Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

Chapter 183 - Guanyin decree to go to Chang'an

The sentient beings in the temple looked up one after another after hearing the words of Guanyin.

I saw on this Guanyin Bodhisattva's head, there are tassels hanging next to the small earlobes, there are beautiful incense rings worn on the head, a black hairpin is inserted into the hairpin of a dragon, and the clothes are colored embroidered. The phoenix's streamer kept flying.

Upon closer inspection, I saw that the Luo Robe and the jade buttons on Guanyin's body were covered with auspicious light, and the colorful Luo skirt woven from brocade cloth on the lower body was bursting with aura.

Looking at her face again, her eyebrows were curved like a small moon, her eyes seemed to be bright with stars, her pretty white face was born with a bit of joy, and her vermilion lips were a little rose red.

The net bottle in her hand was filled with nectar, and the evergreen willow branches were inserted on it.

This image is the Great Merciful and Compassionate Guanyin Bodhisattva living in Chaoyin Cave of Luojia Mountain.

Tathagata saw Avalokitesvara going out, so he smiled and said, "I don't feel relieved when others go. Venerable Avalokitesvara has great magical powers. You go, but it is exactly what I wanted."

Guanyin Bodhisattva heard the words, looked at the Tathagata, and asked, "My Buddha praised it! I wonder if my disciple went to the east to find people this time. Does my Buddha have anything to tell my disciples?"

After hearing Guanyin’s question, Tathagata said to Guanyin: “You must carefully check the path you are walking along the way. You have to fly in the sky by magic, and you should fly through the clouds and fog in mid-air; walk through the mountains and rivers. Write them down and plan the distance of this journey! And, you must carefully tell the person who learns to follow your path! Also, I am afraid that the person who learns from the scriptures is a mortal, and wakes up along the way. It must be very difficult. I will give you five treasures for him to use."

Immediately, the Tathagata ordered A Nuo and Kaye to take out a robe and a tin rod.

Then, the Tathagata said to Guanyin Bodhisattva:

"This Jinlan cassock, nine-ring tin rod. You can give it to the person who learns the scriptures for personal use. If he is willing to strengthen his confidence and come to visit me in the West, he must wear the robes I gave him, so that he can avoid falling into it. The suffering of reincarnation; he holds the tin rod I gave him in his hand so that he will not be poisoned by other people. You must tell him these details!"

"Yes! The disciples must remember my Buddha's warning!"

When the Guanyin Bodhisattva heard the words of the Tathagata, he worshiped the Tathagata, and then took the two treasures bestowed by the Tathagata and put it away.

Seeing this, the Tathagata moved in his heart and took three hoops out of nowhere, handed them to Guanyin Bodhisattva, and said to her:

"This baby is called ‘Jing Hou’er.’ Although it looks like the three are the same, they are used differently! I have three spells of ‘Golden J’, which I will give to you at the same time.

If you run into a monster with magical powers on the road. You have to persuade them to learn from the good, and be a helper next to the learner. If those demons keep advising, you can put this tight band on their heads. This baby will take root when he sees the flesh. If he reads the spells he uses, it will cause headaches and swelling, and his head will almost burst. So, no matter what kind of monster, as long as he wears this hoop, he will definitely come into my door. . "

After hearing the words, Guanyin Bodhisattva put away the treasure again, then bowed to the Tathagata, and left Da Leiyin Temple.

After Guanyin left, remember what the Tathagata told her, that she had never travelled to the sky with clouds and mist, but first walked down Lingshan to show her piety.

When Avalokitesvara came to the foot of Lingshan, he saw the Great Immortal Yuzhen Guanjinding, who stopped Guanyin at the Guanmen and insisted on inviting her to drink tea.

Guanyin Bodhisattva did not dare to stop for a long time. She said to the Golden Summit:

"Daxian forgive my sins, now I have received the Buddha's decree, and I want to go to Dongtu to find people who learn the scriptures, but I don't have time to stay for long."

Jinding Daxian heard Guanyin's words and couldn't help asking: "Dare to ask the Bodhisattva, how long will it take for people to get here?"

Guanyin Bodhisattva thought for a while, and said: "This is not necessarily true, but the journey can be reached in about two or three years. However, the journey is rugged and there are too many obstacles. It is hard to say that it will take more than ten years to walk. In the end, it depends on the distance. Is it dangerous?"

Then, Guanyin didn't dare to stay for a long time, said goodbye to Daxian, flew at a low altitude, soaring through the clouds, and began to drive forward.

On this journey, there are thousands of mountains and rivers, and the future is unknown. Guanyin is in a pious heart, only willing, and everything depends on the predestined method, hoping to find people who learn from the Buddhist scriptures as soon as possible. It's just that Guanyin is not easy to say whether this thing is going to happen. At this time, she has to go all the way forward, hoping to get her wish. Exactly, I would like to dedicate myself to finding acquaintances, expecting that there must be destiny ahead.

When Guanyin was walking, he suddenly saw three thousand weak waters ahead, which was the boundary of the Liusha River.

Guanyin looked around and saw that the river was eight hundred miles wide and ten million miles long.(Read more @

The water on the river was turbulent, vast and indifferent. There is neither a single fishing boat inhabited nor half of the merchants coming and going.

Guanyin saw a bird flying by in the sky, and the bird's feathers fell down and landed on the surface of the river, whirled, and sank into the bottom of the river.

The Bodhisattva was looking at it and saw that in the river, there was a sound of "splashing thorns", and then the water wave separated, and a person jumped out of the river.

This person is tall and handsome, but his face may be a little pale because he has lived at the bottom of the river for a long time.

