Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

Chapter 252 - Zhu Bajie Nail Rakes for Rain

Qin Ming drove away the Dragon King of the Four Seas, so he pushed down the head of the cloud and collected the vellus hair substitute, and the original body returned to Zhu Bajie's side.

Others didn't know, Qin Ming's various experiences in the sky, they just looked at the way of the great immortal tiger.

At this moment, Qin Ming was free, and looked at the Great Immortal Tiger Li, and saw that the Great Immortal Tiger Li was still unwilling to give up, still burning amulets and chanting spells on the altar, casting spells constantly.

However, no matter how hard the Great Immortal Tiger Li worked, there would be no wind and clouds, no lightning and thunder, let alone half a raindrop.

Qin Ming looked at the sweaty Tiger Li Daxian and couldn't help but yelled: "Daxian, you have danced this dance for several rounds, but there is no wind. Could it be that you expect to use your sweat to make your hometown? Do the old men irrigate the fields?"

After hearing Qin Ming's words, Zhu Bajie smiled and knew that Qin Ming's real body was back!

Therefore, Zhu Bajie also yelled, shouting to the Great Immortal Huli: "The Taoist priest, you have asked for four tokens. The tokens have all been rang, but there are no storms and thunderstorms, and it is time to give us the altar. Otherwise, you will have to rely on it for a lifetime!"

Immortal Huli heard Qin Ming and Zhu Bajie's words, his anger surged, his face flushed with anger, and he drank willingly: "What if I let you, the old man can't ask for rain, you must be the same, the old man decided, it must be that. Dragon God has something to do today, he has never been at home!"

After all, the Tiger Li Daxian stepped down rather helplessly, and then, with an angry expression on his face, he went straight up to the Wufeng Tower to see him.

Seeing this, Qin Ming said to Zhu Bajie: "Bajie, let's go with him to see what he said to the king. Don't make another excuse to arrange what is wrong with us."

Hearing this, Zhu Bajie nodded quickly.

Therefore, the two followed the Tiger Li Daxian and went to the Wufeng Tower.

When the two of them came to the Wufeng Tower, the King Chechi looked at the Great Immortal Huli with a face of confusion, and asked aloud: "Master of the Great Kingdom, the widows have been listening here with sincerity, and only heard the four commands from you Sounds, but why don’t you see the wind and rain?"

Hearing this, the Great Immortal Tiger Li said, "Your Majesty, the Dragon God of the Four Seas happens to have something to do today, but he is not at home."

But he said that when the Tiger Li Daxian said these words, the Four Seas Dragon Kings did not go home indeed!

The four of them went to the heavenly court, entered the High Heaven Palace, went to see the Jade Emperor, and reported Qin Ming's actions to the Jade Emperor.


When the Jade Emperor heard this, Long Yan couldn't help being furious and stretched out his hand to clap the case!

However, the Jade Emperor also knew that this westward journey was not over yet, and he could not attack Qin Ming yet!

So, the Jade Emperor opened his mouth and instructed the Four Seas Dragon King: "Wait and stay in our High Heaven Palace. Doesn't the monkey also demand rain? You can't wait to fight against him and help his enemy, but you can't wait. To cooperate with him in the rain, I have to see what he does!"

When the Four Seas Dragon King heard this, they nodded and said yes.

And in Chechi, upstairs in Wufeng, Qin Ming listened to the great immortal Huli’s defense to the king of Chechi, and couldn’t help laughing and saying, "Your Majesty! This Taoist priest is not capable of raining, so he made it up. This kind of nonsense! The Dragon Gods are all at home, but this national master’s spells are not working, so please don’t come. But the Taoist priests can’t invite them, but the monks can invite them to watch with your Majesty.”

King Che Chiguo heard the words and said to Qin Ming: "So, you go to the altar and the widows are still here waiting for the rain. I just don't know, who do you send to pray for the rain?"

Seeing this, Qin Ming moved in his heart and said to the King Che Chiguo: "Your Majesty, such a small technique can be accomplished by Old Sun's brother Ba Jie, without my master!"

"Brother Monkey, I..."

When Zhu Bajie heard what Qin Ming said, he couldn't help being anxious, and opened his mouth to speak.

Seeing this, Qin Ming covered Zhu Bajie's mouth and said loudly to him, "What are you humble? Since you have the ability, why not show your hand and let those frogs at the bottom of the well take a look!"

As Qin Ming said, he stretched out his hand and pinched Zhu Bajie's lower back secretly. Seeing this, Zhu Bajie understood that Qin Ming must have an arrangement so that he would no longer struggle.

