Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

Chapter 157 - The Jade Emperor sent troops to the Great Sage Mansion Qin Ming to steal Huang Zhongli

"Oh? What's so great? Come with me quickly!"

The Jade Emperor was originally angry, and after hearing the words of a few golden armored heavenly soldiers, Long Yan was delighted and said to the golden armored heavenly soldiers in harmony.

Since the Jade Emperor returned from the lower realm and came to this Nantian Gate, he finally heard good news, how could he be unhappy in his heart.

Several golden armored heavenly soldiers saw the gentle expression of the Jade Emperor, and suddenly felt that the Jade Emperor's words were really correct.

If a few of them, like the hapless heavenly soldiers, said to the Jade Emperor, "The big thing is not good", they would not escape the Jade Emperor's punishment!

At this moment, several people listened to the warning from the Jade Emperor to the unlucky Heavenly Soldier, learned their lesson, and changed what they wanted to say into "good things are coming." The Jade Emperor was really happy.

Hearing the gentle voice of the Jade Emperor, several golden armored heavenly soldiers were flattered to report to the Jade Emperor: "Enlighten the Jade Emperor! I am waiting for the secret whistle of Tianku. I am waiting to see that the Monkey King Sun Wukong broke into the sky. Ku, sweep away all the treasures in the sky library. Moreover, he has also entered the dark library. It's just that the details inside, I don't know."

Just talking, a few people saw that the Jade Emperor’s face was a little gloomy, but they still bit the bullet and reported: "After the Great Sage of Qi Tian came out of Tianku, he especially refused to give up and waited for me to guard Tianku. Brothers have been slaughtered! I have been observing secretly because I remembered my responsibilities, and never showed up before I escaped! I also asked the Jade Emperor to call the shots for us!"

The Jade Emperor was listening to the reports of the golden armored heavenly soldiers with a smile on his face.

However, after listening, the Jade Emperor's face changed. This Nima is completely bad enough to make him furious, what a good thing!

"You wait for death! You even teased me!"

After the Jade Emperor listened to the reports of the golden armored heavenly soldiers, his kind face suddenly changed color, and he shouted at several people.

Then, with a wave of the Jade Emperor's sleeves, these golden armored heavenly soldiers were caught off guard, and the Jade Emperor slapped them on the ground of the Nantian Gate with great mana.

They only looked at the Jade Emperor with a blank stare, as if they didn't understand why the Jade Emperor made such a big fire. They only exhaled the breath, and they didn't breathe in, so they couldn't survive.

"Fortunately, Lao Tzu is telling the truth, otherwise, it may be Lao Tzu who is dead at the moment."

The unlucky heaven soldier who had been beaten by the Jade Emperor with twenty rods was standing aside at the moment, and he felt lucky when he saw the appearance of the golden armoured heaven soldier.

This heavenly soldier didn't know. In fact, the Jade Emperor was indeed angry, but he wouldn't kill these golden armored heavenly soldiers because of this.

The Jade Emperor deliberately took this out of anger, so as not to leave a trace.

There is that good fortune jade butterfly fragment in the dark library, this is something that the Jade Emperor does not want more people to know!

At this moment, all the guards in the Tianku were gone, only the few remaining. The Jade Emperor thought about it, not to kill them together. From now on, except for the ancestral witches who can't come out of the two dark libraries, they should be No one knows that the fragments of the good fortune jade butterfly used to be in the sky library.

This also saved the Jade Emperor from always guarding Hongjun Daozu from knowing this and living a life of fear.

As for whether the fragment really fell into the monkey's hands, the Jade Emperor didn't plan to bother about it!

To the Jade Emperor, this fragment was a tasteless one, and he couldn't learn it, and he couldn't bear to throw it away! Suddenly lost at this time, it was the best.

However, the other items in the heavenly library were the entire collection of the heavenly court, and they were all taken away by the monkeys. This was something the Jade Emperor could not bear.(Read more @

This Monkey King not only stole the Queen Mother’s flat peach tree, but also took the old gentleman’s phoenix fire futon, and even killed Claire's eyes and ears! He also stole my golden seal and stolen my treasure house. This Nima, he is the rhythm of rebellion properly!

The Jade Emperor kept analyzing the information just received in his heart, and finally came to this final conclusion.

Thinking of this, the Jade Emperor finally couldn't help it. He looked at the immortal generals who accompanied him on the expedition, and said solemnly: "All the immortals, don't go back to the High Heaven Palace for the time being! Get up and drive to the monkey's mansion. Capture the bold monkey, I want to ask him about his sin!"

