Chapter 0113 – Qin Jiuge Marries the Eldest Princess Tianshou, Zhu Bajie Has Changed Greatly!!

Now Qin Jiuge was already a quasi-saint powerhouse.

Only women have a special status.

Qin Jiuge would follow the palanquin together.

Beyond the South Gate of Heaven.

Mo Liqing, Mo Lihai and the others are guarding here with a team of Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, “What is this sound?” ”

Mo Liqing looked into the distance with a puzzled expression.

“It seems to be the sound of firecrackers!”

“And the sound of greeting!”

Mo Lihai also looked down.

“It won’t be Qin Land coming to greet the family again, right?”

Mo Liqing guessed.

I don’t blame Mo Liqing for guessing like this.

He has been guarding outside the South Heavenly Gate for hundreds of thousands of years.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, I have only seen it six times, and someone has carried the palanquin to welcome relatives here.

And these six times are all Qin Jiuge’s palanquin.

Soon, a welcoming team appeared outside the South Heavenly Gate.

The one in the lead was Qin Jiuge who was riding a heavenly horse.

“Brother Devil, long time no see!”

Qin Jiuge said as he came to Demon Liqing.

“Brother Qin, you… What are you? ”

Mo Liqing was very confused.

He never expected that Qin Jiuge would actually come here with a sedan car.

“I’m here to marry!”

Qin Jiuge said lightly.

“Who are you here to marry?”

The Sea of Magic is also very confused.

However, he had heard Demon Liqing say that Qin Jiuge had come to the Heavenly Court to marry six times.

The first time was the Colorful Phoenix Fairy.

The second time was Qiong Xiao Niangniang. The third time is Kanzhi Sen. The fourth time is Yunxiao Niangniang. The fifth time is Bixiao Niangniang.

The sixth time is the plum blossom fairy.

This time, Qin Jiuge ran over, not knowing who to marry.

“Your Majesty, give me the eldest princess Tianshou Xu!”

“I’m here to marry the eldest princess Tianshou!”

Qin Jiuge said lightly.


“Your Majesty has given you the eldest princess Tianshou Xu?”

Demon Liqing and Demon Lihai were even more confused.

The eldest princess Tianshou can be the heart flesh of the Jade Emperor and the queen mother.

Usually I am afraid of melting in my mouth, and I am afraid of losing it when I hold it in my hand.

Why is it that now His Majesty has given the eldest princess Tianshou Xu to Qin Jiuge?

“Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother has arrived!”

It was at this time that a loud shout came from afar.

Mo Liqing and Mo Lihai quickly turned to look.

I saw the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother walking towards this side in the distance.

They also held a stunning woman with a red hood on her hand.

Behind this stunning woman, there are six beautiful women dressed in different costumes.

“Isn’t it, His Majesty really married the eldest princess Tianshou to Qin Jiuge?”

“Qin Land actually became a horse?”

“How could he marry so many beautiful fairies…”

“I don’t know that Qin Land is so powerful?”

Many of the heavenly soldiers and generals were very confused.

Most of these people joined the Heavenly Court with Qin Jiuge.

They still stayed in front of the South Heavenly Gate all day.

But Qin Jiuge actually married the daughter of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother and became a colt of the Heavenly Court.

“Meet Your Majesty, Queen Mother!”

Qin Jiuge dodged the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother and arched his hand.

“Not bad, really a talent!”

The Jade Emperor nodded slightly.

The queen mother’s face was not very good-looking.

After all, Qin Jiuge had more than a thousand concubines.

Her daughter will definitely not be happy when she marries.

However, in order to encircle Qin Jiuge, she had to marry her eldest princess Tianshou.

“Tianshou, I’ll leave it to you!”

The Jade Emperor said as he asked the other daughters to bring the eldest princess Tianshou into the red palanquin.

The other six princesses all glared at Qin Jiuge fiercely when they passed in front of Qin Jiuge.

Originally, their seven sisters were carefree in the Heavenly Court.

Living together every day.

It was because of the appearance of Qin Jiuge.

Just let them separate.

