Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

Chapter 334 - Feiyun Pavilion Takei

When Qin Ming's poem came out, it was compared with Wei Zi Qi and Wei Zhongyan, just like the difference between the jade and the gravel.

Although the people present could not make such a poem, they distinguished which poem was better. So everyone was shocked!

The people in this imperial garden didn't expect that the three majesty, who were ignorant and skillless, could make such a masterpiece.

Many civil servants pondered this poem in their mouths, and then looked at Qin Ming, with shame in their eyes.

"Good poetry! What a saying,'If you teach interpretation, you should pour in the country, let it be ruthless and touching!'"

The prime minister, Shang Rong, was the first to sober up from the shock, and couldn't help but praise it.

"Good, good!"

When Emperor Yi heard the words, Long Yan rejoiced. Reaching out his hand and stroking his beard, savoring the charm of the poem.

"Congratulations, King Hexi. The Three Highnesses are outstanding talents! This poem should be passed down through the ages! The ministers are fortunate to witness the birth of this poem, it is indeed a great honor!"

Seeing that Emperor Yi also agreed with Qin Ming's poems, Shang Rong couldn't help speaking loudly.

"What the prime minister said is extremely true, congratulations to the king, and congratulations to the king!"

Everyone carried the sedan chair, and the officials saw that Emperor Yi liked the poem, and they were ashamed, and all bowed down to congratulate Emperor Yi.

"All the Qings have a flat body! All the Qings have a flat body!"

Seeing this, Emperor Yi was even more happy from ear to ear.

Weizi Qi and Wei Zhongyan saw this situation, but they were so angry that they couldn't think of it. They worked so hard to make a wedding dress for the third child.

"Who knows if he made this poem himself, maybe someone else did it, maybe he has memorized it, maybe!"

Wei Zhongyan saw Qin Mingyun's calm appearance and thought he was pretending to be a posture, so he couldn't help but shout.

As soon as these words came out, the court was quiet, and everyone looked at Wei Zhongyan, who had always behaved well, and didn't want him to say such words and question his brother.

Seeing this, Qin Ming didn't argue with him, looked at the Peony Garden, pondered for a moment, and said again:

"Peony is very good at Shangduchun, and there are hundreds of flowers and thousands of flowers in disputes.

The national color is bright and tender, and the fairy crown overlaps and cuts red clouds. "

After hearing the words and savoring them, everyone felt that the poem was full of pictures, and it portrayed this full garden of peonies incisively and vividly.

"you you……"

Seeing that Qin Ming had made another song, Wei Zhongyan couldn't help flushing with shame, and pointed at Qin Ming, wanting to argue, but didn't know what to say.

Qin Ming looked at him directly, and said again:

"There is only Chang'e in the peerless era, and only Peony in the public.(Read more @

There is osmanthus in the middle of the moon, and the sky is full of clouds.

Thousands of dazzling Xia, one end of Ling Fengqi.

Slightly suitable for the rain, but feel resistant to the spring cold. "

Indeed, from another angle, I once again wrote a poem for Peony.

At this time, Wei Ziqi and Wei Zhongyan heard Qin Ming chant three consecutive poems, and could no longer speak.

"His Majesty, the Third Highness has talents of the world, and the position of the prince must be the Third Highness!"

At this time, the ministers, led by Shang Rong, who supported King Li's son Zhu as the prince, said in unison with Emperor Yi.

When Emperor Yi saw this flower-appreciating discussion, it turned into a prince dispute that caused him a headache, but he never escaped as before. He seemed to be moved by Qin Ming's poems. He cheerfully said to the ministers: "Everyone Wei Aiqing, let the king go to Feiyun Pavilion to take a seat, record Zixin's poems, rest for a while, and discuss the matter slowly."

When everyone saw Emperor Yi speaking, they followed him to the Feiyun Pavilion.

When everyone was seated, Emperor Yi instructed the civil official to record some of Qin Ming's best quotes, and watch and appreciate them continuously.

"My lord, about setting up a prince?"

After everyone saw that they were sitting down, Emperor Yi still didn't have the intention of getting into the topic, so he couldn't help but ask.

But at this time, Qin Ming saw that the queen was lying next to Emperor Yi's ear, not knowing what was said.

Emperor Yi put the bamboo book aside, raised his head, looked at the crowd and said, "Since it is said that you are going to test civil and martial arts, then you might as well ask a few people to compare martial arts!"

At this moment, Qin Ming saw that Wei Zi Qi and Wei Zhong Yan showed their faces again. It seems that it is what they said to the queen, the queen will blow the ears to the emperor, and the emperor will propose this wrestling.

"My lord, fighting between brothers, will it hurt your peace?"

At this moment, Shang Rong heard Di Yi's words and couldn't help asking.

Rumor has it that the Three Majesty’s sons are infinitely powerful, but no one has ever seen them with their own eyes, and Wei Zi Qi and Wei Zhong Yan are several years older than Qin Ming, and they have a great advantage in age.

"Don't worry, this king decided to let the three of them try archery! No, did you see the pillar over there? Just let them stand here and shoot arrows on the pillar, draw a mark on the pillar, and shoot the most accurate , The one who entered the woods the deepest was the first! As for the last match, the youngest was the first, but as an emperor, he must be domineering. If Wubi wins, he will be better than Wenbi!"

Emperor Yi heard Wen Zhong's worry and said to him.

Then, Qin Ming saw that some guards had brought bows and arrows, and some guards went to mark the pillar and drew three circles the size of copper coins. And draw one, two, and three lines within that circle.

"The three of you come to this king, shoot arrows at the three circles, and let this king see your bravery!"

Although Emperor Yi loves to enjoy flowers, he is even more an emperor who likes to use force. Therefore, he has some expectations for the competition that a few princes only saw.

"I'll come first!"

Just listen to Wei Ziqi, instead of letting Wei Zhongyan come out this time, but instead stood up first and said.

Seeing Emperor Yi nodded in agreement, Wei Ziqi took the bow and arrow from the guard and pulled the bow to build it in one go.

I saw Wei Ziqi pull the strong bow and arrow to perfection. Then, when he let go, he saw a "swish" and the arrow flew out.

Then I heard a buzzing vibration, and on the other pillar, I saw an arrow inserted in the circle with one drawn, and the arrow went deep into it, leaving only a tail. Shaking non-stop.

"it is good!"

When Emperor Yi and the ministers saw this archery, they couldn't help but stand up and drank in unison.

This tiny Qi fully stretched the bow and arrow, and the arrow hits the bullseye. Even if Qin Ming and Wei Zhongyan pull their bows full, they also hit the bullseye. Only when they enter the bullseye, can they start a fight with the tiny one. Tied. If the mentality is unstable, it is easy to produce mistakes and make mistakes.

It can be said that Wei Ziqi is already invincible when he shoots this arrow. At least most of the people present think so.

Therefore, Wei Ziqi looked at Qin Ming, his face showed unstoppable joy.

Sure enough, next, it was the turn of the micro-diffraction arrow.

Under the influence of Wei Ziqi's perfect arrow, Wei Zhongyan's mentality became a little anxious.

I saw him open the bow and shoot, although he also hit the bullseye, but his strength was slightly insufficient, but the bow was not perfect. The arrows shot only entered the small part of the pillar, not all of them.

Finally, under everyone's attention, it was Qin Ming's turn.

Qin Ming took the bow and arrow handed over by the soldier, but did not pull it away.

Qin Ming sensed the arrow in his hand, and then looked at the circle with three lines on the pillar, and said to Emperor Yi: "Father, can I not use this bow?"

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

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