When Sun Quan left, the five hundred sergeants he arranged quietly surrounded Qin Ming's camp as instructed.

However, when the ship of Sun Quan and others went far, a group of people quietly approached the five hundred sergeants.


Afterwards, there was the sound of a neat and uniform hand rising and falling.

"Enjoy the lord! Sun Quan arranged a knife and axe outside the tent, but he was discovered by the ministers, and it has been resolved!"

Soon, the leading general and the leader entered the camp and reported to Qin Minghui.

It was none other than Zhao Yun who arranged to monitor Sun Quan's movements by Qin Ming.

Sun Shangxiang's expression changed when she heard the words, but then she calmed down and did not say anything.

"Good job! Sun Quan has always looked down on me, but now he really thinks of me!"

Upon hearing this, Qin Ming nodded and said to Zhao Yun.

After that, Qin Ming took Sun Shangxiang and Da Qiao Xiao Qiao out of the camp and saw that the five hundred Wu Jun had really been killed.

"Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei, Guan Yu, Ma Chao, Xu Shu listen to the order! Make you wait to assemble the army quickly and quickly take over Sun Quan's city. Those who descend will not be killed, but if there are violators, immediately punish them!"

Qin Ming looked at the generals in front of him and said.

"Yes, Lord!"

The people who had been forbearing and suffocating for a long time heard the words and immediately responded.

"Xiangxiang, your brother is unkind first, so you can't blame me for being unrighteous! Have you ever had something to say about this?"

After Qin Ming ordered his subordinates, he immediately looked at Sun Shangxiang and asked.

"Husband, as you once said, since my brother sent me out as a bargaining chip, I am no longer the princess of Soochow, at that time the husband's wife! Whatever the husband does is the husband's business, My wife only has obedience and support, and I won’t have any opinion on it!"

Sun Shangxiang answered Qin Ming's question immediately.

"Okay! Xiangxiang, I did not read you wrong! In this case, I give you a task to assist them in subjugating the city of Wu as the county lord of Wu. What do you think?"

When Qin Ming heard Sun Shangxiang's words, he gave a compliment and asked.

"Sun Shangxiang takes the command! Don't worry, my husband, I will help you generals and quickly conquer Wu's possessions!"

Sun Shangxiang heard Qin Ming's words and immediately promised.

Afterwards, Sun Shangxiang put on a uniform, and under the protection of Zhao Yun, led many generals towards the capital of Wu State Jianye.

Qin Ming felt the gradual increase in the wind, and said: "Come here, send someone to follow the wind, and when Sun Quan and Cao Cao are fighting fiercely, he informs Sun Quan that Wu Guo has changed hands, making him retreat. I will fight Cao Jun!"

"Yes, Lord!"(Read more @ hotmtlnovel.xyz)

When a soldier heard this, he immediately responded.

After that, Qin Ming wore a large black fur and watched the mist gradually dissipating from the river.

At this time, Wu Guo's fleet had been led by Sun Quan to the vicinity of Cao Cao's fleet. Taking advantage of the heavy fog, Sun Quan ordered his men to quickly touch the boat.

On the boat, Wu Jun relied on his good water warfare skills to catch Cao Jun, who was chasing on the water in order to be familiar with water, by surprise.

Suddenly, the two armies fought each other.

Seeing Wu Jun's advantage, Sun Quan immediately commanded the crowd, trying to capture the thieves and the king first, killing Cao Cao.

However, Cao Cao was not stupid. After Qin Ming's last sneak attack, Cao Cao had already prepared for another night attack by the enemy.

Therefore, when the people led by Sun Quan were killing them happily, Cao Cao's elite navy forces had already outflanked the two wings and surrounded Sun Quan's army and sat on the river.

At this time, the fog gradually dissipated, and the two parties could see clearly, and they fought more fiercely.

"Lord, someone sent a letter, saying that Dongwu missed it!"

Just as the two armies were fighting fiercely, a general of the State of Wu took a letter and handed it to Sun Quan.

The letter was written in Qin Ming's handwriting.

"Sun Zhongmou, Naimei and Wu's territories, I laughed at it, thank you for being perfect, thank you! Thank you! You are now homeless, if you want a place to live, you can only defeat Cao Cao!"

Sun Quan saw Qin Ming's somewhat ridiculous letter.


Sun Quan read the content of the letter, was anxious, and sprayed out a mouthful of blood.


Seeing this, Sun Quan's men shouted.

"Strike with all your strength and break through Cao Jun's blockade!"

Sun Quan waved his hand to his subordinates and ordered.

Afterwards, in Cao Cao's hesitation, Sun Quan took Wu Jun and attacked desperately like crazy.

Cao Cao had to order people to resist and meet the enemy, and Sun Quan's number was far less than Cao Cao. Even if he led people desperately, he was not Cao Cao's opponent.

When Sun Quan’s soldiers were about to be killed by Cao Cao and only about one-third of them were left, and the river was full of blood, Cao Cao couldn’t help but look at the desperate Sun Quan and shouted, “Sun Zhongmou, why are you so crazy? Maybe we have other solutions!"

Cao Cao felt a little distressed when he saw the countless deaths and injuries of soldiers. After all, most of the dead were his few elite navy soldiers, and Sun Quan's appearance made him puzzled. Only then did he intend to try to find out what happened. , Would make Sun Quan so crazy, as if he didn't care about his life.

"Haha, Cao Mengde, my grandson is now homeless. The traitor in Shu not only married my sister, but also took the opportunity to annex my country of Wu. I'll lead the wolf into the house at this time!"

When Sun Quan heard what Cao Cao said, he couldn't help shouting like crazy.

Cao Cao's face changed when he heard this. Since then, all the land of Wu and Shu has returned to Qin Ming, and the world will change from a three-legged triumphant to a two-sided confrontation, which is not a good thing for him.

"No, you can't make the Kingdom of Shu do what you want!"

Cao Cao secretly said in his heart.

Thinking of this, Cao Cao's heart moved, and he looked at Sun Quan and shouted: "Sun Zhongmou, you are a hero, except for XX, you are the master! I don't want you to fall to this point! Not to mention, XX is not embarrassing you today, let you go Leave, and wait for the day when you come back, and you will fight again!"

However, Cao Cao released Sun Quan, making him check Qin Ming, so that Qin Ming could not smoothly control Wu Guo.

Because as long as Sun Quan is the orthodoxy, the old officials and people of Wu will not be reconciled to being commanded by Qin Ming, and there will be a rebellion. In this way, Cao Cao can take advantage of the vacancy and break them one by one. Alleviate the difficulties encountered in the road to reunification.

"This is true!"

The desperate Sun Quan heard the words and immediately stopped the subordinates who were fighting, and asked in disbelief.

Although he faintly guessed Cao Cao's thoughts, what about Cao Cao's wishes as long as he could live?

I know that Sun Zhongmou has no chance to start again!

Sun Quan thought in his heart.

"Report! Lord, a large fleet of ships rushed towards us from Jiangdong!"

At this moment, a soldier suddenly reported towards Cao Cao and Sun Quanhui.

The sky was already bright, and the two kings of the world looked up and saw a group of boats with flags of Shu characters sailing fast by the east wind.

Qin Ming was standing on the bow of the leading ship, looking at the two with a smile on his face.

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

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