Chapter 0129: The Fifth Rank Root Foot Breaks Through the Twenty, and the Hundred Flowers Fairy Gives Birth to the Second Rank Root Foot!!

After seeing off all the guests, Qin Jiuge took a jug of wine and two cups and walked towards the cave mansion.

Inside the cave room.

The Hundred Flowers Fairy, wearing a red robe and a red hijab, was sitting on the edge of the bed.

At this moment, the face of the Hundred Flowers Fairy was already blushing.

The Hundred Flowers Fairy never thought that she would marry Qin Jiuge.

After all, she had always looked down on Qin Jiuge.

Think that Qin Jiuge is a womanizer.

All day long, I just know to stay in the women’s pile.

He even said a lot of bad things about Qin Jiuge in front of the maid. But unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, she also married Qin Jiuge. However, the Hundred Flowers Fairy was still very grateful to Qin Jiuge.

If it weren’t for Qin Jiuge going to the Hundred Gardens.

Those of her clansmen will definitely be killed by those demon kings.

Hundred Gardens will also be removed from the Three Realms.

It was also at this time that the door to the room was opened. Qin Jiuge took a jug of wine and walked from outside.

Soon, Qin Jiuge lifted the red hood.

Under the red hood is a fairy with a shy face.

“Madam, it’s time for us to have a drink!”

Qin Jiuge said as he handed the wine glass to the Hundred Flowers Fairy.

“Xianggong please!”

The Hundred Flowers Fairy’s face turned even redder.

After the two had exchanged glasses of wine, the candles in the room went out.

Perhaps the night was too beautiful tonight, and Qin Jiuge stayed for two days before leaving the Hundred Flowers Fairy’s room.

For the next month or so, Qin Jiuge also often went in and out of the room of the Hundred Flowers Fairy, and one day more than two months later, Qin Jiuge invited Lang Zhong in.

“Congratulations to the land master, Niangniang this is a joy!”

Lang Zhong’s face was full of joy.

He was the one who liked Qin Jiuge the most. As long as those concubines of Qin Jiuge are happy.

Qin Jiuge would reward him with a big feast.

He also relied on these rewards from Qin Jiuge to become an Earth Immortal cultivator.

“Good, good!”

After Qin Jiuge heard this, he was naturally very happy, and then rewarded Lang Zhong with a little elixir.

The Hundred Flowers Fairy is the maid of the queen mother.

Her roots and feet are outstanding.

In the future, Qin Jiuge will definitely give birth to a high-grade offspring.

Soon after the Hundred Flowers Fairy became pregnant.

Good news came from the Qin family one after another.

First, Our Lady of the Turtle Spirit and Our Lady of Wudang became pregnant.

Immediately after that, Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, and Bixiao Niangniang had good news.

Then the plum blossom fairy and the Xuanlu Niangniang and the colorful phoenix fairy, Kanzhi fairy had good news.

Finally, there was good news from the Seven Spiders, the Halloween Princess, the Iron Fan Princess, the Blackwater River Princess, the Lady of the Earth, and the white-faced fox.

Hearing these good news, Qin Jiuge was very happy.

Because their roots are very good.

He will definitely be able to get a lot of roots.

Sure enough, ten months later, Xian357 was Xuanlu Niangniang and Yunxiao Niangniang who gave birth to a descendant of Wupin Root.

Subsequently, Bixiao, Qiongxiao and Plum Blossom Fairy gave birth to the offspring of Bapingenjie

The Princess of All Saints, the Princess of the Iron Fan, the Virgin of the Turtle Spirit and the Virgin of Wudang were born

Descendants of the nine pins of root feet.

These descendants allowed Qin Jiuge’s cultivation to directly enter the late Quasi-Saint Sixfold Stage directly from the early stage of the Quasi-Saint Sixfold.

Just one step away from entering the Quasi-Saint Sevenfold.

Moreover, Qin Jiuge also gained a lot of merit, as well as a lot of luck.

It’s just that the child of the Hundred Flowers Fairy was not born.