This made it impossible for them not to hate Qin Jiuge.

After the eldest princess Tianshou got on the palanquin, Qin Jiuge bid farewell to the Jade Emperor and the queen mother and took the eldest princess Tianshou towards the Nether.

“Just now Qin Jiuge married the eldest princess Tianshou?”

Mo Liqing was still very confused.

He never thought that Qin Jiuge would actually marry Tianshou, the eldest princess of the Heavenly Court, now.

You must know that more than eight hundred years ago, Qin Jiuge was just a small soldier guarding the South Heavenly Gate.


Mount Fuling.

Qin Mansion.

“Back, back!”

“I heard that this time I married the eldest princess Tianshou.”

“Isn’t it, His Majesty actually married his daughter to Qin Land?”

“Qin Land is a quasi-saint powerhouse, and his strength is not much different from that of the Jade Emperor.”

“If it were me, I would also marry my daughter to Qin Land.”

“I really envy the land of Qin, and every fairy I marry is beautiful!”

Many little demons all looked at the palanquin that walked into the Qin Mansion with envy.

At this moment, they all knew that this time Qin Jiuge was marrying the eldest princess of the Heavenly Court, Tianshou.

From this moment on, Qin Jiuge’s identity also changed.

It’s not a small piece of land anymore.

It is the horse master of the Heavenly Court.

“The Bull Demon King has arrived!”

Not long after the palanquin entered the Qin Mansion, the Living Demon King hurried here.

The Bull Demon King’s face was not very good.

Not long ago, he already knew that the Iron Fan Princess was in Qin Jiuge’s mansion.

He was also one of Qin Jiuge’s many concubines.

However, the Bull Demon King did not dare to make trouble.

After all, he had already retired the Iron Fan Princess.

Qin Jiuge is also a quasi-saint powerhouse.

What the bull demon didn’t understand was how the Iron Fan Princess could be so honest in Qin Jiuge’s mansion.

Qin Jiuge married so many concubines, and he actually didn’t make trouble.

And when he was in the mansion of the Bull Demon King, he simply married a concubine and turned his cave mansion upside down.

“Brother Niu, please inside…”

Qin Jiuge smiled and invited the Bull Demon King in.

Not long after the Bull Demon King entered, Zhu Bajie and Nanshan King came here.

There is no change in the King of Nanshan.

But has changed a lot from the last time.

Not only dressed beautifully.

The shoes were also replaced with brand new.

Even the long nose and big ears were tucked away.

Behind him were four leprechauns.

Beside these four leprechauns, there are also a few small children.

“Congratulations to Qin Land!”

Zhu Bajie said with a smile.

Zhu Bajie was very grateful to Qin Jiuge.

If it weren’t for Qin Jiuge giving him tens of thousands of taels of silver, he pointed him out again.

It was simply impossible for him to marry so many beautiful leprechauns.

There won’t be so many children.

Today, he is living a very dashing life.

He had long forgotten about the days of the Heavenly Court.

I don’t even miss Chang’e anymore.

Not long after Zhu Bajie and Nanshan Dawang entered, many people came to congratulate them.

Soon night fell.

Qin Jiuge also sent all the guests away.

When sending away Zhu Bajie, Zhu Bajie also specifically asked Qin Jiuge for 10,000 taels of silver.

Of course, Zhu Bajie is not asking Qin Jiuge’s silver in vain.

When he left, he also gave Qin Jiuge a jade pendant.

“Qin Land, this is what I picked up in Guanghan Palace back then, and now it is of no use to me.”

“I’ll give it to you!”

After Zhu Bajie stuffed the jade pei to Qin Jiuge, he took 10,000 taels of silver and walked towards the Wuyin Mountain.

After Qin Jiuge put the jade pei into the system space, he walked towards the cave room.

Inside the cave room.

The eldest princess Tianshou wears a red wedding robe and a red hijab on her head.

At this moment, the face of the eldest princess Tianshou turned red.

Originally, Chang Princess Tianshou, like other princesses, played in the Heavenly Court all day without any troubles.