When the man walked ashore with a treasure stick in his hand, he was about to catch Guanyin Bodhisattva.

When Guanyin saw this, he shouted: "Naughty animal, I am the Guanyin Bodhisattva in person, how can you do anything wrong!"

This person was about to start, when he heard the words of Guanyin, he was shocked.

He opened his eyes wide, looked carefully, and saw that it was the Guanyin Bodhisattva in his impression. He knelt on the ground with a plop. He took the treasure stick and said to Guanyin while paying respect.

"The Bodhisattva forgive me, I am not a monster, I am the general of the Queen Mother Niang Yao Chi, because I missed the Queen Mother Niang Niang's colorful glaze lamp, and the Niang Niang knocked me out of the realm, and made me think about it! It's just that I can't bear the hunger and cold. Two or three days later, I walked out of the waves, looking for a pedestrian to eat. But I didn't expect to have eyes and no beads, and today I ran into the compassionate Bodhisattva."

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva heard this man’s words, and said in his heart: "You are guilty in the sky, and now you have been demoted, why do you do such a killing again? Isn’t this a sin plus a sin? Now I have taken my Buddha’s will, Go to Dongtu to find sutras. Why don’t you come into my door, seek good results, be an apprentice next to the sutras, and go to the west with him to pray for sutras? After success, you will not only be free from sin, but also recover. What do you think of your original position?"

The general rolling curtain heard the words of Guanyin and was overjoyed.

It must be known that the sky is one day under the ground for a year, and the general rolling curtain does not know when the queen mother will be relieved, so he does not know how many years he will wait here. At this moment, with this good opportunity to get out of trouble, why not do it!

So, when the general of the curtain moved his inspiration, he said to Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva: "Bodhisattva, I listen to you, and I am willing to take refuge in Zhengguo."

Then, General Roller Blind seemed to have thought of something, and then said to Guanyin:

"Bodhisattva, I have eaten countless people here. Before that, several children in cassocks came and were all eaten by me. All other heads that were eaten by me were thrown into the quicksand river and sunk into non-floating goose feathers. But there are nine children’s skeletons floating on the surface of the water, and they can’t sink anymore. When I saw it, I thought it was fun, so I put them in one place and used them to play tricks in my spare time. I want to ask, that child Is it someone who learns from the past? If so, I'm afraid he can't come here anymore!"

Guanyin could not help but scolded the General Shutter: "Hugh is so nonsense, how can there be no reason for the will of the Buddha? You should first collect the skulls and crossbones so that they are not allowed to be lost! When the scriptures come in, they have their own. Usefulness."

Upon hearing this, the General Rolling Blind said: "In this case, Rolling Blind is willing to receive the teachings of the Bodhisattva."

Then, Guanyin Bodhisattva was the general of the rolling curtain, shaved his head, and was ordained for him, pointing to the sand in the river as his surname, and the grand general of the rolling curtain was named Sha.

The Bodhisattva gave another Dharma name to the General Rolling Blind, called Sha Wujing.

The General Rolling Blind sent Guanyin Bodhisattva across the river and never killed him again. He has been waiting for the people to come, hoping to get out of this mortal sea of ​​suffering as soon as possible.

Guanyin resigned from Sha Wujing, and continued to move eastward, and saw a high mountain, but the mountain was covered by evil spirits, but he couldn't walk through it.

Seeing this, Guanyin was about to ride the clouds over the mountain, suddenly a gust of wind rolled up, and then a demon appeared.

I saw that this demon was very ugly, it was just curling up the lotus and hanging his mouth, with ears like bushes and fans with golden eyes. The fangs are sharp as steel frustrations, and the long mouth opens like a brazier.

This monster took a closer look, but it looked like a pig's head.

The demon is holding a rake in his hand, a bow and arrow slung around his waist, wearing a golden silk belt, and a golden helmet on his head. It looks majestic and pretentious.

Then, when the monster saw that Guanyin wanted to fly over, he flew over. Without speaking, he raised the nail rake and hit Guanyin.

Seeing this, Guanyin immediately threw a lotus flower, but it separated the rakes at once.

Seeing this, the pig-headed monster couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Where are you from the beauty, make this weird flower to clean me up!"

Guanyin Bodhisattva saw this pig demon look dull, he couldn't help but scolded:

"You mortal pig demon with naked eyes! I am the Bodhisattva of the South China Sea, Venerable Guanyin, don't you even know my lotus?"

Unexpectedly, this pig-headed monster heard Guanyin's scolding, he smiled without anger and said: "The Bodhisattva forgives sins, and the Bodhisattva forgives sins, I can be regarded as waiting for you!"

Guanyin heard the words, looked at the pig-headed monster, and asked suspiciously: "Where are you a boar, what are you waiting for me?"

Hearing this, the pig-headed monster suddenly showed grief and wept loudly and said:

"I am not a wild boar! I am the marshal of Tianhe. I teased Chang'e because of drunkenness and insulted the Jade Emperor! The Jade Emperor demoted me to the dust and reincarnated, and asked me to do things like that, but who knows, I will When I landed, I didn't know where the bad wind came, and it blew me into the pigpen and became like this."

"You are Marshal Canopy?"

Upon hearing this, Guanyin couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"It's this handsome!"

Hearing the words, the monster pig head replied proudly.

Then, he remembered his current situation.

There were two big bulb eyes on the big pig's head. The pig head monster looked at Guanyin Bodhisattva with tears in his eyes, and pleaded:

"I look forward to the start of Journey to the West day and night, and I look forward to someone coming to rescue me as soon as possible! I thought it would take some time, but I never thought that the Bodhisattva is here, and Wanwang Bodhisattva will save me."

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

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