Journey To The West: People In Wuzhuangguan, Sign In For Ten Thousand Years

Chapter 248 Going to Jimeng Secret Realm, it's so straightforward!

Ji Meng secret realm.

Unlike the Baize Lion secret realm, which is located on the plain.

It is also different from the secret realm located in the valley.

This secret realm turned out to be in a calm and waveless lake!

When Ye Kai came here, he was also surprised, and said with emotion: "I know that the mysterious environment of the twelve demons is in a different environment, and I have guessed where the secret realm of Jimeng will be, but I really didn't expect it to be in the lake!"

"The Jimeng clan is good at the law of water and Ze. In ancient times, the demon god of Jimeng was also known as the rain master, so they are more friendly to water and Ze. This is how the secret realm was built in the big lake." Hearing Ye Kai's emotion. , King Baize Lion explained.

"So that's it." Ye Kai nodded slightly.

King Baize Lion continued: "Since we have come, they should be greeted."

Just as King Baize Lion's voice fell, the lake surface in front of him suddenly exploded, and a group of people appeared.

They are all human dragon heads, similar to the East China Sea Dragon King, but the East China Sea Dragon King is incomplete in shape, but they are not in shape, and they are all wearing scales and holding steel forks, a bit less royal. It's a bit of killing wind!

The one person at the head is even more arrogant and dare not get close.

However, when he saw King Baize Lion and King Fei Lian, he smiled, cupped hands and said, "How did the two of them come to me to calculate the secret realm, and they also brought foreigners?"

With that said, he also looked at Ye Kai deliberately, and the foreigner in his mouth was Ye Kai undoubtedly.

"Haha, brother Jimeng, don't come here unharmed."

Facing that person’s question, King Baize Lion smiled heartily, and then said: “I introduce to you, this is the acting leader of the Three Sects, the leader of Ye Kaiye, and also the new emperor of our monster clan.”

"Your Majesty, this is King Jimeng, the chief of the Jimeng clan."

King Baize Lion first introduced King Ji Meng, and then introduced the identity of the other party to Ye Kai.

"The acting leader of the Three Sects? So it's you... eh? The new emperor of the Monster Race? Just him?"

Hearing the introduction of King Baize Lion, King Ji Meng nodded slightly, but then he was taken aback, his expression became a little bit more disdainful: "Not to mention, he is a foreigner who is also worthy of being the new emperor of my demon clan. ?"

"King Baize Lion, you're afraid that you are getting confused, are you?"

In words, you are not welcome!

Hearing what King Ji Meng said, Ye Kai frowned slightly, a little unhappy.

At this time, King Baize Lion spoke again, saying: "Brother Ji Meng, don't look at other people, but he was recognized by His Majesty the Eastern Emperor. Even the ten princes, Lu Ya, recognized him as the new emperor of the Yao clan."

"It is precisely because of this that I, the Baize Lion clan and the Fei Lien clan, will surrender allegiance."

"How can this be!?"

When King Baize Lion said this, King Ji Meng couldn't help but his face changed drastically, and asked in surprise: "You said he was recognized by His Majesty the Eastern Emperor, and the ten princes are also..."

Not only the King of Jimeng, but the other people of Jimeng were also shocked.

Not to mention that as soon as the Eastern Emperor Tai fell from the ancient war, there was no trace. Even if Lu Qian was the tenth prince of the Demon Race, it was impossible to easily give the Demon Race to an outsider!

Is it because he is the acting leader of the three religions! ?


Seeing King Ji Meng and others shocked, King Baize Lion stroked his beard with satisfaction and nodded.

He was shocked when he knew this at first, but now that he sees others doing the same, only then did he realize that this feeling is really cool!

"Not to mention the ten princes, it is His Majesty the Eastern Emperor..."

Although his heart was shaken, King Jimeng was still a little surprised, his complexion changed slightly, and then he asked King Baize Lion.

"Yes, it's like this..."

King Baize Lion didn't conceal it either. He used sound transmission to tell Ye Kai a series of things about obtaining the Chaos Clock and seeing the true spirit of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi.

Listening to King Baize Lion's account, King Ji Meng's complexion changed again and again, and he couldn't tell it was wonderful.

After a long time, he looked at Ye Kai again, hesitated, and cupped hands said: "I have seen your Majesty the Holy Emperor, I have offended you just now, and I hope your Majesty the Holy Emperor will forgive me."

By saying this, he already recognized Ye Kai's identity.

Seeing the reaction of King Jimeng, the expressions of other Jimeng tribes changed drastically, and their hearts were even more shocked.

"What did King Baize Lion say to the patriarch? The patriarch really recognized the identity of the two-legged sheep!"

"Whatever it is, it is extremely important enough for the patriarch to approve!"

"Since the patriarch recognizes his identity, don't our Jimeng clan want to return to the demon clan?"

"Not necessarily, now I just identify with his identity, and want us to be loyal, it depends on whether he has that ability!"


These plans were secretly discussed by the Meng Clan.

But, anyway, they agreed with Ye Kai's identity.

"Have seen His Majesty the Holy Emperor!"

At the moment, they all bowed to Ye Kai in salute.

"Don't be polite, just get up."

Seeing the reaction of King Ji Meng and others, Ye Kaixin couldn't help but be overjoyed, and he held them up.

This trip went more smoothly than he had imagined, and he thought he would have to spend some tongue on his identity!


King Ji Meng first respectfully agreed, and then said: "His Majesty Holy Emperor, don't get me wrong. Although you will recognize your identity, if you want to subdue the Ji Meng clan, you need to defeat me first."

"...Hahaha! King Ji Meng is straightforward, I like it very much!"

Hearing what King Ji Meng said, Ye Kai was startled for a moment, then laughed.

He prefers this kind of straightforwardness to straightforward calculations!

Old King Ji Meng blushed: "His Majesty the Holy Emperor has been praised too much."

"Since you said that, I am as you wish." Ye Kai paused, his expression condensed slightly: "However, if you have something ugly, you need to talk about it first."

"His Majesty Holy Emperor, please speak."

Ji Meng Wang Weiwei cupped hands said.

"If I defeat you, you must give your own soul, so that I can rest assured of you."

Ye Kai didn't mean anything, and said directly.

"Yes, if I recognize you as the emperor, my life is yours, not to mention the mere primordial spirit."

King Ji Meng did not hesitate, and directly agreed.

At this moment, King Baize Lion laughed and said: "What? King Ji Meng let us fight here?"

When King Baize Lion said this, King Ji Meng reacted and immediately made a "please" gesture:

"I'm not receiving a good reception, Your Majesty the Holy Emperor, Baize Lion Fei Lian, please come inside!"

Having said that, he instructed the Jimeng clan behind him: "Hurry up and open the door of the secret realm."

"It's the patriarch!"

The Jimeng clan did not hesitate, they first agreed, and then picked up the steel fork, facing the lake a little bit, a huge whirlpool suddenly appeared on the calm lake.

This vortex extends from top to bottom, forming a deep passage.

"Through this channel, we can enter the secret realm."

King Ji Meng explained to Ye Kai and the others, and then took the lead and flew towards the passage.

Seeing this, Ye Kai and the others did not hesitate, and flew into the passage.

It was dark at first, and the air was a little humid, with only the sound of the lake flowing.

But The next moment suddenly opened up, and a fresh breath came to his face.

They have entered the secret realm!


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