"Well, since you are so sure of waiting, I will wait for good news!"

When King Chechi saw this, he couldn't help saying with joy.

After that, Qin Ming pulled away and pulled Zhu Bajie to the altar, and said to him, "Bajie, I'm not on stage yet."

Hearing this, Zhu Bajie said with a bitter face, "Brother Monkey, I really don't pray for rain."

Seeing this, Qin Ming smiled and said, "Naughty, I will naturally tell you what to do! Listen carefully!"

After listening to Qin Ming's words, Zhu Bajie said eagerly, "Brother Monkey, tell me, I'll listen!"

Qin Ming looked at Zhu Bajie, and whispered to him: "Take your nine-tooth rake to the stage. If your nail rakes point to the sky, I will blow the wind with you! If your nail rakes point to the sky, I will Spread the cloud with you! Three fingers of your raking in the sky, I will flash with you! The fourth finger of the raking, I will rain. The fifth finger of the raking, the cloud will catch the rain, and it will be sunny with you! This is the process , Do you remember?"

Hearing this, Zhu Bajie exclaimed: "Don't worry, Brother Monkey, this old pig remembers it clearly!"

So, in Tang Seng, Xiao Hei's surprised eyes, he got the Zhu Ba Jie granted by Qin Ming, took the nine-tooth nail rake, and stood on the altar proudly.

When Qin Ming saw this, he stood beside Tang Seng and Xiaohei, and told them not to chat with him, just stare at Bajie.(Read more @

After Qin Ming finished speaking, he plucked the hair and turned into a stand-in, but his real body flew to the clouds. Waiting for that Zhu Bajie to raise the nine-tooth rake as a sign.

Zhu Bajie was standing on the altar, but suddenly a member of the official Feima came to ask: "The monk, why don't you hit tokens or burn talisman?"

Hearing this, Zhu Bajie couldn't help but replied loudly: "No! No! My old pig can pray for the rain with just a hand rake."

Upon hearing this, the official went back to play with King Chachiguo.

Great Immortal Tiger Li listened to the audience and couldn't help but said disdainfully: "I have lived for so long, and I have never seen someone praying for rain with a nail rake! This monk is probably a fake style, and your majesty still made an order earlier They grabbed it and did that coolie!"

"Guo Teacher, let's see that he finishes casting the spell, and then draw a conclusion, don't rush at this moment!"

When King Che Chiguo heard the words, he was not tempted, but said to the great immortal Tiger Li.

"Also, let them go away for a while!"

Seeing that King Che Chi State still had a glimmer of hope for those monks begging for rain, Huli Daxian couldn't help speaking with confidence.

Zhu Bajie didn't know the conversation between the national teacher of Wufeng Tower and King Chechi. According to Qin Ming's words, he raised the nine-tooth rake for the first time and pretended to shout: "The wind is here!"

At the same time, Zhu Bajie was also a little nervous, secretly begging Qin Ming not to lose the chain in the middle.

"Hahaha! Your Majesty! This fat-eared monk has never chanted a spell at all. How to get the wind, he is definitely a liar!"

Seeing Zhu Bajie's slack posture, Great Immortal Huli couldn't help but laughed and said to King Chachiguo.

But speaking of heaven, Qin Ming saw Zhu Bajie raise the nail rake, and immediately used the supernatural power he had swallowed from Feng Po.

Before the laughter of the Tiger Li Daxian died, Ba Jie was still secretly anxious, and he could only hear the sound of the whistling wind to cover his frantic laughter.

Suddenly, I saw that the car was late in the country, and the tiles on the house were a little blown off, and the strong wind was blowing away sand and rocks, and people dodged one after another, not daring to open their eyes.

In order to achieve the effect of praying for rain, Qin Ming sold great energy. Therefore, although the wind was not as powerful as the samadhi wind, it was also a strong wind, which caused the willow tree to break its branches and petals. Because of the long drought, even a few huge trees were uprooted and fell to the ground.

The strong wind blew over, causing the Wufeng Tower where King Chechi and Daxian Huli and the others were to begin to shake.

The sun on the horizon was obscured by the yellow sand blowing on the ground, and it looked dimmed, grey and red as if it were about to fall.

All the civil servants and generals in the military performance hall were shocked when they saw this wind. The beauties of King Chechi’s harem came to watch because of curiosity, but she was blown away by the gale, and she lost her former dignified and beautiful appearance. All the ministers, also because of the wind that changed their former majestic image, were caught off guard, all the black hats on their heads were blown to the ground, and they went over to pick them up.