However, Qin Jiuge was not worried at all.

Because he knows that the more outstanding the child’s roots, the later it will be born.

After another year, the child of the Hundred Flowers Fairy was born.

At the moment when this child was born, a golden dragon appeared in the sky above the entire Fuling Mountain.

As soon as this dragon appeared, it dyed the entire Fuling Mountain gold.

In the body of this dragon, there is also terrifying coercion and law.

“What’s going on?”

“How can we have such a big dragon in Fuling Mountain?”

“There is still terrifying coercion on this dragon’s body?”

“The child of Qin Land was born, is it a vision of Qin Land’s child?”

“I guess it’s a child of Qin Land!”

“I really envy Qin Land, and there is another descendant of high-grade roots!”

At the moment when the dragon appeared, the little demons and demon kings on the entire Fuling Mountain all felt the terrifying coercion.

At the same time, there are also some people who know that this is another high-grade descendant of the Qin family.

“Congratulations to the master, Mr. Hexi, the mother gave birth to a child with a second pint foot!”

It was also at this time that a servant hurriedly hugged a child and came to Qin Jiuge.

“Good, good!”

After hearing that this child was a second pin, Qin Jiuge was very happy.

Also at the moment when Qin Jiuge picked up the child, a system prompt sound came over.

[Ding, congratulations to the host for exceeding the twenty descendants of the five-pin root foot…]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining 10,000 years of cultivation]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for greatly improving the root and foot…]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a piece of nine days of rest. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining a sleeping charm]

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining the external incarnation of the supernatural power. 】

[Ding, congratulations to the host for obtaining seventy points of luck. 】

[Sleeping Charm: A special charm that can make the target sleep for more than ten years after use]

Look at the system prompts in your head.

Qin Jiuge was very excited.

He also did not expect that his descendants of the fifth rank of the foot would actually break through the twenty and receive so many rewards.

First of all, 10,000 years of cultivation directly allowed Qin Jiuge to enter the quasi-saint sevenfold from the quasi-saint sixth.

Immediately afterwards, Qin Jiuge’s roots and feet were also greatly improved.

It also increased his cultivation speed a lot.

Then Qin Jiuge looked at the Nine Heavens Resting Land.

This is a rare treasure.

These nine days of rest are not only able to reforge the flesh.

Moreover, he can also take the Nine Heavens Rest Soil to Nuwa Niangniang in exchange for special treasures, and now he has three pieces of the Nine Heavens Rest Soil.

As long as he possessed seven pieces of Nine Heavens Resting Soil, he would be able to marry the Nine Heavens Xuan Maiden, and then Qin Jiuge set his eyes on a reward below.

This reward is a powerful power.

Avatars outside the body.

This magical power can summon an avatar of similar strength to participate in battle.

Although the external incarnation is not as powerful as the one qi and three clear of the Taishang Saint.

But it is also a rare magical power.

Sleeping charms!

This is a special charm.

After using it, a cultivator whose strength is not higher than Qin Jiuge can be allowed to sleep in the year of the sleeper.

This spell doesn’t seem to work though.

But if it is used in a special place, the effect is very large.

For example, the twentieth golden cicada turned around in the Jinshan Temple.

At the side of the golden cicada, there must be Buddhist masters guarding the golden cicada.

Let the golden cicada not break the ring.

If you use this spell.

The masters of Buddhism will inevitably sleep for ten years.

When the Buddhist master wakes up, the children of the golden cicada will probably be soy sauce.

Finally, Qin Jiuge set his eyes on the last reward.

This reward is to increase the Qin family’s luck.

This reward is not a one-time reward.

Instead, every time a descendant is added, the Qin family will increase the luck of the Qin family.

Although these seventy points of luck are not very much.

But there are many people who can’t stand the Qin family. Ten is seven hundred points. One hundred is seven thousand points.

Ten thousand is seven hundred thousand points.


Spirit Mountain.

Great Leiyin Temple.

Many high-ranking Buddhist leaders gathered here.

