luo Jinxians died. Although it is dispelling, you may be in danger next Chu Hao."

"Or, let's get punished for you..."

Seeing Madame Wudang and Fairy Sanxiao chirping out of ideas, Chu Hao gave a wry smile.

Why does this even come out instead of being punished?

"Don't worry, I will be fine, even the Western religion has to guard me."

Chu Hao smiled coldly.

Stability is what the Western religion wants most.

Just this time, Luo Jinxian, the Sixth Greatest Teacher of the West, came to block Chu Hao, not just for revenge, but because he wanted to take the opportunity to pull out the odd number and keep everything going smoothly.

Because they only need to wait for another five hundred years, and wait quietly for five hundred years. After the journey to the west, Western teaching will flourish. At that time, no one is qualified to shake Western teaching again.

Moreover, because the Western religious generals were the dominant family at that time, no matter how big anomalies, it was impossible to shake the Western religious rule.

At that time, no one can be hostile to the Western religion.

Everything is for stability.

So this time, if the resistance is not successful, Western religions will no longer mobilize the teachers.

Of course, this is Chu Hao's guess.

But this guess Chu Hao will soon be able to verify.

The faces of Madonna Wudang and Fairy Sanxiao showed doubts, but Chu Hao looked confident and did not mean to lie at all.

For a time, Madame Wudang and Fairy Sanxiao could only pass by like this.

Chu Hao smiled slightly, "It's alright, kill Chang Er Ding Guangxian, it can be regarded as nasty."

Chu Hao hurried back using the Golden Crow technique to transform the rainbow, and rescued the small dome that had fallen into the water before.

Looking at the scarred Xiaoqiong, Chu Hao couldn't help but feel a bit tingling in his heart.

Chu Hao suddenly wanted to dig the grave of the dead Kassapa Venerable and whip the corpse.

Seeing this situation, the two princesses of Styx knew that the matter was over.

Liu Man also smiled cleverly, "Don't disturb the reunion, the little girl is leaving. By the way, Chu Hao has to see his parents someday."

Su Lengyu also got up and left, but before leaving, Su Lengyu turned around again, blushing and stuffed something into Chu Hao's hand.

"For you!"

Su Lengyu blushed and flew away.

Chu Hao accepted Su Lengyu's things with an awkward look and hurriedly hid them.

However, Chu Hao suddenly felt a very Eight Trigrams look behind him.

Looking back, Mother Wudang and Fairy Sanxiao both looked at Chu Hao with glowing eyes.

"Good brother, tell the younger sisters about your love history! Open your eyes to the younger sisters."

"Yes, yes, good brother, the two princesses of Styx are famous iceberg beauties. There are countless suitors in The Three Realms. They seem to like you very much, they all post them upside down!"

"When are you going to look for your father-in-law? Although we cut to the west, we don't have a card face. Every door is right."

Even if it has reached the position of strength and honor of Da Luo Jinxian, but the Three Heavens Fairy Jiejiao still has not changed the Eight Trigrams nature of a woman.

"Senior sisters and sisters, I have to rush back to treat Xiaoqiong. I'm lost, let's say goodbye!"

Chu Hao responded with a few words in a panic, and hurriedly fled.

Chu Hao still has a lot to do, help Xiaoqiong recover, and give Xiaoqiong Ascension with Dragon Pearl, and then trouble Xitian!

It is said that this hatred will not be reported to non-gentlemen. How could a gentleman like Chu Hao easily let go of the Western world!

Behind him, the four girls laughed together.

Unexpectedly, Chu Hao, who had just killed Da Luo Jinxian without any mercy, would show such embarrassment.

However, the four of them also seemed very comfortable. For this newcomer, the four of them were vaguely dependent on Chu Hao.

Especially this time the success of Chu Hao's Transcends Tribulation also allowed them to see the potential of Chu Hao.

A successful Transcends Tribulation becomes a super freak in the middle stage of Daluo, even the cultivation age is less than a few hundred years, and even a golden fairy cultivation is not even a fraction.

Such a peerless genius became a closed disciple of Jiejiao, and the fire of hope for Jiejiao was lit up.

The four girls returned to Penglai Xiandao together with hope.

They haven't seen each other for many years, and they have countless things to say.



In the Western Paradise.

Numerous Bodhisattva Arhats were in the Quartet, and Buddha Tathagata sat in the middle preaching.

Halfway through, suddenly Tathagata stopped preaching and looked into the distance.

The Arhats Bodhisattva also looked over.

The three big scholars' faces were blue and gloomy, they flew in from a distance and fell slowly.

All the Bodhisattva Arhat Buddhas are a little puzzled.

When I left, it was obviously the three great scholars and Dingguang Huanxi Buddha, and a Kassapa Venerable followed.

But when I came back, how come there were only three big scholars?

For a while, everyone couldn't help but feel a sense of ominousness, and there was a ridiculous guess in their hearts.

Could it be that something went wrong?

Buddha Tathagata also had a solemn expression, and asked straightforwardly:

"Three big priests, why don't you see Dingguang Happy Buddha and Kassapa Venerable? Where are they?"

All the Buddhas, Arhats, Bodhisattva, and Venerable on the field are quietly waiting for the answers of the three great scholars.

The three scholars glanced at each other, and both Manjusri Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra Bodhisattva lowered their heads slightly and folded their hands together.

Guanyin Bodhisattva also clasped his hands, lowered his eyebrows and wept,

"Failed to block, the evildoer has been born, unstoppable."

"Dingguang rejoices with Buddha, Kassapa Venerable passed away."

Passed away? !

In a word, everyone on the court stood up in horror and exclaimed in unison:


"how so!"

"Kassah Venerable is half a calamity of painstaking practice. I, the Buddha, personally helped him Transcends Tribulation to become a powerhouse, and there is the Slaying Sword gifted by the Buddha! How could it be defeated?"

"Ding Guang is pleased with Buddha, how can he... how is it possible! He has cultivated into the four great Buddha lights, with high strength, this is impossible!"

"Since being enshrined as a god, the first biggest killing and robbery!"

"Da Luo Jinxian, two have fallen!"

Even Buddha Tathagata was shocked to shoot the case, staring at the three great scholars, his eyes full of disbelief.

"How can it be so! How can it be so!"

"What happened? Come quickly, don't hide anything!"

Even Tathagata Buddha can't count as much, and there are such terrible things happening!

Since being appointed as a god, there has never been a strong man above Taiyi Jinxian who has fallen.

What's more, these are the two big Luo Jinxians, and they are the kind of dying spirit and death!

The level of horror of this kind of thing made countless Buddha Bodhisattva fearful in the hearts of those present.

Da Luo Jinxian, that is already the existence of Dingtian.

The fall of Daluo Jinxian is no less than the Tianzhu rupture, and the mainland is pouring!

What's more, these are two big Luo Jinxians, two of them!

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