The strong wind blows, and the sound of the call sign accompanies it. Even if you talk to the person, you need to shout loudly to hear. The whole car is Chiguo, because of this strong wind, even the things that should be done on weekdays have stopped. There are also many buildings that have been damaged by the wind, and numerous doors and windows have been damaged.

Qin Ming used this wind supernatural power for the first time, but he forgot to control the power. Seeing this, he gradually stopped increasing his power and stopped after maintaining a certain amount of wind power.

However, King Chechi was shocked and delighted when he saw the fierce wind and the people at the city gates were closed. The ministers were also stunned when they saw the wind blowing out of thin air. Because the wind is blowing, it means that the rain is not far away. As the saying goes, the wind is ahead of the rain. This is what we are talking about.

Seeing this, the Great Immortal Huli closed his mouth obediently, watching the development of the gloomy calmly.

Seeing this, Zhu Bajie completely relieved his heart. He raised the second rake again, triumphantly, and pretended to shout: "Come on!"

Qin Ming saw Zhu Bajie's command and immediately began to use his magical powers.

Whoever has it, I saw dark clouds, which immediately began to cover the clear sky. With the help of the wind, the clouds quickly expanded the area and quickly covered the sky.

There was no light in the whole car, and everything became dim, like a chaos. When I opened my eyes, I couldn’t see anything, even the people above Wufeng Tower, even the door of Wufeng Tower below. I can't see it anymore.

Seeing this, Zhu Bajie became even more comfortable, and he raked the nine-tooth nail in one fell swoop and shouted, "Lei Qi!"

Qin Ming didn't hesitate when he saw the order, and immediately used the magical power of thunder and lightning at the same time.

Seeing the thunder and lightning, the rumbling ones went straight to the lower bound.

The huge sound seemed to split the whole world, and the bright lightning flew directly out of the sea like a sharp sword.

Exactly, thunder rang out in the New Year, everything revived, and various hibernating insects and animals began to wake up.

The thunder and lightning continued to bang and bang, and the people in the city thought that God was angry, so they burned incense and paper to pray for peace.

With the named manipulation, the thunder vibrated and louder, and the lightning struck brighter and brighter.

When Zhu Bajie arrived, he would also act accordingly. Seeing this, he pointed the nine-tooth nail up and shouted: "The rain is on the order, and I won't let my old pig fall down!"

When Qin Ming saw it, he naturally satisfied Zhu Bajie's idiot's vanity, and immediately displayed the magical powers he had obtained from the Seventh Prince of the East China Sea!

I saw that as Qin Ming gave the order, the pouring rain suddenly spread across the universe.

The rain was like a galaxy, swiftly flowing past, and landed towards Che Chiguo.

At this time, the whole car in the country was filled with the sound of rain dripping.

The rain was heavy and urgent, so it fell quickly. Soon, the rainwater in the sky poured down like a river, and there were white waves on the street, as if it had become a small river.

The creek that had dried up in the wilderness was completely filled with rainwater within a short time, and even reached the bridge deck. If it was higher, the bridge would be submerged.

The dried up rice field was moisturized by rain, and immediately exuded a vigorous intention.

After the rain started, it didn't stop, and the whole Chechi was filled with heavy water everywhere in and out of the city.

King Chechi saw him and he was immediately amazed. He even started to panic when he saw the rain. He immediately sent someone to preach: "Enough rain! Enough rain! If there is more, the field will be damaged. The seedlings inside are not beautiful."

The observant officials downstairs in Wufeng immediately braved the heavy rain and ran over to report to Ba Jie, saying: "Holy monk, stop now. The king said that the rain is enough, don't let it fall anymore."

"The rain stopped!"

Hearing the words, Zhu Bajie pointed the nine-tooth nail upward and handed everything to Qin Ming.

Qin Ming saw the order and immediately collected all kinds of magical powers.

Then, for a moment, the thunder closed the wind, the rain scattered and the clouds disappeared, and the entire clear sky was cloudless.

Seeing the success of Zhu Bajie, he stood proudly on the begging platform, unwilling to come down.

Monk, mighty!

Monk, mighty!


After a while, under the begging for rain, a lot of people from the country quickly gathered, cheering and worshipping Zhu Bajie.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the people, Zhu Bajie held up the nine-tooth nail rake, unwilling to move, listening to the endless praise, a big pig's mouth couldn't be closed.

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

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