“How is this possible?”

“Who is calculating our Buddhism?”

“How could Zhu Bajie marry so many daughters-in-law?”

“Buddha, how can you think of a way?”

“Sha Wujing also married a wife and had children?”

“Could it be that we are traveling with a large family to take the scriptures from the Western Heaven?”


The faces of many bodhisattvas and arhats were very bad.

They had no idea who was calculating their Buddhism.

How come all their Buddhist sutras marry wives and have children. has more than a hundred children.

This makes them how to go westward.

How can they prosper in Buddhism.

Rulai’s face is also very bad.

He originally thought that something was wrong with the golden cicada.

But I didn’t expect that the Buddhist sutra collection group of four all went wrong.

There are still a few years to go before the Westward Journey of Buddhism begins.

Even if they want to change people, there is no hurry.


Rulai looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva.

“The disciple is here!”

Guanyin walked out.

“You immediately go to Huaguo Mountain and crush Sun Wukong under the Five Elements Mountain!”

Rulai said in a deep voice.


Guanyin received the order and hurriedly left the Great Leiyin Temple.

“Puxian, you immediately go to the Golden Mountain Temple and take care of the twentieth life of the golden cicada, don’t make a mistake this time!”

After the Buddha finished speaking, he glared at Puxian Bodhisattva fiercely.


Puxian Bodhisattva received the order and headed towards the Golden Mountain Temple.

“Wen Shu, you take someone to bring Zhu Bajie back to Fuling Mountain!”

Buddha said.


After Wen Shu finished speaking, he took a few arhats and hurried towards Wuyin Mountain to the outskirts of Fuling Mountain.

The Great King of Nanshan was frantically fleeing towards the Qin Mansion.

He looked behind him in horror as he fled.

I saw that behind him, there was an arhat following slowly.

“This is the outskirts of Mount Fuling.”

“As long as I enter Fuling Mountain, my life will not be in danger!”

After thinking of this, the figure of the Nanshan Great King shot sharply towards the direction of Fuling Mountain.


“Leopard spirit, I advise you to tie up your hands!”

“Honestly explain Zhu Bajie, why did he become like this” Luo Han cast a spell and chased towards the King of Nanshan.

“Luohan Fist!”

Luo Han drank lightly.

I saw that in his hand, a terrifying golden light suddenly appeared.

This golden light rushed towards the Nanshan King fiercely.

Fortunately, the king of Nanshan reacted quickly and dodged this move in time.

“Qin land helps!!!

King Nanshan shouted.

The king of Nanshan did not know who he had offended.

Early this morning, several arhats came to his cave mansion.

These Luohans couldn’t help but attack him and Zhu Bajie.

If it weren’t for the Nanshan Great King’s quick sight, it is estimated that he would have died in the hands of these arhats.

“Huh, it’s actually like a small land for help?”

Luo Han shook his head as he spoke.

Also at this time, a young man wearing a land robe appeared not far away.

“Qin land help!”

The moment the Nanshan King saw Qin Jiuge, his face was full of joy.

Luo Han also stopped and looked at Shidi in front of him with a puzzled expression.

He didn’t understand at all how the Nanshan King could be so excited when he saw this ordinary land.

Could it be that this ordinary land is a mighty one?

“Your Excellency’s land here?”

Luo Han looked at Qin Jiuge with a guarded expression.

“Well, this seat is indeed the land of Fuling Mountain.”

Qin Jiuge nodded slightly.

“It turned out to be small land. Luo Han suddenly let go of his heart. ”

Although this arhat has been in retreat all the time.

But for the land of the Heavenly Court, he still knows very well.

Those lands were only the lowest officials in the Heavenly Court, and they were also the lowest in strength.

It was at this time that Luo Han suddenly saw a big tree beside Qin Jiuge.

When he saw this big tree, his whole body suddenly froze, and a trace of fire flashed in his eyes.


“This turned out to be the innate spirit root Huang Zhongli.”

Luo Han said excitedly.

The Innate Spirit Root is the top Spirit Root!

