Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

Chapter 134 - Promotion method jade face goddess of mercy

On this day, Qin Ming accompanies Jiu'er to toss in the Qingqiu Palace to make up for his debt to Jiu'er.

I don't know how long it took, the two people stopped.

Jiu'er lay lazily on her bed, her unintentional movements exuding endless charm, her allure face was full of contentment, her beautiful eyes only looked at her beloved.

Qin Ming accompanied Jiu'er and said something about himself, and then he left Jiu'er's Qingqiu Palace.

When Qin Ming came out of the Qingqiu Palace, there was no one outside the palace, and the women had already returned to their own sleeping quarters. They wanted to leave this day to Jiu'er.

Qin Ming originally wanted to talk to them, but when he saw this, he gave up!

Standing outside the Qingqiu Palace, Qin Ming looked at this mysterious palace, which was the same as Tiangong, but his thoughts turned.

Qin Ming knew that several women could cultivate in this palace with the spirit energy and the advanced pill he provided. However, he himself cannot. If he wants to improve, he must rely on the devouring system.

In addition, Qin Ming had to accumulate a lot of prestige before he could exchange the Divine Beast Advanced Pill and what he wanted to exchange.

Thinking of this, Qin Ming moved in his heart, vaguely remembering that there were still two arhat corpses in the space ring. He hadn't swallowed it because of the eagerness of the Tathagata chasing after him.

So, Qin Ming took the corpses of the two Luohan out of his spatial ring.

These two Arhats are Tota Arhats and Detective Arhats among the eighteen Arhats.

Qin Ming swallowed the two corpses one by one. Tota Luohan provided Qin Ming with mana for thousands of years, and when he swallowed the Detective Luohan, the system prompts that the Detective Luohan has a chicken rib in his body. This magical power can turn the arm into an old man!

Qin Ming's magical powers and ten thousand years mana were available for Qin Ming to choose at the same time. Qin Ming thought about it. He didn't lack the mana of ten thousand years, and this tasteless magical power could be used at any time, so Qin Ming chose to swallow it. Detective magical powers!

After these two arhats were completely swallowed by Qin Ming, just like the three arhats before, each arhat gave Qin Ming, and the system rewarded Qin Ming with 10 million points of prestige.

After Qin Ming gained prestige, he thought for a while, exchanged some magical beast advanced pills, returned to Jiu'er’s Qingqiu Palace again, handed the advanced pills to her, and told Jiu'er to distribute the pills to several women. , No one uses it on demand, if it is not enough, come to him again.

Then, Qin Ming left the Qingqiu Palace in Jiu'er and returned to his own residence, Qin Mansion.

When Qin Ming returned to the mansion, he did not sleep, but sat on the second chair like the Jade Emperor Lingxiao Hall, thinking about his future path.

First of all, Qin Ming knew that he had to participate in this trip to the west, because only in this way could he get this mysterious palace!

Secondly, Qin Ming discovered that he had lost the direction of advancement and got stuck in a four-winged golden cicada!

According to Qin Ming's thinking, when he gained one hundred thousand years of mana, his body evolved into a four-winged golden cicada. Then, after one million years of mana, he should evolve again, but Qin Ming did not get the prompt of systematic evolution too late!

Also, regarding the improvement of the realm, since the name was given to compete with the Seven Great Sages in the Tiangong, he was promoted to the Taiyi Golden Immortal in one breath, and there was no way to continue to improve.

Qin Ming remembered that many of the gods on the Westward Journey, the Daluo Golden Immortals, mostly had already achieved the Daluo Golden Immortal when they were enshrined, but Qin Ming had never heard of the new Daluo Golden Immortal when he was traveling to the west.

Even though in the end, Tang Seng, Monkey King and the four masters and apprentices, after becoming a Buddha, the strongest Monkey King seems to be a Taiyi Golden Immortal.

Can't become the Great Luo Jinxian, after all, can't fight against the great Luo Jinxian. Not to mention confrontation with the quasi-sages and the saints!

At this moment, Qin Ming was lost in confusion. He had no idea how he could be promoted to Da Luo Jinxian! It stands to reason that behind his mana, it is not necessarily lower than that of Da Luo Jinxian, but it is only in the control of the rules!

Qin Ming knows that those big Luo Jinxians have sat for thousands of years to understand the laws and understand the great roads, but Qin Ming estimates that he can't sit still, the time is too long!

"Bad brother, since you have so many questions, why don't you ask me the spirit of the system?"(Read more @

When Qin Ming was worried, the voice of Luo Li Xiaodao suddenly rang.

Qin Ming listened to Xiaodao's words, and then he thought: Yes! Since the trail is the spirit of the system that devours the system, the trail should naturally have a deeper understanding of the function of the system. As long as you ask her, she will naturally tell herself. The funny thing is that she wants to get to the bottom, relying on her own Dreaming of his head.

"Xiaodao, since you know the doubt in my heart, please tell me quickly, don't sell it!"

