The two of them were so busy that they had to go out to eat.


Outside Guina's room, the sound of high heels rang out.

After a while, Ivankov came in with a bottle in his hand. "Little Guina baby, Aunt Ivan is feeding you!"

"Guina baby?!"

"Guina baby, I actually lost Guina baby!"

Ivankov covered his mouth in surprise, and his eyes fell out.

She didn't know how she would report to Koshiro.


A few days later, Jello left little Guina to Olbia to raise, and the two people who went to the secret place of Vermeu to find "IQ" happened to come back.

"Just as the boss expected, there is a plant on that island that can make animals grow huge and violent. After research, Indigo and I extracted the plant's DNA and made a potion."

Gage held a test tube full of green potion in his hand and showed it to Zero.

"That's it, that's right, the prototype of SIQ."

Zero glanced at it casually and affirmed the work of Gage and the others.

"Does this potion have the effect of making animal-type devil fruits grow huge and violent?"

"I don't know, we haven't had time to experiment yet." Gage answered honestly.

"We can experiment now."

Gage moved his fingers and continued to ask: "Are there any animal-type devil fruit users among the captives of the Sky Pirates?"

Indigo trembled when he said this.

Gage thought carefully and answered seriously: "There is one, boss!"

"Let someone bring him here."


After a while, a mantis fruit user was brought here.

"What's your name?"

For the sake of convenience, Zero chose to ask his name.

"Report to the boss, my name is Senoff!"

"Want to quit the Sky Pirates and join the Beasts Pirates?" Zero gently shook the reagent in his hand and looked down at him.

"I really want to join the Beasts Pirates!"

Senoff shook his head and begged for mercy, fearing that he would miss this chance to survive.

"You are too weak now. I am not like Shiki who only cares about quantity and not quality."

"Come on, drink this thing, it may make you reborn."

Zero threw the potion down casually, and Senoff quickly caught it, fearing that the test tube would fall to the ground and lose his only chance to change his fate.

"Gurgle gurgle..."

Senoff drank the small test tube of potion and felt like a hippo drinking water.

The next second,

"Bang!" A crisp sound came, and the reagent bottle fell to the ground, and the liquid inside quickly penetrated into the ground.

And Senov seemed to be hit hard by a heavy hammer. His eyes turned blood red in an instant, the muscles on his face were twisted out of shape, and a low roar came out of his mouth, and his body curled up in pain.


With a roar, Senov turned into a mantis uncontrollably, and his body became larger and larger.

"Crack, crack, crack..."

As time went by, the mantis's forelimbs continued to extend, as if to break through the limit. The two pairs of extremely sharp "swords" extended to an astonishing length of two meters!

"It's getting bigger and stronger."

Jero couldn't help but smack his lips when he saw the mantis whose body had quadrupled.

Suddenly, the mantis swung its "double swords" and slashed at Jero's body.

"Boss, be careful!"

Judge warned hurriedly.

When the "double swords" were about to chop towards Zero's head, Zero's "elementalized" body turned into golden light, making Mantis's attack miss.

"It seems that I have inevitably lost control." Zero's voice was filled with regret.


As soon as he said it, a pillar of fire more than ten meters long suddenly emerged from the ground and pierced through Mantis's body.

Senov failed to maintain his sanity during the trial, lost the opportunity to join the Beasts Pirates, and even lost his life.

"The results prove that SIQ's method of strengthening artificial devil fruits is feasible."

"It's just that I don't want to get a group of uncontrollable subordinates. Judge, do you have any solution?"

Zero stared at the charred Mantis and asked calmly.

"According to ancient documents, there is a special herb in the small garden of the Grand Line called Dragon Bone Grass.

, can neutralize the medicinal properties of IQ and achieve unexpected results. "

Judge continued: "I can lead my men to the small garden to get it now."

"Small garden?"

Jero thought for a while and suddenly realized that there were two high-level fighters waiting for him to conquer.

"No need, Judge."

"You and Indigo continue to extract IQ's DNA, I'm going to go there myself."

Jero waved his hand and told Judge a few words.

"Do you need the record pointer of the small garden?" Judge asked and was about to go to get it.

"No, I have to go to the North Sea first to see an old friend and ask her to prepare the record pointer. ”


A week later,

Rear Admiral Gion was ordered to be stationed at the G9 branch of the North Sea Navy.

A naval warship with a seagull flag flying slowly approached.

“Gion... You are worthy of being my goddess. I am thinking about you not only when I sleep and dream, but even when I am receiving an IV in the hospital!”

“You were promoted to Vice Admiral of the Navy Headquarters so quickly. It’s really amazing…”

The dog-licker Kaji came to the G9 branch of the North Sea, holding flowers and boasting to the goddess in front of him.

“Vice Admiral of the Headquarters? How is it possible? How can I be worthy of it? I was just promoted to Rear Admiral of the Headquarters not long ago!”

Gion was puzzled. The Don Quixote family had killed their way through the North Sea, and he had not made any achievements. How could he suddenly get promoted?!

How could other diligent or opportunistic Rear Admirals feel?

“Alas, it’s all because of that natural disaster dark dragon. "

"According to incomplete statistics, there are at least a dozen vice admirals who were killed in battle with him. Even my close friends, Vice Admiral Borsalino and Vice Admiral Doberman, died in battle with him."

"The headquarters is in urgent need of a large number of high-quality talents, and I am here to convey this news to you - the headquarters has decided to promote you to vice admiral."

When it comes to the news that Gion was promoted to vice admiral, Kake, who originally had a very painful expression on his face, suddenly seemed to have changed into a different person, and joy could not help but float across his eyebrows.

This made Kake look refreshed, and he himself was not so happy when he was promoted to rear admiral.

"Natural Disaster Dark Dragon?"

Hearing this name, Gion automatically blocked Kake's subsequent flattery.

"Because of him... I was promoted to vice admiral. "

Gion muttered to himself, unable to help but think of every little thing that happened when Jello was with him, and subconsciously clamped his long, white, round legs.


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