Chapter 0132 – Zixia Fairy Appears, Qin Jiuge Goes Chang’e!!

“Xianggong, please…”

Gao Cuilan’s face was already flushed.

After the two had exchanged glasses of wine, the candles in the room went out.

Two months later, Qin Jiuge once again invited Lang Zhong to the mansion.

“Congratulations, Master Land, Niangniang is pregnant!”

Lang Zhong’s face was full of excitement.

As long as these women are pregnant, he can receive a lot of rewards.


Qin Jiuge’s face was full of smiles.

Gao Cuilan’s root feet are good, and she will definitely be able to give birth to a descendant of Qin Jiuge in the future.

Sure enough, ten months later, Gao Cuilan gave birth to a descendant of the Nine Pins Root, which made Qin Jiuge very happy.


Spirit Mountain.

Great Leiyin Temple.

Many high-ranking Buddhist leaders gathered here.

“What’s going on?”

“Why didn’t Li Shimin hold a land and water conference?”

“What went wrong?”

“Buddha, do the math!”

Many arhats and bodhisattvas all looked in the direction of Chang’an with a confused expression

According to their calculations, Tang Emperor Li Shimin should have started to hold the land and water conference at this time.

But today, there is no movement in Chang’an.

Buddha’s face was also very bad.

He also didn’t know why the land and water conference was not held now.

At that moment, Buddha closed his eyes and calculated.

It’s just the result of the calculation, which makes Rulai very confused.

“The Jinghe Dragon King is not dead?”

Rulai screamed.

“Buddha, this Jinghe Dragon Circle was killed by the disciples themselves! Manjushri on the side came out and said. ”

But he remembered clearly that at the Peach Meeting, he personally cut off the Jinghe Dragon King.

“Manjushri, you go to Chang’an and find a way for Li Shimin to hold a water and land conference to see Manjushri below.”

Now they have no time to track down whether the Jinghe Dragon King has died.

They must quickly get Li Shimin to get the land and water conference up.

In this way, their Buddhist journey to the west can be held normally.


Manjushri left in a hurry.


Rulai looked at Guanyin.

“The disciple is here!”

Guanyin walked out from the side.

“Can you arrange the calamity of the Journey to the West?”

Rulai asked again.

“Buddha… The Journey to the West Robbery Map has been lost, disciple…”

Guanyin Bodhisattva’s face was full of confusion.

Their Buddhist map of the journey to the west has been taken by the ancestor of the Styx.

Without the Journey to the West, they Buddhism could not arrange the Journey to the West.

“Guanyin, you are the person in charge of taking the scriptures, can’t you even arrange this little thing?”

For example, Buddha’s face was very bad.

“Disciple… Lead! ”

Although Guanyin Bodhisattva did not want to take on this task.

But Buddha had already laid down the task.

Even if he bites the bullet, Guanyin has to arrange the disaster of the journey to the west.


Mount Fuling.

Qin Mansion.

Qin Jiuge was resting in the room.


Qin Jiuge suddenly raised his head, and his gaze looked to the west. In that direction, there seemed to be a chance waiting for him.

At that moment, Qin Jiuge directly summoned Qin Cheng over.

“Father, what are your orders?”

Qin Cheng asked respectfully.

“The West has a chance for me!”

“While I was looking for an opportunity, you were guarding at home!”

Qin Jiuge said lightly.

“Father, you are defeated!”

Qin Cheng’s heart was full of excitement.

He knew that Qin Jiuge was a quasi-saint powerhouse. The chance that Qin Jiuge said must be very good.

If Qin Jiuge could get this opportunity.

Then their Qin family will definitely go to the next level.

Qin Jiuge nodded, and the figure moved quickly towards the west.

At the same time, Chang’e, who was reading a book in Guanghan Palace, suddenly felt that something important was about to be born.

“This should be Chang Xi’s inheritance!”

Chang’e Fairy’s face was full of excitement.

Although she did not have the opportunity to obtain the inheritance of Xihe. But this time Chang Xi’s inheritance, she must get.

At that moment, Chang’e Fairy quickly headed towards the west.

The Kunpeng ancestor, who was far away in the North Sea, also opened his eyes at the same time.

