At this moment, after clearly seeing the money in the suitcase turned into star points and blending into Qin Ming's body, Chao Meng's eyes showed quite amazed.

Because, under the perception of its powerful mental power, it can't figure out how this happened. It's very miraculous.

Some speculation emerged in its heart: "Could it be...what special ability does this human have?"


On the other hand, Qin Ming didn't have time to care about Chaomeng's thoughts, because just after his balance changed to 1 million elven coins, the sound of the exchange system suddenly rang.

"Dingdong, congratulations to the host for completing the first charge and getting the first charge gift package!"

"First charge gift package!" Qin Ming's eyes brightened, which means that he can get some props for free.

Although as long as you cooperate with the Rockets, you won't be short of money in the future, but who doesn't want free things?

Just as Qin Ming was about to check the treasures in the first charge gift bag, the voice of the exchange system sounded again.

"Ding Dong, it is detected that the host has recharged 1 million elven coins for the first time, and the achievement is achieved: The first recharge gift package is upgraded to be distributed to your personal space. Please check the host.

"The reward has increased!" Qin Ming was taken aback, but then he was even more surprised.

He had never thought that recharging one million elven coins at a time would have such benefits, and he was full of surprises at this time.

Without hesitation, Qin Ming directly sank his mind into the personal space of the system, and saw a gift box with luxurious decorations in the personal space. the first recharge gift pack!

After Qin Ming's thoughts touched the gift box, the system prompt sounded: "Host, do you want to open the first charge gift package?"

"Open it." Qin Ming said.

"The first charge gift package is being opened..."

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for getting the Master Ball X1"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for acquiring Kira X1"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining Magical Candy X5"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining the special attack boosting potion X5"

"Ding Dong, congratulations to the host for obtaining the Special Defense Boost Potion X5"(Read more @

A series of system prompts sounded continuously, making Qin Ming a little dizzy.

After carefully sorting out the rewards in the first charge gift package, Qin Ming nodded with satisfaction. It is indeed the first charge gift package that has been upgraded. The rewards can be said to be quite generous.

Not to mention anything else, just the master ball x1 provided by the first charge spree, and the elf by Kira, are already worth the price.

You know, the master ball is the most powerful elf ball. It must succeed in catching the elf, even if it is facing the beast. Although it can be exchanged in the system, the exchange price is high: the huge amount of elf coins is simply expected Not immediately!

After all, having such a master ball means being able to catch a mythical beast, and the difficulty lies only in how to find the hidden mythical beast.

Although Qin Ming now has 1 million spirit coins, it is still far from the price of the master ball. It is ten times worse, and it can't be exchanged.

Now the first charge gift package provides a master ball, which undoubtedly solves Qin Ming's urgent need.

At the same time, there is Yu Kira!

You know, it, like the mini-dragon, is also an elf with quasi-god potential!

After evolving to Shakira and finally to Bangira, Bangira is a very powerful quasi-god-level elf. It can be called a ground overlord and has strong combat power. It can be said that this is a very powerful An elf worth nurturing.

Especially, now that Qin Ming has the initial funds to connect with the Rockets, then, whether it is a mini dragon or a Bangira, he can be cultivated at the fastest speed and transformed into combat power.

Needless to say, the magic candies in the first recharge spree can increase the experience value of the wizard, so as to achieve the effect of rapid upgrade.

However, the product produced by the system must be a high-quality product. After carefully reviewing the introduction, Qin Ming found that the magic candy provided by the system has no side effects on the elves. It will not be obtained because the experience is provided by the magic candy instead of defeating the elves. Just let the strength of the elf weaken.

It can be said that magic candy is one of the necessary props if you want to quickly improve the strength of the elf.

As for special attacks, special defense potions...

Qin Ming took a look, and then decisively chose to take them out of his personal space.

After a flash of light, ten bottles of potions were neatly listed on the ground in front of Qin Ming, exuding a mysterious brilliance.

This is exactly the special attack promotion potion and the special defense promotion potion included in the first charge spree.

The eyes of Chaomeng who had been watching Qin Ming’s actions suddenly shrank. The medicine that appeared suddenly exceeded its expectations. Because of Qin Ming’s instructions, its mental power has been spreading around the surrounding area, so it appeared in these ten bottles of medicine. Setsha Na has already felt it.

It is precisely because of this that it is very surprised. You must know that in its feeling, these ten bottles of medicine appeared completely out of thin air, completely unable to sense the source.

Realizing this, Chaomeng took a deep look at Qin Ming and found that this human being had become more mysterious in his eyes.

After taking out the potion, Qin Ming didn't hesitate to pick up a bottle, hand it to Chao Meng, and said, "Chao Meng, try it?"

"Is this for me?" Chao Meng was taken aback.

"Of course." Qin Ming raised his eyebrows: "Didn't I promise you that I can help you improve your strength."

He pointed to the medicine in his hand: "This is exactly the medicine that can help you improve your strength. You can try it, and you can also know if what I said is true or false."

Chaomeng glanced at Qin Ming, then without hesitation, he directly took the special attack promotion potion and drank it in one gulp.

A faint light flashed on Chaomeng's body.

Chaomeng closed its eyes and seemed to be sensing something. After more than ten seconds, its eyes opened, and there was already a hint of surprise in its eyes.

"How? Your strength should have increased a bit, right?"

Chaomeng didn't answer it, her palm gently swayed, and her thought power was activated, and the other 9 bottles of potions on the ground in front of them were directly suspended in the air, and then they were drunk one by one.

A faint light flashed continuously.

After drinking all the 9 bottles of medicine, Chao Meng closed his eyes.

This time, it took a little longer. It took a full half a minute. After half a minute, it slowly opened its eyes, and there was a gleam in the eyes.

Chaomeng's voice rang: "Human, thank you, you didn't lie to me."

Qin Ming nodded clearly and asked: "That's for sure, I'm curious, how much strength have you improved?"

"Not too much." Chaomeng's voice said: "However, I can clearly notice that my strength has improved."

Journey to the West: The Strongest Demon Emperor

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