Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

Chapter 109 - The eight great sacred names, Taibai, will go down to earth again

Xiaolongnv really helped Qin Ming fight for the first time, and she won the fight. She was very happy!

After running away from Li Jing and the others, the seven-clawed white dragon in the form of the little dragon girl flew around Kanyuan Mountain for several times, and then the cloud head fell and turned into a beautiful girl, and plunged into Qin Ming's arms.

At this time, many of the eyes of the Three Realms were focused on this small Kanyuan Mountain.

"Master, Xiner is not great!"

Little Dragon Girl raised her pretty face, looked at Qin Ming, and asked with some excitement.

It looks like a child who has made some achievements and is waiting to be praised by his parents.

"Great! My family Xiner is the best, beat the enemy, can be a mount, and can warm my bed!"

Qin Ming was also shocked by the strength of the Little Dragon Girl. Qin Ming knew that she would get an upgrade from the Divine Beast Advanced Pill she gave, but never thought that after so much improvement, it seems that the Little Dragon Girl's aptitude is also very good!

"Then how does the master plan to reward Xin'er?"

Little Dragon Girl looked at Qin Ming, pursing her ruddy mouth, asking expectantly.

"Or, next time, let you be on it!"

Qin Ming looked at Xiaolong's cute appearance and couldn't help teasing her.

The little dragon girl was brave, but at this moment, the little dragon girl didn't hear what Qin Ming said, so she was stunned.

When she saw the trace of banter in Qin Ming's eyes, the little dragon girl understood what Qin Ming meant, and her face was flushed.


Seeing this, Qin Ming laughed, then hugged the little dragon girl and kissed it. When the little girl was about to suffocate, he let go.

At this time, Guanyin followed the will of the Tathagata and came to explore the clues of the seven-clawed white dragon near Kanyuan Mountain.

When Guanyin came, she saw Qin Ming and the Little Dragon Girl embracing each other. She felt a little familiar, and after a little thought, she recognized Qin Ming and the Little Dragon Girl.

Seeing the two people's behavior in the public, Guanyin couldn't help but think of something, her face flushed, and her Zen heart almost became unstable again.

"This person has evolved while riding that dragon bloodline! But why has he evolved so much?"

Guanyin saw Qin Ming and Xiaolongnv, she immediately understood what was wise, she thought about it, and then, without disturbing everyone, quietly left, and flew back to Lingshan to report.

The colorful phoenix named Xiaohuanger arrived at Kanyuan Mountain shortly after Guanyin left and turned into a red-clothed girl. She secretly observed the situation of Kanyuan Mountain. She came a little later, but only saw Qin Ming's belt. The back of the three women entering the Qin Mansion.

The Giant Spirit God was tied up and lying at the door of the Qin Mansion in Kanyuan Mountain. Except for the two little ghosts looking at him, no one paid any attention to him. He looked very pitiful.

With the retreat of the heavenly soldiers, Kan Yuanshan seemed to have restored its former calm, and the sound of "wow, wow" came from Qin's mansion.

"How can I figure out how did Ao Xin'er evolve?"

The girl in the red dress of Xiaohuang looked anxious at the entrance of the Qin Mansion in Kanyuan Mountain. She kept turning her mind and thinking.

She has recognized Ao Xin'er, but she doesn't know how to get close, how to find out her secret from Ao Xin'er.

At this time, Li Jing led Ne Zha and a group of gray-headed Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals back to the Heavenly Palace.

"Your Majesty Qizhang, the ministers are incompetent and defeated by the Demon King of Kanyuan Mountain. The Tired Giant Spirit God was captured alive, please punish your majesty!"

Li Jing took his son Nezha's third prince to the Lingxiao Hall, and took the initiative to ask the Jade Emperor for sin.

"Love Qing, be flat, I know, this time the crime is not in you, who would have thought that the seven-clawed dragon that has disappeared for a long time will appear in this world!"

The Jade Emperor looked at Li Jing and said to him, with a helpless expression on his face.

This time, the Heavenly Realm failed to send troops, but it was seen by many forces in the Three Realms, and the Heavenly Palace was completely lost because of this.

One day above the sky, one year underground.(Read more @

In the human world, a few days later, at Huaguo Mountain, not far from Kanyuan Mountain, Monkey King also heard the news that Qin Ming had defeated the Heavenly Soldier and General. The monkey couldn't help being awed by the strength of Qin Ming and others. .

Then, the monkey summoned his group of worshiping brothers and told them about the matter.

After a few brothers discussed it, they felt that the Heavenly Court was nothing more than that. The humiliation in the Heavenly Palace last time was really not worthwhile!

Several demon kings knew that Tiangong had failed. Although they weren't fighting them, they were still extremely happy, and they were drinking and having fun with monkeys in the blessed land of Shuiliandong.

The monkey said to Brother Six: "The little brother is called the Great Sage of Heaven, and that Xiaoyao Sanren also calls himself the Great Sage of Xiaoyao, then you can also be called the Great Sage. After all, at the beginning, the eight of us were recruited by the heavens together! "

Upon hearing the words, the Demon King of Dali Bull suddenly exclaimed: "The virtuous brother is reasonable. If this is the case, then I will be called the Great Sage of Peace."

The Demon King said: "Then I will call the Great Sage of Covering the Sea."