“There is my demon clan treasure about to be born!”

Old Ancestor Kunpeng has sensed that there is a treasure of his demon clan in the West, and he is about to be born.

At present, the ancestor of Kunpeng also left the North Sea and headed for the west.


Somewhere in the valley.

A rainbow of light quickly rushed towards here.

As the rainbow light dispersed, Qin Jiuge’s figure appeared in front of the valley.

“It should be this valley!”

Qin Jiuge glanced at the valley and said lightly.

“Zhou Tian Star Dou Array!”

Qin Jiu Singer waved, and a huge array plate appeared in his hand.

This array is the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array.

Every time a heavy treasure is born.

There will be a lot of people to fight over.

In order to grab the first place in this treasure hunt.

Qin Jiuge directly laid down the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array.

A moment later, three hundred and sixty-five huge stars appeared in the valley.

With the rotation of the stars, the endless power of the stars gathered, turning into a huge power and soaring into the sky!

Faintly, it was filled with endless killing opportunities, spreading out in the middle.

“With the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array, this chance is definitely mine!”

After Qin Jiuge finished speaking, he sat within the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array.

As long as Ru comes, the Jade Emperor does not come, this opportunity will inevitably be taken by Qin Jiuge soon, Chang’e Fairy and Kunpeng Old Ancestor will come here.

Originally, there were still smiles on the faces of the two.

It was only when I saw that the entire valley was shrouded in a terrifying array.

The faces of the two suddenly became very ugly.

Within the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array, Qin Jiuge slowly opened his eyes, and he naturally saw the Kunpeng Old Ancestor and Chang’e Fairy.

“Two Taoist friends, the chance here belongs to this seat.”

“You guys leave quickly!”

“Otherwise, you’re welcome!”

Qin Jiuge said lightly.

Chang’e fairy’s face became very ugly.

Originally, Chang’e Fairy thought that she could not obtain the inheritance of Xihe.

There should be a chance to obtain Chang Xi’s inheritance.

But she never thought that she had just arrived here and found that Qin Jiuge had already occupied the entire valley.

“Your Excellency, how daring?”

“This is the treasure of my demon clan, what does it have to do with Your Excellency?”

Kunpeng Laozu’s tone was very bad.

At that moment, the Kunpeng ancestor directly sacrificed the Kunpeng Palace.

He was ready to kill Qin Jiuge here.

Then seize the treasure inside.


It was also at this time that the front Li Great Array suddenly operated. Three hundred and fifty stars suddenly appeared within the large array.

Boundless murderous aura permeated from within the large array.

“Zhou Tian Star Dou Array…”

Kunpeng Laozu’s face became very ugly.

He never thought that the large array in front of him would actually be the number one large array of his demon clan, the Zhou Tian Star Dou Great Array.

For the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array, how could Ancestor Kunpeng not understand.

That was a formation as powerful as the Twelve Ancestral Witches’ Twelve Heavenly Gods Great Array, if you bravely broke into the Great Array.

Maybe he’ll be here again.

“Get out!!”

Qin Jiuge’s voice came out from within the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array.

As the voice fell, the power of the stars rushed towards the Kunpeng Ancestor. Looking at the power of the stars rushing over, Kunpeng Old Ancestor’s face suddenly changed greatly.

He quickly hid into the distance.

The attack of the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array was not something he could take.


Just listening to a loud noise, the place that Ancestor Kunpeng had just occupied directly turned into nothingness.

“Do Daoists really want to go against me Kunpeng?”

Kunpeng Laozu’s face became very ugly.

This was the first time since the Lich Tribulation that someone had been so faceless.

“The treasure of this valley is my!!!”

“Don’t want to die and leave quickly!”

Qin Jiuge’s eyes were full of sneers.

Now he has placed the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array here.

Kunpeng and Chang’e Fairy cannot be her opponents at all.

Kunpeng Laozu’s face became very ugly.

Although he would love to get the treasures in this valley.

But Qin Jiuge’s strength was too strong.

Not to mention the Zhou Tian Star Dou Array arranged in the valley.

Even the few innate spirit treasures on his head were not ordinary products.

If you venture into the valley.

