Chapter 0138: The Jade Emperor Promised the Third Princess to Qin Jiuge!!

Qin Mansion.

On this day, a special guest came to the Qin Mansion.

This special guest is Taibai Venus of the Heavenly Court.

Seeing the arrival of Taibai Jinxing, Qin Jiuge’s face was full of doubt.

“I’ve seen it, Qin Land!”

Taibai Jinxing saluted Qin Jiuge.

“Taibai Daoyou, why did you come here?”

Qin Jiuge said with a smile.

“Qin Land, Your Majesty invites you to the Heavenly Court, there are important matters to discuss!”

Taibai Venus directly illustrates the intention.

“What’s going on?”

Qin Jiuge looked at Taibai Jinxing with a puzzled expression.

If it wasn’t a big deal, it would be impossible for the Jade Emperor to come to Fuling Mountain to find him.

“Buddhist people have come to the Heavenly Court, Your Majesty wants you to go to the Heavenly Court!”

Taibai Jinxing whispered.


Qin Jiuge nodded slightly, and then walked towards the Heavenly Court with Taibai Jinxing

Qin Jiuge’s speed was very fast.

It was only an hour before he arrived outside the South Heavenly Gate.

At this moment, it was still Demon Liqing who was stationed at the South Heavenly Gate.


Seeing Qin Jiuge’s arrival, Mo Liqing quickly ran over.

“I’ve seen Qin Land!”

The other Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals also saluted Qin Jiuge one after another.

The eyes of these Heavenly Soldiers Heavenly Generals looking at Qin Jiuge were full of envy.

Back then, they joined the Heavenly Court with Qin Jiuge.

Become a guard of the South Heavenly Gate.

But I didn’t expect that a thousand years later, Qin Jiuge became a quasi-saint powerhouse and married many beautiful women.

The status in the Heavenly Court was only under the Jade Emperor.

And they are just guards guarding the South Heavenly Gate, and Xiu Wei is only a Heavenly Immortal.

“Brother Devil!”

Qin Jiuge nodded slightly, and was about to talk to Mo Liqing.

Who knew that he was interrupted by Taibai Jinxing: “Qin Land, Your Majesty is still waiting for you.” ”

“Brother Qin, hurry up and go to the Lingxiao Treasure Hall!”

Mo Liqing’s eyes were full of envy.

More than a thousand years ago, Qin Jiuge was still a small soldier under Mo Liqing.

Unexpectedly, more than a thousand years ago, Qin Jiuge became the Jade Emperor’s guest.

And he is still guarding the South Heavenly Gate here.

There is no improvement in cultivation.

Inside the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

The Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother was sitting at the top of the Lingxiao Treasure Hall.

Guanyin Bodhisattva, Lingji Bodhisattva is standing below.

The faces of the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were full of smiles.

And the faces of Guanyin Bodhisattva and Lingji Bodhisattva are very ugly.

“See Your Majesty, Queen Mother!”

It was at this time that Taibai Jinxing walked in from outside with Qin Jiuge.

“You’re welcome!”

The Jade Emperor waved his hand gently.

“Qin Land, the oligarchs have one thing to discuss with you!”

The Jade Emperor said while asking Taibai Jinxing to give Qin Jiuge a seat.

“Your Majesty please. Say! ”

After Qin Jiuge finished speaking, he sat down.

“Guanyin Bodhisattva accidentally killed the ginseng fruit tree of Wuzhuang Guan…”

The Jade Emperor said slowly.

Hearing the words of the Jade Emperor, Qin Jiuge understood what was going on.

It turned out that Guanyin Bodhisattva accidentally killed Zhen Yuanzi’s ginseng fruit tree.

Zhen Yuanzi of Wuzhuang Guan was naturally unwilling.

Immediately detain Tang Monk, Sha Wujing, Zhu Bajie and Sun Wukong.

Zhen Yuanzi even put down his words, Buddhism does not accompany his ginseng fruit tree, he will not let go of the sutra people.

Buddhism had no choice but to look around for a cure for ginseng fruit.

After many hardships, Buddhism finally found the ginseng fruit tree sapling.

This ginseng fruit tree sapling is required to survive.

It is necessary to have three light divine water.

Guanyin Bodhisattva’s three-light divine water has been used up.

In the entire Three Realms, except for Qin Jiuge and Nuwa Niangniang, there was no Sanguang Divine Water.

“Your Majesty, Weichen also does not have Sanguang Divine Water!”

Qin Jiuge quickly shook his head and said.

For the five Zhuangguan ginseng fruit trees how to die.

Qin Jiuge was very clear.

That is taken away by the system.

However, it is impossible for Qin Jiuge to tell Buddhism.

It is also impossible to take out the ginseng fruit tree.

“Qin Land, if you can give Guanyin Bodhisattva half a bottle of Sanguang Divine Water!”

“The widow will give you three sons and daughters!”

The Jade Emperor said lightly.

Originally, the Jade Emperor did not want to give the third princess to Qin Jiuge.

But Buddhism has so much to offer.

He also had to give up his third daughter.

Moreover, Qin Jiuge is still a quasi-saint powerhouse.

He gave his third daughter to Qin Jiuge, or his third daughter Gao Pan.