But half a year ago, the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother suddenly found her.

Let her marry a land in the Nether.

At the beginning, Princess Tianshou was very resistant.

But when he heard that the land was Qin Jiuge, there was no resistance.

Because the eldest princess Tianshou has also seen Qin Jiuge.

Knowing that Qin Jiuge was a quasi-saint powerhouse.

The eldest princess Tianshou has worshiped the strong since she was a child.

To be able to marry a handsome quasi-saint powerhouse, she is naturally very willing.


It was at this time that the door outside the cave suddenly opened.

Qin Jiuge carried a jug of wine and walked in from outside.

Soon after, Qin Jiuge walked in front of the eldest princess Tianshou, and then gently lifted the red hood of the eldest princess Tianshou.

“Madam, it’s time for us to have a drink…”

Qin Jiuge said as he handed a glass of wine to Changgongzhuang Tianshou.

“Xianggong please…”

The eldest princess Tianshou said with a red face.

After the two had exchanged glasses of wine, the candles in the room went out.

Perhaps the moon outside the window was too bright, and Qin Jiuge had been staying in the room of the eldest princess Tianshou for two days before leaving.

For the next half a month, Qin Jiuge was also in the room of the eldest princess Tianshou.

One day two months later, Qin Jiuge invited Lang Zhong into the Qin Mansion.

“Congratulations to the land master, the eldest princess is happy!”

Lang Zhong’s face was full of smiles.

As the royal lang of the Qin Mansion, he knew Qin Jiuge’s character very well.

As long as the mother of the Qin Mansion is pregnant, he can get a lot of rewards, and over the years, he has also relied on the rewards of the Qin Mansion to become an ordinary person

A strong man of the Earth Immortals.


Qin Jiuge was very happy, and immediately rewarded Lang Zhong with a pill.

The eldest princess Tianshou is the daughter of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother.

Her roots and feet must be very good.

In the future, I will definitely be able to give birth to a high-grade offspring.

Not long after the eldest princess Tianshou became pregnant, other women of the Qin family also came with good news one after another.

First, Xuanxian Niangniang was pregnant.

Immediately afterwards, the plum blossom fairy was also pregnant.

Xuan Niangniang looked at her more and more stomach, and suddenly became worried.

Originally, she and Houtu Niangniang had already made an appointment, and this year she went to the Hall of Reincarnation to drink tea and discuss the Dao, but she didn’t expect that she and the plum blossom fairy had not left.

The two became pregnant again.

In order to be able to give birth to the child safely, the two of them could only cultivate in the Qin Mansion.

Not long after the Plum Blossom Fairy became pregnant, Seven Spiders, Princess of Blackwater River, Ao Tingxin, Three Virgins, All Saints Princess and others also became pregnant.

Hear that these people are pregnant.

Qin Jiuge was naturally very happy.

These people have very good roots.

In the future, they will definitely be able to give birth to a root foot.

Sure enough, after October, first Xuanlu Niangniang gave birth to a descendant of the five-pin root.

The plum blossom fairy gave birth to an offspring of the eight-pint root.

The Three Virgins, the Princess of All Saints, and the Princess of Blackwater River gave birth to a descendant of the Nine Pins.

The other banshees gave birth to children without roots.

However, Qin Jiuge was still very happy.

Because of these descendants, they brought thousands of years of cultivation to Qin Jiuge.

There are also tens of thousands of merits.

and thirteen nine-turn golden pills.

The Qin family’s luck also increased by more than a thousand points.

Now the Qin family’s luck has condensed into a huge golden dragon.

The child of the eldest princess Tianshou was not born.

However, Qin Jiuge was not worried at all.

Because he knows that the more outstanding the child, the later he will be born.

After six months, the child of the eldest princess Tianshou was finally born.

Congratulations to the land master, Niangniang gave birth to ten children of the fourth pin, and a servant sent the children to Qin Jiuge’s hands.

“Good, good.”

Qin Jiuge’s eyes were full of smiles.