Old Ancestor Kunpeng may die.

“This matter has been written down!!”

Old Ancestor Kunpeng snorted coldly and flew directly towards the North Sea.

He had already written down Qin Jiuge’s appearance.

When Qin Jiuge went out in the future, he came to find Qin Jiuge to settle the account.

“Chang’e fairy, you are not in Guanghan Palace, what are you doing here?”

Qin Jiuge looked at the Chang’e fairy on the side.

Chang’e fairy’s face was very ugly. Because there is a Changxi inheritance in it.

That’s why Chang’e fairy came here.

“The treasure in this is the chance of a concubine!”

“Please also ask Qin Daoyou to give up this opportunity to the concubine!”

Chang’e was helpless.

This Chang Xi’s inheritance has a great effect on her.

“Under the Chang’e fairy as soon as it happened, if the Chang’e fairy can marry the fairy in the next…”

“Qin Jiuge laughed…”

Chang’e’s face became very ugly.

She also didn’t expect that Qin Jiuge had been thinking about her.


Chang’e Fairy snorted coldly.

Go directly to the Guanghan Palace.

At this moment, she could no longer care about the upcoming Chang Xi inheritance.

Not long after Chang’e left, two rays of light suddenly appeared in the valley.

One of the rays of light is a jade Jane.

In this jade Jane is Chang Xi’s inheritance.

In the other light is a book.

“It’s actually the River Tulo Book!”

Qin Jiuge recognized the book at a glance.

This is the treasure River Tuluo Book of Dijun back then.

According to legend, the 373 Zhou Tian Star Dou Array was deduced from the River Tuluo book.

“Sure enough, baby.”

With a wave of Qin Jiu, he took the River Tuluo Book and Jade Jian into his body. He knew that Chang’e Fairy had always wanted the inheritance of Chang Xi and Xihe.

Now Qin Jiuge already has the inheritance of the two in his hands.

He believed that it would not be long before Chang’e Fairy would come to him.

Qin family.

It has now been more than a year since the last raid.

Over the past year, Qin Jiuge has been working hard at home.

Under Qin Jiuge’s efforts, the descendants of the Qin family are also increasing.

Qin Jiuge also gained a lot of merit, as well as cultivation.

Also on this day, Qin Jiuge headed towards the Heavenly Court.

This time, Qin Jiuge went to the Heavenly Court to narrate.

Qin Jiuge’s speed was very fast, and it was only a little over an hour before he arrived outside the South Heavenly Gate.

At this moment, it was still Mo Liqing who was guarding the South Heavenly Gate.

“Brother Qin!”

Mo Liqing came over very warmly to say hello.

“Brother Devil!”

Qin Jiuge nodded slightly.

“Brother Qin, what are you doing in the Heavenly Court this time?”

Mo Liqing asked curiously.

“I came to the Heavenly Court this time to describe!”

Qin Jiuge said with a smile.


Mo Liqing was slightly stunned, and then remembered that Qin Jiuge was a land.

Every hundred years, he comes to the Heavenly Court to report his duties.

However, Mo Liqing admired Qin Jiuge very much.

In the years that he was in the land, he actually married the plum blossom fairy and the hundred flower fairy who served in the hall of Xuanzhi back home.

And he also let the plum blossom fairy and the hundred flower fairy give him a lot of children.

“Brother Qin, you have to be careful, the steward of the hall this time is Zixia Immortal Mountain” one

Mo Liqing reminded in a low voice.

“Zixia Fairy?”

Qin Jiuge’s brows furrowed slightly.

This Purple Xia Fairy, Qin Jiuge had also heard of it.

According to legend, the Purple Xia Fairy was the first incarnation of the Flood Wilderness.

The roots are extraordinary.

“Thank you Brother Devil!”

Qin Jiuge arched his hand and walked towards the Hall of Narration.

At this moment, inside the hall of narration.

A stunning woman in a purple robe was sitting here.

This stunning woman in a purple robe is the Purple Xia Fairy.

“How many other people haven’t come to the post?”

Zixia Fairy said while looking at the maid not far away.

“Qiyu Fairy, only Qin Jiuge is alone!”

The maid said quickly.


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