Qin Ming said to Xiao Dao anxiously.

"Okay, bad brother, let me tell you! First of all, if your ontology wants to be promoted again, it needs to meet certain conditions, which requires you to ask for it yourself!"

Seeing that Qin Ming was anxious on the trail, he didn't tease Qin Ming, and directly explained the Tao to Qin Ming.

Qin Ming was speechless when he heard this. Doesn't this mean that he didn't say it? Still groping on his own, if he could figure it out, he would have gone to the promotion a long time ago, would he still use it here to think hard?

Xiaodao ignored Qin Ming’s complaint. She continued, “Then, it’s how to improve the realm you are considering. I can tell you that Heavenly Dao is made up of Dao Dao, and the Dao Ancestor that is one with the Dao Dao! And master one. Or a few avenues are sages! And the avenues are composed of rules, and those who master one or a few rules are quasi-sages, who have not yet fully mastered a complete rule, but the one who has already started is Da Luo Jinxian! Your question is, you must master the rules if you want to become a big Luo Jinxian, but do you know what the rules are made of?"

"do not know?"

Qin Ming shook his head and said after hearing Xiaodao's questioning.

"The rules that make up the Tao are made up of a number of magical powers! Many magical powers are free from a certain rule, so they have such peculiar powers! And the villain brother’s natural magical powers are different and unique, you The magical power of, it combines many rules, exists in several crossing avenues, but is separated from those avenues. Therefore, even a saint who has mastered a certain avenue can't help you!"

"According to you, am I not? I am already a big Luo Jinxian. After all, there are many rules in my natural magical powers!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Ming couldn't help speaking to the trail.

"That's not the case. Why is your natal magical powers called natal magical powers? It's because you didn't master this rule, but because of your talents, you can use it! Otherwise, other people who master magical powers, wouldn't they be Da Luo Jinxian? ?"

Xiaodao explained to Qin Ming.

Qin Ming nodded when he heard the words, expressing his understanding.

After listening to Xiaodao’s explanation, Qin Ming knew that, as long as he continued to devour supernatural powers, sooner or later he would become the Daluo Jinxian, and even become a quasi-sage!

Seeing that Qin Ming understood, Xiaodao was silent and stopped talking.

Qin Ming was a little excited when he heard the news, but felt that the future was full of hope!

Then, Qin Ming suddenly felt that staying in this palace was not a problem, and planned to go out to take a look, think about it, find some fairy Buddha monsters with magical powers, and seek to swallow some magical powers, in order to prove Daluo early.

Qin Ming thought, with a move in his heart, he left the mysterious palace and returned to Kanyuan Mountain and Qin Mansion.

When Qin Ming entered the palace, he was looking at the furnishings of the Qin Mansion and the big bed that he could not forget. At this moment, coming out of the palace, he naturally appeared next to the big bed again.

Then, before Qin Ming's eyes appeared a beautiful woman with brows like a small moon, a natural jade face, and a plain robe.

The woman is closing her eyes and taking part in meditation. Although the bed was long but not too wide, Qin Ming and the woman were so close, their faces almost touched each other.

Qin Ming could even feel the long breath that slowly exhaled from the woman's vermilion lips.

While Qin Ming was still at a loss, the woman seemed to feel something, and even opened her eyes.

Qin Ming felt that those eyes were very deep, like stars, very immature.

And the woman never thought that there was a man's face in front of her, so close to her, the woman couldn't help but shouted, "Good thief! Let you know how great!"

After speaking, the woman raised a white jade-like palm and attacked Qin Ming.

Although Qin Ming was surprised, how could he be hurt by a woman.

Qin Ming hurriedly displayed his supernatural powers and flew to the entrance of the Qin Mansion.

"Cicada Demon!"

At this moment, the woman saw Qin Ming's face clearly, opened her mouth, exclaimed.


At this time, Qin Ming also realized who this beautiful woman was, and exclaimed too!

Seeing that it was Guanyin, Qin Ming was so scared that he turned into a four-winged golden cicada, turned around and flew outside!

Qin Ming knew that this Guanyin Bodhisattva was one of the famous Taoist twelve golden immortals when he was in Taoism. At this time, it seemed that he had touched the realm of quasi-sages.

I remember that in the Journey to the West, this Guanyin collected the black bear spirit and put a curse on Monkey King, so that Monkey King was terrified of her. He also subdued the red boy who mastered the true fire of samādhi. He was extremely powerful. Don’t look down on her just because she is a woman. !

Qin Ming didn't dare to be careless, he knew that if one is not careful, it is very likely that the gutter will capsize!

"Cicada demon, stop leaving!"

Seeing Qin Ming running away, Guanyin quickly flew up and followed Qin Ming with auspicious clouds.

"When am I stupid? You chase me, it's strange if I don't leave!"

Seeing Guanyin chasing after him, Qin Ming felt that Guanyin had been sent by the Tathagata to catch him, and could not help flying faster.

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

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