"The old man surnamed Joe? Who would it be?"

Qin Ming couldn't help being stunned when he heard the soldier's report.

After that, Qin Ming stopped thinking, and said to the soldier: "Go and announce him to come in!"

"Yes! Lord!"

Upon hearing this, the soldiers immediately withdrew from Qin Ming's residence.

Soon, the soldier walked in with an old man who was well-dressed and well-rounded.

After the old man walked in, he immediately held a fist towards Qin Ming, and then said: "The father of Qiao Xuan Qiao sees the monarch of the Kingdom of Shu!"

When Qin Ming heard the old man's introduction, his heart moved, and then he asked: "Lao Zhang exempted him. I don't know if Lao Zhang is here, what's the matter?"

Qiao Xuan nodded slightly when he saw that Qin Ming did not despise him, and then said:

"Qiao Xuan, I am Qiao Xuan, and I do business in the world on weekdays. Now I have little wealth, but I have no children under me, only two daughters! Therefore, the old man planned to divide the family wealth in two as the little girl's dowry!

However, it is not the old man who brags himself, the two old daughters are all national colors!

Therefore, the old man hopes that their husband must be a dragon and phoenix among the people, so that he can achieve his wish and satisfy his daughter!

And today there are three heroes, one is the Emperor of the State of Wei Cao Cao, the second is the Emperor of the State of Wu Sun Quan, and the third is you, His Royal Highness, the Emperor of the State of Shu!

Therefore, the old man hopes that his daughter can gain the knowledge of several people and make a story of the ages! I also hope that the monarch will see the little girl and choose one of them to become the best of Qin and Jin! In this way, if your Royal Highness dominates the world, he will have enough supplies, so why not do it! "

When Qin Ming heard the words of the old man surnamed Qiao, it suddenly became clear that the humble old man in front of him turned out to be the father of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao.

This big Qiao Xiao Qiao couldn't help being beautiful and brilliant, and she was a famous beauty in the Three Kingdoms. Later, Cao Cao specially made a bronze bird Taiwan Fu for this pair of sisters, one of which was "Let the two Qiaos live in the southeast, and enjoy the same day and night." It fully exposed Cao Cao's coveting meaning for the beauty of the two sisters.(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

However, Qin Ming never expected that now the father of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao would come personally to sell his daughter.

Seeing this, Qin Ming couldn't help being silent, thinking about how to deal with this matter. Tomorrow is the day when Sun Quan’s younger sister, Sun Shangxiang, will be married. Now this Qiao Xuan has sent Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao to choose from among these three kingdoms. , Own peach blossom luck seems to be very good.

Qiao Xuan was anxious when he saw Qin Ming's silence. He dried his throat and said: "Isn't your Royal Highness willing? As long as your Royal Highness is willing, the two women will let the monarch choose, and with the old man's financial resources, if so If the monarch misses this opportunity, there will be many more twists and turns on the road to dominate the world."

Qin Ming heard the words and heard what Qiao Xuan meant. If he did not choose someone, then this big Qiao Xiao Qiao might be married to Sun Quan or Cao Cao by the old man. In that case, his assets would naturally become the military posture of the two. In turn, make yourself an enemy.

Thinking of this, why would Qin Ming disagree with Qiao Xuan's opinion, but, I can see that Qiao Xuan said nicely, because he chooses the right husband and son for his daughter, and he has a generous dowry to win the reputation of a beloved daughter, which is practical. On the other hand, Qiao Xuan used his daughter as capital, so he used it as a bargaining chip to settle down.

Qin Ming wasn't someone who didn't know how to adapt. How could he refuse this kind of good thing delivered to the door.

But Qin Ming knew that if he chose one of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, the other would be given to the other by Qiao Xuan as a bargaining chip. This was not what Qin Ming wanted to see.

Because the sisters of Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao were married to different people, they might have become hostile forces. Qin Ming did not want to see his sisters and sisters smash each other.

In addition, no matter who the other person marries, Qin Ming will eventually destroy that person, because Qin Ming knows that he will unify the world.

If that is the case, the other person will be widowed, and his sister or younger sister will definitely be sad when they see it. Qin Ming also feels unhappy about this kind of thing.

After thinking about it, Qin Ming looked at Qiao Xuan who was waiting for his answer. His heart moved and he had an idea.

"Duke Qiao, I should do what you said! I, Qin Ming, always cares about feelings, and I will not take the initiative to choose the two of them! Duke Qiao can ask them to come and meet me. If one of their sisters likes me, I Whoever is chosen. If a certain cannot enter the eyes of the two daughters, then certain has nothing to say. I don't know what Qiao will do?"

Qin Ming Dama Jindao sat on the chair and said to Qiao Xuan.

"Good! Just as the monarch said!"

When Qiao Xuan heard Qin Ming's words, his face couldn't help showing joy, and he spoke.

Qiao Xuan realized that the monarch of Shu seems to have a great deal of love and justice. He couldn’t help making up his mind. He must tell his two daughters later. In any case, one person must choose the monarch of Shu. In this way, if the monarch of Shu is true in the future They unified the world, so as their father, he would definitely be sealed as a prominent position, enough to reach the sky in one step.

"The monarch wait a moment, Qiao will go to see his daughter and call to meet the monarch!"

Afterwards, Qiao Xuan said to Qin Ming and hurried out.

After two quarters of an hour, Qiao Xuan walked in again. This time, he was accompanied by two beautiful women.

Qin Ming glanced and saw that the two women were wearing white skirts. The two women are about the same age, the older one is standing upright, the younger one is charming and moving. It can be said that they are full of hibiscus in the autumn water. Just as Qiao Xuan said, they are all beautiful women with natural beauty.

Qin Ming looked at the appearance and manners of the two women, and his eyes showed approval.

"Enlighten the monarch, the two old women have already been brought, and the monarch is asked to make a choice. If the monarch is selected, the dowry Qiao promised will be sent to the monarch's house soon."

Qiao Xuan saw Qin Ming's expression and knew that Qin Ming had moved, so he said with satisfaction.

Qin Ming nodded when he heard the words, then looked at the two beautiful ladies, Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, and sang softly:

"The second daughter of Qiao's father and daughter show off the clock.

Da Qiao Pingting and Xiao Qiao Mei, at this time silent is better than sound. "

Then, inside Qin Ming's mansion, as expected, as he sang a poem, quieted down.

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

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