Also at the moment when Qin Jiuge took the child, a system prompt sound came over.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for breaking through the fifteenth descendants of the five-pin root foot…]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 5,000 years of cultivation. ] 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Heart of Mortal Dust]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for the improvement of the root and foot]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the innate spirit treasure ruler]

[Ding, congratulations to the host Qin family’s descendants for increasing the probability of obtaining high-grade root feet]

[The heart of mortal dust: a heart that yearns for mortal dust, after eating the heart of mortal dust, no matter how many generations of reincarnation, it will yearn for mortal dust and covet red dust…]

[Qiankun ruler: innate spirit treasure, the first ruler for opening the sky, killing people without cause and effect]

Look at the system prompts in your head.

Qin Jiuge was very excited.

He also did not expect that the descendants of the five-pin root foot actually broke through fifteen.

And after the descendants break through the fifteenth place, there will be special rewards

First of all, the blessing of five thousand years of cultivation allowed Qin Jiuge to come from quasi-saint to quasi-saint two.

Secondly, the great improvement of the root foot made Qin Jiuge’s root foot suddenly enter the early stage of the first product.

His cultivation speed has also been greatly improved.

This is followed by the Heart of Mortal Dust.

This treasure is a very remarkable treasure.

Just eat this mortal heart.

will covet mortal dust.

Qin Jiuge had already obtained three Mortal Heart Hearts.

He has already given the Heart of Mortal Dust to Golden Cicada, Zhu Bajie, and Sun Wukong.

Now the results are very good.

Zhu Bajie has married more than a dozen concubines.

There are also more than a dozen children in the family.

Sun Wukong is even more powerful, and has already married more than ten female monkeys on Huaguo Mountain

He has more monkeys than Zhu Bajie.

I don’t know what kind of expressions Buddha and many bodhisattvas of Buddhism had after seeing so many children of Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong.

“This piece of mortal heart will be given to the Roller Curtain General!”

Qin Jiuge had already made a decision.

That is to give the last Heart of Mortal Dust to Sha Wujing.

In this way, the four masters and apprentices will covet red dust.

At that time, the journey to the west will definitely be very exciting.

After putting away the mortal dust, Qin Jiuge set his gaze on the next treasure.

Qiankun ruler.

This is an innate treasure.

Although the attack of this innate spirit treasure is not very strong.

But it can kill without any cause and effect.

As long as the innate spirit treasure is sacrificed, there will be an extra big killing weapon in his hand.

In the end, Qin Jiuge set his sights on the final reward.

This is a special bonus.

That is, the probability of high-grade roots among Qin Jiuge’s descendants has increased by one percent.

Although the probability of this one percent is not very high.

But it can’t stand Qin Jiuge’s many descendants at all.

One cannot succeed.

Ten cannot succeed.

Those hundred, a thousand, ten thousand, there will always be a descendant who will appear high-grade roots.

Qin Jiuge put away the treasure and walked into the room of the eldest princess Tianshou.

“Madam, look at this is our child!”

Qin Jiuge said while placing the child beside the eldest princess Tianshou.

“Xianggong, this kid is a few pints of roots!”

The eldest princess Tianshou asked in a low voice.

“Four pins of root feet,” Qin Jiuge said with a smile.

Qin Jiuge stayed by the side of the eldest princess Tianshou for more than an hour before leaving here.

“Xianggong, why am I pregnant again?”

A few months later, Changgongzhuang Tianshou found that he was pregnant again.

Originally, the eldest princess Tianshou wanted to take the child back to the Heavenly Court to show the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother. But she only had been recuperating for a few months, and she found herself pregnant again.

Not long after the eldest princess Tianshou became pregnant, Qin Jiuge left the Qin Mansion.

He was going to take a trip to the Quicksand River.

Give this mortal heart to Sha Wu.

Qin Jiuge’s speed was very fast.

In just half an hour, he came to the sky above the Quicksand River.

At this moment, above the Quicksand River, several heavenly soldiers were giving execution to Sha Wujing below

Qin Jiuge just stood aside, watching the numerous heavenly soldiers being executed, and did not stop it.


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