Qin Jiuge didn’t think about it and directly agreed.

The roots and feet of the third princess are very good.

If you marry the third princess.

The third princess will definitely help Qin Jiuge give birth to a high-grade offspring.

In this way, Qin Jiuge can obtain a large number of system rewards.

“Your Majesty, this is half a bottle of Sanguang Divine Water!”

As soon as Qin Jiuge stretched out, half a bottle of Sanguang Divine Water appeared in Qin Jiuge’s hand.

The Jade Emperor’s face was full of smiles.

He glanced at the three-light divine water in his hand, and then sent the three-light divine water to Guanyin’s hand.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

Guanyin Bodhisattva’s face was very bad.

Obviously, this half bottle of Sanguang Divine Water made their Buddhism pay a great price.

Guanyin Bodhisattva took the Sanguang Divine Water and hurriedly left with Lingji Bodhisattva.


The Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother were very happy.

“Half a year later, you will come to the Heavenly Court to marry the third princess!”

The Jade Emperor looked at Qin Jiuge below.

“Thank you, Your Majesty!”

After Qin Jiuge finished speaking, he left here.

Mount Fuling.

Qin Mansion.

After Qin Jiuge returned, he called Qin Cheng over.

“Meet Father!”

Qin Cheng was very respectful to Qin Jiuge.


Qin Jiuge nodded, and then said, “In half a year, I will marry the third princess!” ”

“Third Princess?”

Qin Cheng was slightly stunned, and then his face was full of joy.

Qin Jiuge’s status is very high.

The only one who can be called the third princess by Qin Jiuge is the daughter of the Jade Emperor.

After marrying the daughter of the Jade Emperor, their Qin family’s status will be enhanced again.

“Father, don’t worry, I will arrange it!”

After Qin Cheng finished speaking, he hurriedly retreated.

Looking at Qin Cheng, who was retreating, Qin Jiuge cultivated with peace of mind.

The matter of marrying relatives has been done by Qin Cheng many times.

Handed over to Qin Cheng, Qin Jiuge was very relieved.

Not long after Qin Cheng retreated, the entire Qin Mansion hung red lanterns again.

Many of the main buildings are also plastered with happy characters.

Gao Laozhuang, Huang Fengling, and Fuling Mountain were all filled with flowing water mats.

“Why did the Qin family put up a flowing water table again?”

“What else, it must be Qin Land taking a concubine!”

“I really envy Qin Land, and I actually took a concubine again!”

“I don’t know who Qin Land married this time!”

Looking at the flowing water mat on Fuling Mountain.

Many little demons and demon kings know that this is Qin Land taking concubines again.

For Qin Land’s concubinage, they have long been surprised.

If in any year, Qin Jiuge did not take concubines, they would feel strange.

“Brother Monkey, you see that Qin Land has taken a concubine!”

Zhu Bajie of Wuzhuang Guan seems to have discovered an anomaly in Fuling Mountain.

“It’s really Qin Land!”

Sha Wujing nodded slightly.

He also participated in Qin Jiuge’s concubine ceremony.

Naturally, I knew that the direction of Fuling Mountain appeared red.

It must be Qin Jiuge who took a concubine again.

After Sun Wukong heard this, he also quickly flew into the sky.

“Bajie, Junior Brother Sha, it’s really Qin Land’s concubine!”

The Monkey King flew down from the sky.

“Brother Monkey, or let’s go to Fuling Mountain to eat flowing water mats!”

“The old pig hasn’t eaten for a long time!”

Zhu Bajie said while his saliva remained.

Since leaving Fuling Mountain, Zhu Bajie has not eaten good food for a long time.

“Senior brother, let’s go!”

Sha Wujing on the side echoed.

“What about the master?”

Sun Wukong also wants to go to Fuling Mountain and eat a few days of flowing water feasts.

But the Tang monk was still in the Five Zhuang Temple.

“Master is in Wuzhuang Guan, nothing will happen at all!”

“We’ll be gone for a few days!”

Zhu Bajie seems to want to eat the flowing water mat very much.

“Okay, okay, let’s go.”

And go.

Sun Wukong was also not insisting, and immediately turned into a golden light towards Fuling Mountain

Sha Wujing and Zhu Bajie quickly followed behind Sun Wukong.

Mount Fuling.

Qin Mansion.

A red palanquin walked out from inside the Qin Mansion.

In this red palanquin was Qin Jiuge riding a heavenly horse.

“Qin Land actually came out!”

“I estimate that the woman’s background is not simple this time!”

“I don’t know who Qin Land married this time!”

Saw Qin Jiuge riding a heavenly horse.

Many little demons were very curious about who Qin Jiuge was marrying.

After all, Qin Jiuge was a quasi-saint powerhouse.

Ordinary people, Qin Jiuge would not go there in person at all.

Soon, everyone saw Qin Jiuge’s welcoming procession heading towards the Heavenly Court.

“Qin Land actually went to the Heavenly Court to welcome his relatives?”

“Who is the person this time?”

“I guess it’s the daughter of the Jade Emperor” attack!

“It may be the Zixia Fairy!”

“It may also be the Nine Heavenly Xuan Niangniang!”

Seeing Qin Jiuge heading towards the Heavenly Court, everyone began to guess.

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