Those immortals who accompanied the Jade Emperor to the next term and were complacent all the way were also hit by the series of bad news at this moment. Don’t want them to be hit. At this moment, hearing the Jade Emperor’s decree, they all responded to the same enemy: "Because of the Jade Emperor’s decree."

As a result, this group of immortal army, who was going to fight against the monsters in the next term, changed their route and went straight to Monkey King's residence of the Monkey King.

At this time, after Qin Ming had finished confessing with the newly-acquired maid, the fairy in Qiyi, he changed back to the six-eared macaque body and came out of the mysterious palace.

Qin Ming didn't go to the Lingxiao Hall to vent his anger, but changed his route and went straight to Yaochi, where the Queen Mother and Empress went.

Qin Ming flew to the vicinity of the jade pond quietly, without making a sound, turned into a bug first, and went straight to the back garden that the green fairy said.

Qin Ming saw that all kinds of exotic flowers and grasses were everywhere in this garden, and the fairies were waiting carefully.

In the center of this garden, there are several weird-looking fruit trees.

The whole fruit tree is light yellow, and it seems to be exuding golden awns inwardly. On the branches of the fruit tree, there were few flowers blooming, and a few yellowish fruits were picked up.

The shape of the flower resembles a lotus, and the shape of the fruit resembles a pearl and a rui.

On the flowers and fruits, there are the words "Huangzhong", but the handwriting is vague and not very clear.

Qin Ming saw it, and immediately knew that this was the second generation of Huangzhong and Li that the queen mother had spent a lot of effort to cultivate.

At the moment, Qin Ming did not hesitate, and directly used the fixed body law to live in the fairies in the garden, and at the same time used the power of his law to block everyone's five senses.

Seeing that everyone was frozen and no one could act anymore, Qin Ming used the six-eared macaque Dharma body and transformed it into a monkey.

Qin Ming didn't know how particular this yellow plum tree was, so he had to pull these fruit trees up together with the soil below. Then, Qin Ming sent them into the mysterious palace together.

Qin Ming saw that the fairy in seven clothes was cleaning up the utensils of the flat peach banquet according to what he said.

Qin Ming hurriedly greeted them and asked them to watch how to take care of these spiritual trees. After all, they often stay with the Queen Mother and have some understanding of how to take care of this fruit tree.

Then, in the surprised eyes of the fairy in Qiyi, Qin Ming flashed away and left the mysterious palace again.

After coming out, Qin Ming thought for a while, and felt that the strange flowers and weeds that the Queen Mother planted might also be unique. They simply changed thousands of little monkeys, moved all the flowers and plants in the garden, and got them into the mysterious palace.

"Congratulations to host Qin Ming for his contribution to the construction of the palace. The system rewards the host for renting the palace for 2 years!"

When Qin Ming moved everything into the palace, the system prompt sounded.

Qin Ming couldn't help being overjoyed when he heard it. This was really an accident.

After finishing all this, Qin Ming took the monkey hair incarnation and went straight to the residence of Queen Mother Yaochi.

Qin Ming came outside the Jade Lake Palace and saw several female officials at the door, who were on duty, and there seemed to be a voice coming from inside the palace.

Qin Ming thought for a while, first turned into a flying insect and approached the palace quietly. Then, Qin Ming saw a graceful middle-aged woman with a golden crown on her head and a scepter sitting on the throne above. on.

At this moment, this luxurious woman was questioning the female officer below the servant.

"The Jade Emperor said frankly, will he handle this matter?"

"Yes, Queen Mother, Xiaoxian went to the Jade Emperor to report truthfully, saying that Monkey King destroyed the flat peach tree and broke the flat peach banquet. The Jade Emperor told me that he would give you an explanation and let Xiaoxian come back to inform you."

The female officer below said to the lady of China.

Qin Ming heard it and knew that this magnificent lady was undoubtedly the queen mother.

"My palace knows, you can withdraw!"

Upon hearing this, the Queen Mother nodded to the fairy and said.

Upon hearing the words, the female fairy bowed to the queen mother, but she went down to be busy.

Seeing this, Qin Ming, who was hiding by the side, kept thinking about how he could make a fuss, not only to vent his anger for the seven newly-acquired little maids, but also to get out of his body.

Qin Ming didn't entrust him to a big deal. He knew that this queen mother was the son of the Taoist ancestor, the head of the female fairy, and her strength was unfathomable.

At this moment, Qin Ming saw that the queen mother heard the queen mutter in her mouth and said in a low voice: "General Rolling Blind, have you eaten enough and slept well in the quicksand river? When, you Only then can I understand what my palace has for you!"

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

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