Even if the Buddha and the Jade Emperor saw it, they would take it cleanly.

Now seeing this innate spiritual root, how could he not be excited.

If you give this innate spiritual root Huangzhong Li to Buddha Rulai.

Maybe if Buddha can reward him with a lot of magic weapons, he can also reward him with a position of bodhisattva.


“This tree is my Buddhist thing.”

“Please also ask the benefactor to give me Lingshan a face. Luo Han’s eyes were full of threat. ”

He had already decided if Qin Jiuge did not give up the innate spirit root.

He killed Qin Jiuge and the King of Nanshan here. He believed that the Heavenly Court would not embarrass Buddhism for the sake of a small land.

After hearing this, the corners of Qin Jiuge’s mouth twitched fiercely.

This innate ultimate spirit root Huang Zhongli, but the reward he received from the system did not expect that it would become a Buddhist thing in the mouth of this arhat.

“Get out!”

Qin Jiuge drank gently.


“What a dare!”

“You actually dare to rob me of Buddhist things!”

The monk Luohan drank lightly, and a terrifying coercion erupted from his body. Prepare to kill Qin Jiuge and the King of Nanshan here.

Then snatch away this innate ultimate spirit root Huang Zhongli.

“Hehe, a little arhat dares to spread wild in my Fuling Mountain!”

“Even if Rulai came in person, he wouldn’t dare to snatch the innate ultimate spirit root of this seat!”

As soon as the voice fell, Luo Han’s powerful coercion was strongly erased by an even stronger coercion.

Luo Han’s face suddenly changed drastically, and at this moment he already knew that this young land must be very difficult.

“This seat is the Arhat of the Spirit Mountain!”

“It’s also a named disciple of Buddha Rulai!”

Luo Han hurriedly carried out Buddha Rulai and Lingshan. He hoped to be able to scare Qin Jiuge with Buddha and Lingshan.

Let Qin Jiuge dare not make a move against him.


“If you come in person today, you must also die!”

Qin Jiuge gently raised his right hand, and the upper flame flew out of his hand.

“No… Don’t! ”

Before the monk Luo Han finished speaking, the flames came to Luo Han’s body.

This Luohan didn’t even escape from the spirit, so he turned into a cloud of ashes.

“Thank you Qin Land for saving your life!”

King Nanshan hurriedly stepped forward and thanked him.

“How can you be hunted down and killed by Buddhist people!”

Qin Jiuge looked at the Nanshan King with a puzzled expression.


The Great King of Nanshan sighed before telling Qin Jiuge the truth.

Hearing the words of the Great King of Nanshan, Qin Jiuge naturally knew what was going on.

It must be that the Buddhist journey to the west is about to begin.

They Buddhism wants to capture people who take sutras.

“Don’t go to Wuyin Mountain, find a place to stay in Fuling Mountain!”

Qin Jiuge said lightly.

“Thank you Qin Land!”

When the King of Nanshan heard this, his face was full of joy.

After placing the king of Nanshan in Fuling Mountain, Qin Jiuge left for Chang’an, and now the golden cicada is more than ten years old.

He just gave this sleeping talisman to the Buddhist master who monitored the golden cicada.

As long as the masters of Buddhism sleep for ten years.

By the time Buddhism reacted, Yu Cicada must have been married and had children. At that time, I don’t know that Buddhism will not let the golden cicada go to the western heavens to obtain scriptures.

Qin Jiuge’s speed was very fast.

In just over an hour, I arrived outside the Jinshan Temple outside Chang’an.

As soon as he arrived at Jinshan Temple, he saw Puxian Bodhisattva carrying a ten-year-old monk towards the temple.

“You don’t learn well at a young age!”

“Run to Yihong Courtyard every day!”

Puxian Bodhisattva’s face was very ugly.

He never thought that the golden cicada was only ten years old and knew to run to Yihong Courtyard.

If it weren’t for the fact that he kept spying on the golden cicada.

It is estimated that the golden cicada has already broken the vow.


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