"Jibao Rock!"

Looking at the huge black rock and the various treasures on the rock, Hong Jun couldn't help exclaiming.

This episode of Baoyan is no other thing, it is the Fen Baoyan when Hongjun joined the Dao to divide the treasure for the heavenly saints.

Fenbao Rock is inherently capable of gathering magic weapons. On this Fenbao Rock, the magic weapons can be nourished by the aura of heaven and earth. Therefore, after Pangu opened the sky, many magic weapons spontaneously flew toward this Fenbao Rock.

Jiuer naturally saw many magic weapons on Fenbao Rock, so when she moved her figure, she immediately flew in front of Fenbao Rock.

At the same time, Jiu'er raised his hand and shot out a fox flame, which shot high into the sky.

I saw the fox flame burst up high in the sky, forming a beautiful firework.

Qin Ming, who was looking for the trace of Jiu'er, saw the flare, and his figure moved, and he flew to Jiu'er's side a moment later.

Then, Qin Ming saw Jiu Erzheng pulling out the treasures one by one from the Fen Baoyan and putting them in the space ring.

Hongjun stood aside, watching Jiu'er's actions pitifully, with an expression of anger but not words.

Seeing this, Qin Ming's eyes lit up and said to Jiu'er: "Jiu'er! Let me come!"

As Qin Ming said, seeing Jiu'er step aside, he stood at Fen Baoyan and immediately activated the Devouring skill.

Then, Hongjun saw that Qin Ming stood by the Fenbao Rock. With Qin Ming's actions, the magic weapon on the Fenbao Rock turned into nothingness. Hongjun couldn't help feeling distressed.

"Friends, wait a minute! Do you know what this treasure is!"

When Hongjun saw Qin Ming turning an object into nothingness again, he couldn't help but drink it.

"Naturally know! Isn't it an innate spiritual treasure?"

Qin Ming, who was devouring energy, couldn't help raising his head, looking at Hongjun, and said.

Seeing Qin Ming's understatement, Hongjun couldn't help feeling angry.

Isn't it the Xiantian Lingbao! You know, the power of innate Lingbao is infinite, and each has its own magical effect, but it was so ignored by the person in front of it!

Once Hongyun was depressed, Hongyun suddenly widened his eyes in surprise.

I saw a figure appeared out of thin air.

When Hongjun saw the figure, even as an undesirable Taoist ancestor, he couldn't help but gulp a sip of water.

It was a tall girl with flowing and soft black hair. The sunlight from Pangu's eyes shone on the girl's snow-white cheongsam, showing her graceful figure.

Looking at the woman's face, I saw that the woman had a charming and unparalleled oval face. Under the exquisite bridge of the nose are attractive thin lips, paired with that slender crescent eyebrows and a pair of watery eyes, which contains inexplicable big eyes, what a peerless beauty.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

I believe that anyone who sees such a beautiful woman will fall into disbelief.

Even though Jiu'er, who is also a peerless beauty, stared at the stunning woman who dumped the predecessor with her beautiful eyes at the moment the girl appeared, with a faint infatuation in her eyes.

But Qin Ming looked at the woman intently, his mouth grew wide, and he was a little dumbfounded.

At this moment, the girl saw this scene, her stunning face smiled slightly, and an elegant smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, which made several people look at her beauty, and even more reluctant to wake up.

The girl gracefully walked in front of Qin Ming and Jiu'er, looked at them, and said, "Qin Wushuang has seen sister Qingjiu and brother Qin Ming!"

The girl's voice turned softly, like a yellow eagle out of the valley, melodiously resounding in the ears of a few people.

"Are you really a trail?"

Even though Qin Ming watched the trails emerge with his own eyes, he still asked in surprise.

"Yes, it's me!"

The girl who claimed to be Qin Wushuang heard Qin Ming's words and nodded gracefully.

"But aren't you called Xiaodao? And I just want you to look like this?"

Qin Ming hadn't spoken yet, Jiuer couldn't help asking, looking at Xiaodao's stunning face.

"The trail is just that I used to be ignorant and talked casually with my brother! I once transformed into the way my brother liked it, but failed, except for the problem! Therefore, this time, I summarized my experience and transformed it according to my own ideas. Success! And my brother's surname is Qin, I belong to her, so I named myself Qin Wushuang!"

Xiaodao looked at Qin Ming, his pretty face showed a hint of shyness, and explained to Jiu'er.

When Jiu'er and Qin Ming heard the words, they both nodded. Looking at Qin Wushuang's peerless figure, they felt a little familiar and a little strange.

Then, Qin Ming saw that the trail and transformation had succeeded, and knew that the trail no longer needed energy, so he put away the Fenbao Rock along with all the remaining treasures.

Seeing this, Hongjun seemed to understand why Qin Ming and the two were madly searching for treasures for the purpose of transforming the stunning women in front of them.

Hongjun couldn't help but sighed about the extravagance of the two of them. Then, he looked upright and looked at Qin Ming and Jiu'er and said, "Pan Dao didn't know that the two Taoists were searching for treasure to save people. We will help each other for one or two, but at this time, fellow Taoists have completed their mission, and Pang Dao won’t bother you anymore, Pang Dao is one step ahead!"

After Hongjun finished speaking, he arched his hand towards the three of them, turned and left.

However, Hongjun flew for a while, only to find that Qin Ming and others were still following him slowly.

However, what is different from the past is that Qin Ming is in the middle at this time, and the powerful girl in white with ten tails, and the stunning girl in snow white cheongsam who just emerged, are holding him from left to right. Arm, accompany him to move forward.

"Friends, since you have all completed the task, why do you still follow the poor Dao!"

Seeing this, Hongjun couldn't help but stop, looked at the three of them, and asked incomprehensibly.

"Hongjun, I ask you, who would dislike too many magic weapons?! Just keep looking for it!"

Qin Ming said straightforwardly when he heard Hongjun's words.

When Hongjun heard what Qin Ming said, he only felt that the sky thunder was standing in place, and he didn't know how to refute it.

"Hey! Go away!"

At this moment, Qin Ming and Jiu'er hadn't spoken yet, but Qin Wushuang looked at Hongjun and said.

Hongjun didn't want to leave after hearing this, but seeing Qin Ming and Jiu'er's playful eyes, he had to go against his own heart and move on.

Not to mention, this Hongjun luck is really good!

On this mountain, walking around, you can meet treasures, it is really a proper protagonist mode.

However, at this time, his luck has become a treasure hunter for Qin Ming and others. Hongjun walked helplessly, and he even hated the luck given him by heaven and earth.

Without it, the feeling of watching the treasure that I found was taken away by others is too painful!

However, just after Hongjun helped Qin Ming and others find many treasures at this time, Hongjun felt a little on this day and looked towards Gao Tian.

I saw the sky that did not know how high, there seemed to be a faint glow of sunlight.

Hongjun took a look, and immediately retracted his gaze, not watching.

However, Qin Ming had already noticed Hongjun’s eyes. He saw this and he couldn’t help pulling the two daughters to a halt, and said faintly: “I almost forgot one thing. This time, we don’t need others to lead me. And take you to a good place!"

After Qin Ming said, he pulled his children straight to the day, and flew away from the chaos.

Seeing this, Hongjun could no longer pretend to be calm. He followed a few people and galloped towards the day.

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz. Chinese MTL Fan-Fiction/Second Element novel can be read @ HotMTLNovel for free.

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