Peng Demon King said: "I call Huntian Great Sage."

King Lion and Camel said: "I call the Great Sage Yishan."

The macaque king said: "I call the Great Sage of Ventilation."

King Yu Yan said: "I call the Great Sage of Expelling Gods."

At this time, the six demon kings who had worshiped with Monkey King all professed themselves as great saints, and the seven demon kings had fun for a day, and then they dispersed.

From then on, the name of the Eight Great Demon Sages in the world has spread in the mortal world, and the limelight is instantaneous, causing many little demons to defect and faintly becoming bigger.

But the head of the Eight Great Sages was first promoted as the Great Sage Qin Ming. After all, it was his Kan Yuanshan who defeated the soldiers of the day world. It's just that the other six great sages seem to be dissatisfied, and they all disagree, but they can't change the disagreement among the people.

For a time, the whole demon world circulated the legend of Qin Ming, Qin Ming's method is boundless, the inner alchemy is as big as a mountain, and ten monsters must be eaten for each meal to be full. Qin Ming felt embarrassed when he heard the vividness and vividness of the preaching.

However, the only advantage is that Qin Ming can feel that his reputation is rising every day, and there is no stopping the trend.

The Jade Emperor was discussing how to deal with the affairs of Qin Ming and Monkey King in the heavens. Unexpectedly, he heard the clairvoyance and Shunfeng’s report, saying that Qin Ming and the Seven Great Monster Kings proclaimed themselves as saints and called on many monsters to face off against the heavens. Power.

"All the immortals, the group of demons has become stronger, how can this be good?"

Upon hearing the report, the Jade Emperor summoned a group of celestial and martial celestial celestial celestial beings to the High Heaven Hall and asked.

"Your Majesty, please send one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers to the ministers, and bring the Fengboyu Master to contain the seven-clawed white dragon, and the ministers will take back the demon king one by one!"

Tota Li Tianwang Li Jing once again asked the Jade Emperor to fight.

"Your Majesty, the old ministers cannot agree with Li Tianwang's actions!"

As soon as Li Jing finished speaking, Taibaijinxing's voice rang.

"Oh? What advice does Taibai Aiqing have?"

The Jade Emperor didn't seem to want to fight any more, so he looked at Taibai Jinxing and asked.

"Your Majesty, the seven-clawed white dragon has a strong mana and has not appeared for a long time. If you send troops again, it will not be able to hold her, but will only increase the jokes of the Three Realms. The old minister thinks that you should ask why the two demon kings are against the next term. If you can Taking the two into my heavenly court again not only reflects your majesty's kindness to the Three Realms, but also allows the Three Realms to see that even the most powerful Demon King will still be ruled by my heavenly court!"

Taibai Jinxing told the Jade Emperor his thoughts.

"Okay! Just as Taibai Aiqing said, don't bother the two masters for nothing. You went there last time, so let's send you this time!"

The Jade Emperor said to Taibai Jinxing.

"No, the old minister will complete the task!"

Taibai Jinxing responded and went to the next session again.

This time, the Jade Emperor went to the monkey’s cave. It was heard that the monkey was too young to be an official, so he turned it back. Taibai Jinxing gave a wry smile and won the monkey’s request to help him apply for the title of Monkey King. Then Taibai Jinxing came. Qin Mansion, after politely greeted him, was put into Qin Mansion by the little ghost.

"Scattered people, the Jade Emperor asked me to ask you, why did you oppose the lower realm for no reason!"

Taibai Jinxing, looking at the numb women and Qin Ming, asked tremblingly.

Taibai knew that each of Qin Ming's women was easy to provoke, and that Qin Ming himself was a golden fairy of Taiyi, so he could not be careless.

"You old man speaks so unreasonably! When am I going back to the next term?"

Qin Ming asked Taibaijinxing.

"Why did the scattered people capture the Giant Spirit God and defeat Li Tianwang?"

Taibai Jinxing looked at Qin Ming and asked suspiciously.

"Nonsense, if others go to the gate of your cave mansion, can you leave it alone?"

Qin Ming said to Taibai Jinxing while rubbing the hemp.

"Then you mean you didn't turn back? Then what will happen to you next term?"

After hearing Qin Ming's words, Taibai said in disbelief.

"I didn't intend to turn back, but when I was attacked by this unprovoked soldier, I decided, what if I turned back?"

Qin Ming looked at Taibai Jinxing and said, then Qin Ming said to Taibai Jinxing again: "As for why the lower realm! Is that because I miss my daughter-in-law?"

"Ah, this!"

Taibai Jinxing listened to Qin Ming's words, looked at the three beautiful girls beside Qin Ming, and seemed to understand something.

Then, Taibai Jinxing said to Qin Ming: "Single people, I will truthfully report your situation to the Jade Emperor! If the Jade Emperor recruits you again, I don’t know what conditions do you have."

"First of all, I don't want to be overwhelmed by the name of the monkey, so he will be the great saint, and I will also be the great saint!"

"Well, this can be, what about the others?"

Taibai thought that Qin Ming also disliked his official position, so he agreed.

"Secondly, no matter what, I will take my wife to heaven with me! No, I don't need to talk about other things!

Qin Ming looked at the daughters who were playing cards together, and said firmly to Taibai Jinxing. "

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

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