Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

Chapter 125 - Devour the giant spirit supernatural power upgrade

"Hahaha, the giant spirit god, you, a prisoner of the lower order, dare to come out! If the old man Taibai didn't go to my house to recruit security, then at this moment, you will show me the door!"

Qin Ming looked at the giant spirit god holding the Xuanhuaxe, and said with a big smile.

"Hey, you cicada demon, you are so nonsense! The seven-clawed white dragon sneaked on me, and I was defeated by my dignified giant spirit general. Moreover, it was not you who defeated me, but your woman. , You rely on a woman to win, what kind of ability!"

The Giant Spirit God heard Qin Ming publicly mention his past experience of being captured, and said angrily.

Then, the giant spirit god turned his head to look at the Jade Emperor, and said passionately: "Chen, the giant spirit god will ask for a battle, to capture this cicada demon for your majesty, please allow your majesty!"

"That's right, the giant spirit god will let you go! Don't lose my face!"

The Jade Emperor saw that the Giant Spirit God took the initiative to ask Ying, so he nodded to him and said.

"Wow, cicada demon, take your life!"

The Giant Spirit God received the Jade Emperor's answer, waving a pair of Xuanhua axes with both hands, rushing towards Qin Ming! The two huge axes are in the hands of the giant spirit gods, like ordinary weapons, lifting heavy weights lightly, but he has used various tricks.

"Tsk tusk, you really have a kind! That's all, if you want to die so, then the great sage will fulfill you!"

Seeing the giant spirit god rushing over, Qin Ming's ears were tilted, and the god iron the size of an embroidery needle fell into his hand.


Qin Ming greeted him, and saw this wishful golden cudgel become huge, like a big iron pillar.


Seeing this, Qin Ming greeted again, this wishful hoop rod grows in the wind, and it keeps getting longer, hitting the giant spirit god who is rushing towards Qin Ming!

The fast-flying giant spirit god was caught off guard, and collided with the thickened god iron, and suddenly wailed, hitting his head with blood and falling to the ground.

When Qin Ming saw this, he was not polite. He raised the golden hoop and smashed it down. Qin Ming's sorrowful giant spirit god was turned into a human-shaped meatloaf and stuck to the ground.

"Lao Jade Emperor, this one is too weak, too weak, can't you come up with a better one?"

Qin Ming beat the Giant Spirit God to death with one blow, looked at the Jade Emperor, Shen put out a finger to pick Chang'e's smooth chin next to him, and then said provocatively.

"The Heavenly Soldier and the Heavenly General will follow the order, give me up and kill this cicada monster together!"

When the Jade Emperor saw Qin Ming molesting Chang'e in public, he was almost mad with anger, and he ordered a kind of heavenly soldiers and the surrounding immortals.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

These heavenly soldiers and generals heard the words and responded together.

Then they rushed towards Qin Ming with weapons in their hands.

"Long! Long! Long! Big! Big! Big!"

Seeing this, Qin Ming turned the Ruyi Jingu Bang into the boss, and he had to hold it with his hands, and then he held the Golden Gu Bang and slammed towards the rushing heaven soldier.

With a single force breaking the ten thousand laws, under the crush of this big tie stick, many heavenly soldiers and generals did not dare to approach for a while, and Qin Ming was forced to retreat steadily.

Seeing this, Qin Ming danced madly.

There are many heavenly soldiers and generals caught off guard, like the giant spirit gods, who died under this god's rare iron.

"Go, get out of here, I will take you far and high!"

Seeing this, Qin Ming beat Chang'e out with him!

Qin Ming stepped forward, and those heavenly soldiers took a step back.

Soon, Qin Ming came to the corpse of the giant spirit god, and Qin Ming's heart moved and grabbed the corpse of the god general in his hands.

"A corpse of the giant spirit god is detected, has the host swallowed it? In addition, congratulations to the host for killing the famous god general, the giant spirit god, and award 10 million prestige points!"


Qin Ming heard the prompt from the system and said directly.(Read more @

"Giant Spirit God is possessed of innate supernatural powers and supernatural powers! Does the host devour supernatural powers, or should it consume mana or longevity?"

"Swallow magical powers!"

Qin Ming answered in his heart after hearing the system's acceptance.

"Congratulations to the host for successfully devouring the giant spirit god and obtaining the talent and supernatural power of the giant spirit god! The system has detected that the host itself has infinite supernatural powers, and the supernatural powers and super infinite supernatural powers are of the same origin. May I ask whether the host has merged into one that takes into account the characteristics of both New supernatural powers?"


Qin Ming quickly responded when he heard this.

"Congratulations to the host, the supernatural powers have been merged successfully, and a new supernatural power: the power of the giant god! With this supernatural power, the power of the host will increase a thousand times!

Qin Ming silently calculated in his heart that he himself had one hundred thousand catties of strength, and if he used this huge divine power again, he would have nearly one hundred million catties of strength! The end is very powerful!

In fact, this process did not last long, just a mere one or two minutes.

When the Jade Emperor and the others saw that the giant spirit god in Qin Ming's hand did not have his entire body, his face suddenly appeared astonished, not knowing where Qin Ming got the corpse.

Qin Ming didn't care about this. He gained the power of a giant spirit god, and only felt that this wishful golden cudgel was waved, making it even more handy!

Qin Ming enlarged one end of the golden cudgel and put the other end in his hand, turning the big cudgel, and smashing it into the pile of heavenly soldiers.

After being smashed by this sacred iron, the heavenly soldiers and generals suddenly smashed to death, bumped, and wailed.

Qin Ming didn't care about this, he protected Chang'e behind him, and then he took the golden cudgel to smash it all the way!

When encountering the dead celestial generals, Qin Ming casually swallowed and increased his mana. Seeing that, Qin Ming was about to take Chang'e out of the encirclement formed by the celestial generals arranged by the Jade Emperor.

"Unreasonably, the little cicada demon dare to be rampant, leave it to me!"

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor raised his hand to make a pure fire technique, and the fire attacked Qin Ming with a panic.

Suddenly, Qin Ming's scalp was numb, and he felt a fatal danger.

The strength of this quasi-sage really deserves its reputation. Qin Ming couldn't help but secretly said in his heart.

Just now, the Jade Emperor was jealous of face, so he didn't take it personally. At this moment, he realized that Qin Ming was going to take Chang'e away, but he couldn't care too much.

"Lao Jade Emperor, you are good this time, we will have a period of time later!"

Qin Ming saw the Jade Emperor personally take action, alone, jumped up, flew up to the cloud head, and then flew away in a hurry!

However, the "Chang'e" was thrown in place by Qin Ming.

The Jade Emperor spell had already been played. Seeing this, I was afraid of hurting Chang'e, so he quickly took it back.

"Your Majesty, do you want to send soldiers to chase him?"

All the heavenly soldiers and generals, seeing Qin Ming leaving, looked at the Jade Emperor uniformly and asked.

"No! Retreat! You are not his opponents, but his cultivation base has Taiyi Golden Immortal Peak! In the future, there will be a chance to clean up the cicada demon!"

The Jade Emperor looked at Chang'e, who had a cold face and stood in place without saying a word. He shook his head and said to the immortals.

All the immortals are human spirits. After hearing the words of the Jade Emperor, they knew that the Jade Emperor might have something to do, so they all retreated.

Seeing the crowd dispersed, the Jade Emperor walked quickly to Chang'e, looked at her, and snorted coldly: "Hmph, that kid will throw you away in the end! I am inferior to him! Why don't you choose me? ?"

The Jade Emperor said, shaking Chang'e's shoulders with both hands, and roaring, his face was terrifying and terrifying.

Seeing this look of the Jade Emperor, Chang'e seemed to be a little scared as well.

"Haha, do you know that you are afraid now? It's too late! Today, I don't care about other things, but things have changed, so I want you!"

The Jade Emperor kept looking at Chang'e, his face was full of madness.

Just as the so-called love is deep and responsibility is arduous, the Jade Emperor has been madly infatuated with Chang'e for thousands of years. How could he be reconciled when Qin Ming took the lead at this time.

Suddenly there was a tyrannical feeling in the Jade Emperor's heart. He decided to vent this feeling to Chang'e.

"I want you to stay up and down forever with me, the Lord of the Three Realms!"

The Jade Emperor looked at Chang'e in front of him and roared.

At this moment, outside the palace, Qin Ming opened his clothes pocket and said, "Come out, Chang'e!"

As soon as Qin Ming's voice fell, only a small figure flew out of Qin Ming's clothes pocket, fell to the ground, and slowly grew bigger, it was the Moon God Fairy Chang'e!

"Qin Ming, you say, you say, I really can't hold it with one hand? When did you know it, I remember, you didn't seem to try it yesterday!"

After Chang'e had grown from a small person and returned to a normal size, she looked at Qin Ming with beautiful eyes and asked curiously. Her cold face showed a hint of blush.

"Uh! I, I guessed!"

Qin Ming couldn't help but stunned after hearing what Chang'e said.

In Qin Ming's heart, he remembered that when he had just mastered the synaesthetic supernatural powers, he peeped into the Three Realms, but he sensed the evening when Chang'e was bathing!

In the Guanghan Palace, the Jade Emperor scolded fiercely!

But gradually, the Jade Emperor felt something was wrong. The Chang'e he captured didn't say a word from beginning to end, and he didn't have any intention of resisting it! At first, the Jade Emperor thought it was Chang'e who was shy, but after a while, the Jade Emperor saw that there was a short, white tail behind Chang'e, and the ears turned into long white fluffy ears.


Seeing this, the Jade Emperor stopped, raised his hand, and used the reduction spell at Chang'e.

After the Jade Emperor's spell, the so-called Chang'e that he had been holding around changed, becoming a fat, fat and white female rabbit.

This rabbit was the one chosen by Qin Ming and Chang'e together. It was really just a mortal rabbit, and it hadn't been able to transform into a demon. It just ate better, so it was a bit chubby.

In order to confuse the Jade Emperor’s eyes and ears, Qin Ming turned the fat rabbit into Chang’e, so that he could get away with Chang’e. But Qin Ming didn’t expect that the Jade Emperor, the Lord of the Three Realms, was so anxious that he just accepted this. Where the rabbit.


The Jade Emperor looked at the bunny bounced in front of him, and let out a desperate cry.

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

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